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关于”用介绍美食“英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Intduce delicious food with。以下是关于用介绍美食托福英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Intduce delicious food with

Amecans mainly eat Western food. Under normal circumstances, they like to eat all kinds of fruit sugar and oil pancakes, ham, bread, salt and pepper, all hot pot Dan, milk, coffee, yogt, jam, etc. in the afternoon and ning, they use fresh vegetables, meat sce, ast chicken, ded peanuts, cliflower, ssage tea, red juice, chicken, eglant red sce, fed pork chop, meat pie, zhaxia The meat pducts such as Chaou and Chaou are charactezed by salty and sweet taste, generally light, light, slightly sweet and slightly so.

Chifeiu doesn't like it. Don't eat too greasy or spicy dishes, and don't like steamed and stewed food. All kinds of chicken feet are the viscera and feet of animals.

Howr, chicken, duck, fish, meat, eggs, seafood and , especially Tkey, beef and goose, are generally loved by Amecans Most of the animal food Amecan food is evolved fm the United Kingdom. Children's common dishes include pineapple, ham and other fruit stews, ast duck, apple and so on. Amecans like to eat mung beans, the latter, Lentinus edodes and vegetables, which are cold in nate.

Most Amecans with salad sce like to have some dish names, such as climbing crab, clam chowder, ham, clove and Amecan duck They think that chicken, fish, apples, pears, bananas, sweet oranges, cliflower, potatoes, bread and skimmed milk powder are the best food, while bacon, candy, chocolate, egg yolk, fat meat, pork ssage mixte, salad, bacon and whole milk are the worst Some foods contain satated fatty acids and cholestel. Smoked foods are carcinogenic nitrates. Fast food is a typical eating habit of modern Amecans.

Among them, "hambger" and "pie" and "hot dog" are the most common and well-known "hambger". In the middle of the bun, there are convenient food "pies" such as beef, chicken, and eggs, which are also called Italian baked pies, I usually use chicken, beef, ham, ssage, mushom, onion, half butter and other "hot dogs" with bread and ssage tea that Amecans don't like. Mineral water and ice water and AI he usually like whisky and brandy as dnks.




Jiaozi (Chinese dumpling) is a kind of traditional Chinese food, which is indispensable in Chinese festivals. Chinese dumplings have become one of the most popular foods in China. Becse the shape of dumplings is similar to the gold or silver ingots in ancient China, dumplings are one of the most important foods for the Chinese New Year.

They symbolize wealth. Traditionally, family members get together to make dumplings on New Year's Eve. They may hide a coin in one of the dumplings.

People who find hard money are likely to make a fortune in the new year. Chinese dumplings are also popular in other festivals in China Dumplings are part of Chinese culte, or traditional Chinese dumplings are a kind of delicious food. You can make all kinds of Chinese dumplings with different fillings according to yo taste and different ingredients.





Chinese dumpling dumpling is one of the most popular foods in the festivals in northern China. Chinese dumpling is one of the most important foods in the Chinese New Year. Becse the shape of Chinese dumpling is similar to the gold or silver ingot in ancient China, it is traditionally a symbol of wealth.

On New Year's Eve, families gather together to make dumplings, and they may hide coins in one of them In dumplings, people who find coins are likely to get ch in the new year. Chinese dumplings are also popular in other festivals in China. Chinese dumplings are a delicious food.

You can make vaous Chinese dumplings with different stuffing mateals according to yo own taste and different ingredients. Usually, when you eat Chinese dumplings for dinner, you don't have to make anything else except for some important occasions. Dumplings are enough for dinner.

This is one of the advantages of Chinese dumplings over other foods, although it may take longer to make dumplings. Jiaozi is a real team work. Usually all the family members work.

Some people start to make dumplings when they are young, so most Chinese know how to make dumplings when they need to.



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