
发布时间:2023-04-24 00:42:14 阅读:94 点赞:0

关于”生上学“英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Students go to school。以下是关于生上学xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Students go to school

There are 30 students in my class who go to school on foot becse they live near the school. 40 students go to school by bike. They think that ding a bike to school can save a lot of time.

O students go to school by bus. They all live far away fm the school. Two students go to school in their parents' cars.

Their parents dve them to school. How do they work.




Different students like different ways of going to school. For me, I like walking to school. There are fo main reasons: first, my home is not far fm school, I only need 20 minutes to get to school; second, the traffic on my way to school is very heavy, there are many bicycles, buses and cars.

I think it's safe to go to school on foot. Third, I think walking is a kind of exercise. It's good for my health.

Finally, when I walk, I can listen to my MP3 player. It's great, But it's a little dangeus, Councillor. That's why I like to walk to school.





Becse my school is not far fm where I live, I often walk all the way to school. As soon as I go out of the house, I can see many interesting things. When I pass the park, I can see many old people jogging.

I occasionally see some people playing Taijiquan. I can also find some students of my age reciting texts while walking. Morning is a valuable time to plan for the day, and I am pud to be one of the early sers and spend as much time as possible prepang for a better tomorw.



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