
发布时间:2023-05-03 01:40:04 阅读:100 点赞:0

关于”找工作技巧“英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Job ting skills。以下是关于找工作技巧雅思英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Job ting skills

Abar chart / bar chart / line chart / solid line / bken line / dotted line / display / indication / outline / illustration up / down / up / down / up / down / up / down / up / down / up / down / sharp down / sharp / steady / slight / violent / gradual / gradual peak / top / bottom / valley the overall pattern remains unchanged stop / reduce volatility madness / mildly lose attraction / become a popular trend and continue to the whole chart Percent of the people classified under the heading / divided into the first paragraph of data / the second gup of dates like to do a in, but only% of the people insist on the same preference ry year / month. At least some people see the allest difference beeen a and B in a year. The relationship beeen a and B is (inversely pportional) pportional to the total number of words a, B and C.

Therefore, C only accounts for the largest pportion of a and B Compared with gup A, the preference of gup A for bicycles reflects the public dissatiaction with class B bus . It can be seen fm the changes in o society and the emergence of cit. XXX directly affects the sound D of XXX, and people's travel tendency is obvious.

A may be a downward trend in the fute, and this trend will continue, becse the trend of a is decreasing fm to, while the trend of B is increasing, Howr, fm the beginning of a year, the number of a has dpped sharply, and the speed of reduction has slowed down. The number of a has gradually decreased. The number of B in B has increased steadily, reaching the peak value in A.

but in a, B has increased by three times, fm just increased to than ice now. The increase of a is amazing. Compared with BA, the increase range is the largest, and B has also increased, but a B is not so large.


Abar图/柱状图图表/折线图/实线/折线/点线/显示/指示/廓/图上升/下降/上升/下降/上升/下降/上升/下降/急剧下降/急剧/稳定/轻微/剧烈/逐步/逐步达到峰值/顶部/底部/山谷总体模式保持不变停止/减少波动疯狂/温和地失去吸引力/成为普遍喜爱趋势持续到整个图表被分类在标题下/分为阶段第一段数据/第二组期%人喜欢做a in,但每年/月只有%人坚持相同偏好,xx年中至少有人看到了A和B之间最小差异,A和B之间关系出现(反比)成比例这个数字总数,是A,是B,是C,因此,C只占A所占比例最大,与B A相比,A族对自行车偏好反映了公众对B类公交服务不满,从中可以看出我们社会变化和CIt出现,XXX直接影响了XXX音响D,人们出行倾向明显a在未来可能是一个下降趋势,这种趋势将继续下去,因为在从到年期间,a趋势是减少,而B趋势是上升,但是从xx年开始,a数量却急剧下降,减少速度减慢了,a数量逐渐减少,B中数字稳步上升,达到a中峰值,但在a中增加了三倍B,从刚刚增加到现在两倍多,a增加是惊人,与bA相比,增加幅度最大,B也有增加,但A B没有那么大。


The U.S. ambassador to Baghdad admitted yesterday that Iraq's invasion opened a Pandora's box of sectaan conflicts, which may lead to regional wars. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: in 20 years' time, cars will be less in use than they are now...

Cars are polluted Pandora's box cars are the cse of pollution A spot of Pepsi hit the scene with 12 4 ounces, which is a lot Keep me as the apple of his eyes he keeps the apple of his eyes the apple of his eyes he loves the apple of his youngest eyes his youngest son is the apple of his eye.




When we were on holiday in Oahu, we were sitting in the coach waiting for some casual people to show up. A man was obviously not in o line. He appached the bus and was about to get on.

O dver immediately wanted to know. He leaned his head against the door and asked, "to the nudist colony, sir"; "Oh, no," the man replied, "the dver blinked "Every time has a job", dver blinks , dver blinks ԡ ԡ ???? ???? , dver blinks what's the situation of o dver, we want to know we want to know ԡ ԡ ; what was the situation of the dver of o dver, we want to know what was the situation of the dver of o dver, we want to know ԡ ; we want to know ; we want to know ; ④ ④ ④ ④ ④ ④ ④ ④ ④ ④ ④ we want to know ԡ heleaned against the door.


在瓦胡岛度假时候,我们坐在旅游车里等着一些散漫人出现,一个人显然不在我们队伍里,走近大巴,正要上车,我们司机马上就想知道,他把头在门口,:“去体主义者聚居地,先生”;“哦,不,”那人回答说司机眨眼 “每一次都有工作”,司机眨眼 注意事项: 旅游大巴有些人出现了 ②一个男人我们司机当时情况如何,我们想知道 ④他在车门上。

标签: 加拿大英文名  女孩英文名  小女孩英文名  宠物英文名  小猫英文名 

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