
发布时间:2023-12-26 09:04:20 阅读:30 点赞:0

关于”常生活事“英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Things in daily life。以下是关于常生活事八级英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Things in daily life

There's gravity, and the reason the flame goes up is becse the cold air sinks becse of gravity, and then the hot air goes up, and without gravity, bactea become difficult. Research shows that Salmonella gets stnger sral times under micgravity. We have gravity.

Finally, Newton didn't get hit by an apple. He just saw an apple fall down and blink on the gund. It takes muscle movement for ry one of you Blood is filtered sral times a day, a few minutes a day outside, and if the weather is fine, it will make you happy, baden yo mind, impve yo pductivity.

Happiness maximizes at centigrade. The sface area of a person's lung is equal to the tennis cot. It can't scratch its olfactory (the cortex and neuns that explain the ell) can remember almost different odors.

Gastc acid can dissolve the teeth of a razor The only part of the body that can't repair itself.




My daily life I think I am a person who knows how to live a good life. Every morning I get up early and breathe fresh air to keep me healthy. Then I read some articles to impve my Eq.

I like to play taboos. I always go to the park and play taboos with some fends. When I get lost in music, I always forget to do some exercise after supper, such as yoga, which usually makes me feel better I feel that I am in the nate, so relax the taboo, taboo is my daily life.




Saving water means saving oselves. We know that we can't live without water. For example, you can live without food for a few days, but if you live without water, you can only live for a few days, just like people can't eat three days, but without water, I can't stand people wasting water, becse we can use less and less water.

If there is no water in the world, we all have food, The world will become a desert, and all life will die, including o human beings. I think you can flush the toilet or water the flowers with dirty water, so there is only one earth.



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