
发布时间:2024-02-17 15:09:03 阅读:31 点赞:0

关于”春晚改变“英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Spng Festival Gala change。以下是关于春晚改变xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Spng Festival Gala change

Since the Spng Festival Gala has become a regular pgram to welcome the new year in the second half of the year, the Spng Festival Gala has begun to orize and become a hot topic. The pgram form, content and performers are the focus of people's attention ry year. People all over the country are cuous.

With the passage of time, what kind of party can we enjoy? With the use of high technolo, the stage becomes and wonderful Some people think that it should be cancelled becse there is nothing to look forward to and the cost is very high. The Spng Festival Gala has its positive side and is inevitable for the new year. Howr, the pgram of the Spng Festival Gala must have new changes and new things.

After all, people always want to see new and good things.




My dog's going to die. She's very old. We've had her for ten years.

Now her hair's falling off. She's always lying on the gund. She can't see.

She's getting thinner. She used to be stng. She's still guarding my family.

Now we're all upset becse she's going to die. I think you know what I think. Even if it's a dog, you can't forget it.

So we've served it to her these days The best food the night before the exam, the clock struck 11 o'clock, and the whole house was quiet. Except for me sleeping in the bght light, I was looking at a lot of disgusting things in fnt of me. They all called me.

When I was going to bed the next day, I asked myself, I didn't answer. In fact, I dare not ng the clock. Oh, dear, I ced ten books to read Sleeping we students are the world's poorest creates.




A few days ago, an Amecan ship was capted by pirates in Afca. The captain was a psoner. The pirates wanted to threaten the US government with the captain.

Unless the government did what they asked, they would kill the captain. The pirates wanted to get a lot of money fm the government. They didn't feel afraid.

If the Amecans always ordered their tops to attack the pirates to save the hostages, maybe the pirates would kill it and we would lose Go to rything, so it's not a good idea. I'd rather let the pirates slip away, if the captain is saved, becse human life is the most important thing, anyone can buy it. I think the government should first make se that the captain saves the hostages.

The second target is pirates. That's what I think.




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