
发布时间:2023-04-07 09:49:25 阅读:120 点赞:0

关于”让文物活起来“英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Let cultal reli live。以下是关于让文物活起来四级英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Let cultal reli live

One day, Jim and Mary were both patients in a mental hospital. When they passed the hospital swimming pool, Jim suddenly jumped into the deep water and he sank to the bottom. Mary dived into the water to save him.

When the medical director realized Mary's i, she swam to the bottom and pulled Jim out. He immediately checked her file and called her to the office. Mary: "Mary, I have good news and bad news.

The good news is that you are going to be discharged fm the hospital becse you can jump in to save another patient's life. I think you have recovered consciousness. The bad news is the patient you saved, Jim Hanging him with a bathbe belt.

"He's dead in the bathom." Mary replied, "he's not hanging. I'll hang him up to dry." Mary.




I g him up to dry. Jim and Mary were mental hospital patients. One day they were walking by the hospital swimming pool.

Jim suddenly jumped into the deep water. He sank to the bottom. Mary quickly dived into the water and saved him.

When the medical director realized Mary's i, she swam to the bottom and pulled Jim out. He immediately checked her file and called her to the office, I have good news, and I have bad news. The good news is that you are going to leave the hospital becse you can jump in and save another patient's life.

I think you've regained consciousness. The bad news is Jim, the patient you rescued hanged with a bathbe belt. "He's dead," Mary replied, "he's not hanging.

I'll hang him up to dry." Jimmy mally, Jim Mary.




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How much can I you.



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