给朋友写信的英语作文_Write to a friend 2篇

发布时间:2022-07-11 08:42:18 阅读:147 点赞:0

关于”给朋友写信“英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Wte to a fend。以下是关于给朋友写信初二英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Wte to a fend

Dear mom and Dad: how are you? I'm going to take the final exam of this semester recently. I'm busy reviewing now. I hope I can pass the exam oothly.

After the examination, we will spend the winter vacation this year. I have planned a tp to my clasate's hometown. We will be together, go to different places, visit different landscapes.

I think we had a wonderful holiday together. Therefore, I am not going to be with you dung the Spng Festival. I hope you o take good care of yoself, enjoy yo Spng Festival, wish yo dghter, XXX.






In July, dear Bob, I'm very glad to learn that you will come to Jianxin Chinese college in September to study Chinese. At the same time, I am also very happy to find a place for you. I found an apartment with bedom, kitchen and bathom.

It is on the third floor of a building in Fang street. The cost of fnite is yuan per month. What's , you will find it convenient to live here, becse there is a bus stop under the building.

The university you want to go to is the next stop. You can go to the college by bus or on foot. The envinment in this area is very betiful.

The people there are very fendly and ful. I hope you can come as soon as possible and have a good time here. Wish you Li Hua.





Dear fend: I haven't contacted you for a long time. You are all ght now. I tell you that my life is very good today.

I go running at six in the morning to meet the stng physique of the new day. Then I come to the classom to read for the first time. Becse of the review, the class is always so relaxed and happy.

We all have physical education in the afternoon. I have the opportunity to play s in the basketball cot and in the ning I took part in an English speech. In short, oral training is a good opportunity.

I'm very good here, but I don't know where you are. Please reply me.



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