网上聊天的英语作文_Online chat 5篇

发布时间:2022-06-04 15:17:09 阅读:658 点赞:0

关于”网上聊天“英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Online chat。以下是关于网上聊天初中英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Online chat

I think the Internet is a very advanced information neork. Once you the language, you can simplify the task of collecting information. In other words, I think learning how to use the internet almost ry week takes too much time.

Some new things will appear in the Internet world. These information must be tranitted to the brain, It's like a whole new language, but it keeps adding new terms and deleting old ones. This needs to be maintained, otherwise you will fall behind in the neork world.

As a community, I beli that we should work together to the older generation learn concepts and the advantages of the Internet. Therefore, comr coses and Internet information centers should be pvided to people, bee the Internet seems to be a major part of people's lives. At present, I can't see the fute, but it seems that the Internet The cyber community will be expanded to include ryone in o lives.

The Internet makes us and convenient. We can do a lot of things thugh it. We can order books thugh online bookstores.

We can order coeti and clothing stores. We can get any information we want thugh it. We can talk to other people thugh it.

We can enjoy new movies, but there are some Students spend a lot of time playing online s. Dirty movies and dirty pictes are harmful to us. We should contl oselves.

Even Bill Gates limits his dghter's comr time to a few minutes a day.




Internet has been very popular in recent years. People fm different gups, such as students, parents and school teachers, have been talking about the Internet. In fact, it has its advantages and disadvantages.

Here are some of my opinions: new fends can you to exchange ideas, learn about each other, and speak yo ideas directly with yo family, fends or other unpaid people, without worrying about the embarrasent of face-to-face conversation. Disadvantages: a lot of bad information may be spoiled, young people spend time chatting will affect students' learning, sitting in fnt of the comr for a long time is not good for people's health, especially for ptecting eyes and eyes.




(chatting online) I received an email fm an old fend yesterday. She asked me how my summer vacation was? I have been to some places for recreation and told me that she wants to go out to play. Unfortunately, there is no time.

It's a pity that if I want to go to work, what kind of work will my life be? What kind of work should I choose? Maybe I think about it. Time flies. I've been to school for half a month.

I read articles ry day. I want to make some suggestions Net bought some herbs, facial mask and so on. I happened to meet a stranger.

He had a betiful net beard. It gave me a good feeling. So I tned him into a fend of mine.

Then I found out that he had a Ph.D., a knowledgeable person and a confident person. Unfortunately, he divorced in o country, divorce was normal, but I felt unsafe. Listen to "4 1" spoken English, and continue later.


(在网上聊天)我昨天收到一封老朋友邮件,她问我暑假过得怎么样?我去过什么地方消遣,还告诉我她想出去玩玩,但是,不幸是,没有时间,真可惜,如果我要去工作,我生活会是什么样工作我应该选择什么样工作啊,也许是我想来想去,时间过得真快,我到学校快半个月了,一天天看文章,家喻户晓,想打点主意,上网买些药,面膜等,我偶然遇到一个陌生人,他有一个漂亮网须,它给了我一个很好感觉,于是我把他变成了我朋友,我发现,他有博士学位,知识渊博,是一个自信人,但不幸是,他在我们国家离婚了,离婚是正常,但我觉得不安全我现在必须听“4 1”英语口语,以后继续。

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