忙碌的一天英语作文_A busy day 4篇

发布时间:2022-06-17 15:55:45 阅读:176 点赞:0

关于”忙碌一天“英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:A busy day。以下是关于忙碌一天四级英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:A busy day

I am very busy this morning. I will go to school in the morning and go home in the afternoon. The teacher gave me a lot of homework today.

My mom and dad me with my homework, but I don't have much time, becse there is a family dinner coming soon. I'm very tired to finish the work.




Today, I was very busy in the morning, I got up very busy, I studied for o hos, and then my father asked me to go with him to see my uncle. We bught him something and had lunch at his house. When we came home, my mother was cleaning o house, so my father and I ed her clean my om.

It was a little dirty after that. We went to the super to buy some snacks. I was tired today.





Yesterday was Satday, which should be a leisely day, but I was very busy yesterday. I got up at eight o'clock. After breakfast, I had breakfast.

My mother and I went shopping in the downtown. We went to the department store becse my mother wanted to buy clothes for my father. Then we went to the super.

I like to go to the super becse I can buy a lot of snacks there. But when we were in the super, my father suddenly called my mother. My nt came to see us.

We just bought some food and took a taxi home. It was already fo o'clock. We were going to start prepang dinner.

My nt said that she would stay in my house for a few days. I was very happy becse I like to stay with my nt. Although I was very busy yesterday, I was very long I'm glad I didn't see her.



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