介绍一下你的家乡英语作文_Introduce your hometown 3篇

发布时间:2022-06-06 15:51:43 阅读:148 点赞:0

关于”介绍一下你家乡“英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Intduce yo hometown。以下是关于介绍一下你家乡中考英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Intduce yo hometown

My hometown is a betiful and ch coastal city. Dahlias are like poems and paintings all the year und. They are as betiful as spng.

The spng sun in Dalian is always very gentle. You can feel all the warm breeze on yo face. Soon, all kinds of flowers will be in bud.

You can see the spng flowers bloom With yellow petals like a all trumpet, cherry blossoms are not willing to fall behind in spng. Opening their all bodies, one after another pink flowers are placed in fnt of us. Their petals are crystal clear.

People love the petals under the cherry trees. They dance with the wind in the summer, the sun will lose the tenderness of spng, just like a fireball bning on the earth, as if At this time, all the heat will be emitted. People will gather at the seaside involuntaly.

The water in summer is warm. Walking on the beach, blowing the sea breeze, gives people a warm feeling. You will be shocked, becse at that time, you will really feel the green water.

The blue color makes you feel that the color of jadeite is too light, and the color of sapphire is too deep. Use any language or East The blue sky reflects the blue water, the blue sky, tumn is the season of chrysanthemum blooming. People in Dalian will go to see the chrysanthemum exhibition together.

You can see the chrysanthemum standing hghtily in the cold tumn, white as snow, red as fire, yellow as gold, pink as gze, like a all sun, warming o hearts, so that we will not feel cold, tumn scenery is very betiful, Dalian People can be busy and happy, becse this is the harvest season, apples, seafood, big harvest, people's faces with happy ile, Dalian is very warm in winter, but it is a pity that snow girls seldom come here. This is my betiful and lovely hometown, which makes me intoxicated in Dalian.




Hi, I'm XX. I'm fm Tongliao, Inner Mongolia. When you hear about Inner Mongolia, maybe you think it's too far.

I tell you, you can get to a city in Northeast China by train in fo hos. The living habits of northeast people are the same. There are many special pducts of Mongolian nationality.

Tongliao's economy is very dloped. There are many toist attractions, such as Daqinggou, which is also the reason of empress Xiaozhuang Xiang, if you can come here to travel, I will be very happy to welcome you to Tongliao.




Quanzhou, my hometown, is known as the cultal capital of East Asia. The starting point of the matime Silk Road, the seashore and the city of light, "look at the undergund of Xi'an, and look at Quanzhou". Walking in the center of the city, the eternal hetage will still appear again and again, both restrained and unrestrained.



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