
发布时间:2023-02-11 00:23:37 阅读:122 点赞:0

关于”成人士特质“英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Charactesti of succesul people。以下是关于成人士特质托福英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Charactesti of succesul people

Alexander Bell was an Amecan scientist who made the first telephone in bell. He got a job in bell, Scotland. He worked as a teacher in a new school for the deaf.

He liked to the deaf. He ted to find a way to send sound thugh wires. Bell thought that what he said was made up of different vibrations that he thought it was.

If a wire could tranit vibration, it would Bell has been working hard. His assistant and Xin have been working together for nearly fo years. They have ted their best to realize their wishes.

One day, bell was in one om facing his receiver. Suddenly, he heard a voice coming fm another om. He ran to the assistant's om and yelled, "what did you do? He was very excited becse he succeeded.

Then bell made it." He made his first phone, but his phone only sent a little sound. Later Edison made a better one. The phone we use now is much better than Edison.




The rainbow, the pcess and the tder and lightning just appeared after pvoking the war. Behind the success and faile, ryone's efforts and sweat are similar to those of others. My father also had a dream like expeence.

In the dream, he was a succesul man. In the palm sound wrapped with flowers, although he was once a stng man repeatedly defeated, my father told me that he was a grandfather My family is poor. All the tuition fees for school depend on the money to buy ducks to maintain the spng time.

My grandfather goes to the World Expo to buy some ducks. Every morning and ning, my father will feed the ducklings on time. Watching the lovely ducklings gw up, my father is reluctant to give up the soil for ducks and exchange for valuable tuition fees.

Until the age of, my father is like a dream world. Generally, he ends his childhood and starts to make a living. He has to do carpenter's shop ry morning Zhong, my father took sral boxes of grandma with him last night.




It's easy to understand why the main motivation for buying is XXX, becse xxxyoung mared couples: Income: medium to high gender: male or female family: mared or childless Geography: subban Occupation: white collar class: early adopter XXX's ability (what it can do) is unique to the pduct / . O research shows that today, in this , there are competitive pducts / s O company is XXX, XXX (competitor) pducts can only operate in XXX (limited, etc.) way.


很容易理解为什么主要购买动机是xxx,因为xxxyoung已婚夫妇:收入:中等至高等别:男或女家庭:已婚或无子女地理:郊区职业:白领阶层:早期适应者xxx能力(它能做什么)是该产品/服务所独有,我们研究表明今天,在这个市场上,有竞争产品/服务公司是xxx xxx(竞争对手)产品只能以xxx(有限等)方式运作。

标签: 欧洲英文名  小女孩英文名  宠物英文名 

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