
发布时间:2023-06-13 12:44:04 阅读:580 点赞:0

关于”怎样做一个有品质生“英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:How to be a quality student。以下是关于怎样做一个有品质生初一英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:How to be a quality student

How to be an excellent student I think ryone knows, but someone does it. I think if you want to be a good student, first of all, you must read a lot of books, becse they can impve yo knowledge, and also can expand o behavior and morality. Second, we can watch the news for an ho to let us know what happened today, becse we must cultivate o society Example: when o father and mother have a birdman's day, we can also give them gifts or them do something, and we must have good habits, such as: get up early, get up bad, get up early, do some stimulation, eat healthy food.

If you do this, I think you will have a good fige.




Compared with a few days of exhsting school life, summer vacation is undouedly a golden time for relaxation and entertainment. We can put o study aside, lock up o textbooks, forget rything about school, and open o arms to meet the new life in the relaxation of these o months. We enjoy oselves, sleep until the sun is high in the sky, play comr day and night, watch TV as long as we want, and am aund like tramps.

Until the end of the holiday, we suddenly find that homework is only We left a blank sheet of paper, and then went crazy, spending the last few days on homework. Every summer vacation is like this. Year after year, when the holiday is over, we regret wasting too much time in entertainment instead of in class.

We regret wasting o youth on tvia. Even though this summer is still the case, I dare say this is the chest I have r spent Effective vacation yes, my favote summer vacation is the beginning of this year's holiday. The head teacher instructed us to make full use of the coming summer vacation and tn oselves into nerds.

I was very glad to hear that and immediately made a long list of tasks. I had planned to perform. In the first few days of the summer vacation, my mood was n higher, and I dreamed that I could stick to the whole cculum and leave school I want to be a super girl, but my ambition can't stand the of time.

Just a few days later, my attention was constantly attracted by the Internet and novels. When the holiday was over, the shopping mall time was flying by. I was spsed and desperate to realize that I had only completed half of the plan.



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