
发布时间:2023-10-12 05:55:19 阅读:253 点赞:0

关于”冰雪奇缘人物介绍“英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Intduction to snow and ice characters。以下是关于冰雪奇缘人物介绍初三英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Intduction to snow and ice characters

In the winter, I watched a movie called "fzen". It was about o girls named Elsa and Anna. They were very close children.

One day Elsa ht Anna with her stren. Then Elsa be to intimidate her power and refused to give up anyone, including Anna. In this film, I learned o things: first love is for ryone It's very important becse love can make us stng.

The second self-confidence can make rything come true. I think you will lose without any confidants, just like Anna, she found Elsa with her confidant and finally she did it.




Aisha and Anna are o pncesses of Arendell kingdom. Aisha is born with the ability to make ice magic. Howr, as she gws older, her ability becomes stnger and stnger, and she almost takes her life.

As a result, Aisha becomes self closed. In order to show the hidden magic secrets, king and queen of zongdell died in the shipwreck accident, Aisha finally arved at the conation year When I heard that Anna would be the first meeting of Pnce Hans on the South Island, I still felt that the cat out of contl fled to the mountain and built an ice palace by herself. Anna, who was in the cold, came alone to save her sister and the kingdom of Allen Dale On the mountain, I found my sister's palace.

With the of Mount kesitov, I started a wonderful joney.




In the winter, I watched a film called "fzen". It was about o girls named Elsa and Anna. They were very close when they were young.

One day Elsa ht Anna with her stren. Then Elsa be to intimidate her power and refused to give up anyone, including Anna. Here, I learned o things in this film: first love is for ryone It's important becse love can make us stng.

The second confidence can make rything come true. I think you will lose without any confidant, just as Anna has her confidant and finally finds Elsa.



标签: 男孩子英文名  女孩英文名  宠物英文名  大气英文名 

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