
发布时间:2023-01-12 00:22:53 阅读:81 点赞:0

关于”听外教课心得体会“英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Expeence of listening to forei teachers。以下是关于听外教课心得体会专业英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Expeence of listening to forei teachers

Dear bill, what's the pgress of yo letter to you about hing a forei teacher for o school? I wonder if you can recommend some teachers for o school. We need a college graduate to understand western culte and history. In addition, he should have good health and personality.

He should be easygoing and have a stng sense of responsibility. Last but not least, he should have teaching expeence. If you know any qualified person, please ask him to call us or email Mr.

Martin @ com11 before the end of the month. Thank you in advance, Li Hua.




Path selection when you choose a path, you will natally be cuous about other paths, especially if the path you choose becomes rugged in o life, then we will have many times to face the headache, path selection, some of which are important, others are less, but regardless of the path in fnt of you, all of these will take us time But sometimes the pblem is not to choose the way, but we will be skeptical about what you initially chose, and then go to another place to imagine that the scenery will be betiful. It is natal for us, but the ad you are going to take now must be stable within a certain peod of time once you find it In fact, you may go beyond this ad for a while, so you must always be alert to see if you are in the ght direction, and if not, tn yoself in the ght direction.




Some suggestions on how to set up a wting cose. It's a good idea to learn about students' wting by telling them to wte some opinions about the wting class. I hope I'm not too bad at that.

First of all, I would like to say that English should be the language we use in class, bee you can't really understand or speak Chinese as a vocabulary is indeed an important factor in building a good wting foundation. Random word lists or gup words can be used to accumulate a certain topic. Although the list is not related to the examination, some scare s can be considered to attract attention.

It is to intduce some basic structes, not necessaly the ll of the thesis, but pfessional love letters, postcards, and n dear Jack's letters are all interesting topi. At the same time, the really useful last thing should be practice. No one will acquire real skills unless they practice.

There is an old saying called "practice makes perfect", which is very old, but it is absolutely true. My advice is to hope you have a good time in class. We all love you.




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