
发布时间:2023-03-01 05:54:42 阅读:85 点赞:0



Youth (youth is not a peod of life, it is a state of mind, it is not a ruddy cheek, red lips and soft knees, but a willpower, the chness of imagination, and the vitality of emotion. This is the freshness in the depth of life. Youth means coage over timidity, and advente is better than ease.

This often exists in a man As time goes by, we will gw old by abandoning o ideals. Years may wnkle the skin, but to give up enthusia wnkles the worry, fear and fear of the mind. Distrust can distort the mind and tn the vitality into nothing.

No matter whether there is a acle in ryone's heart, the nr-ending childlike thirst for the next step, and the joy of playing s in you and me, as long as it receives bety, hope and joy As long as you are young, and yo soul is covered with cynical snow and pessimistic ice, then you are old. Even if you set up the antenna to catch the waves of optimi, you also hope to die.




Youth is not a peod of life. It is a state of mind. It is not a matter of sy cheeks, red lips and soft knees.

It is a matter of will, the quality of imagination, and the vitality of emotions. It is the freshness of deep spng in life. Youth means that coage overcomes timidity, and the desire to take sks is better than love.

In a man with than a nobody, this kind of situation is often only We gw old as we give up o thoughts. Years may wnkle the skin, but to lose enthusia wnkles the soul, worry, fear, whether or not there is in ryone's heart the le of wonder, the unfailing childlike desire for the next step, and the joy of the that lives in you and me, as long as it receives bety, hope, joy, coage and power fm man and fm infinite, as long as the antenna goes down When you are young, and yo spit is covered with snows of cynici and ice of pessimi, then you are old. Even if yo aeals are up, in order to catch the waves of optimi, you may die young.




Youth is not a peod of life, it is the soce of life, youth is not a matter of sy cheeks, red lips and soft knees, but a matter of will, the quality of imagination, the vitality of emotions, youth is a paradise of advente, it often exists in a boy less than a few years old, but the ambition in ryone's heart has the temptation of acles, when you and I are young people in my heart It would be terble to have a radio station that could receive messages fm humanity and infinite bety, love, coage and power.



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