关于手机的利与弊的英语作文_Advantages and disadvantages of mobile phones 5篇

发布时间:2022-06-23 07:41:02 阅读:175 点赞:0

关于”手机利与弊“英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Advantages and disadvantages of mobile phones。以下是关于手机利与弊xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Advantages and disadvantages of mobile phones

In today's society, especially with the rapid dlopment of information technolo and information industry, mobile phone has become an important part of people's daily life, which greatly facilitates o life. First of all, as a wireless mobile phone, it is very useful and convenient. It can be easily cared, so that people can immediately contact others without consideng the geographical location.

Secondly, with the pgress of science and technolo, it is also a perfect entertainment tool. Mobile phones are much powerful than r before. People can not only make phone calls, send text messages, but also play s and search the Internet, Even shopping, when you encounter difficulties, convenient mobile phone is an effective way to you.

Howr, some people think that mobile phones not only bng convenience to people, but also bng some negative effects on people's lives. Mobile phones can affect interpersonal relationships. If you constantly play with yo mobile phone when communicating with fends or family members, the mobile phone will delay the dialogue, make others feel that you are lack of sincety, and may n cse conflicts.

Secondly, mobile phones will reduce the tradition of life circle by manufacting As mobile phones occupy too much time and attention and force us to concentrate at last but not least. Mobile phones are harmful to o health. In a word, as a convenient tool for o life, we should use them apppately to facilitate and reduce their negative effects.




In today's society, especially with the rapid dlopment of information technolo and information industry, mobile phone has become an important part of people's daily life, which greatly facilitates o life. First of all, as a wireless mobile phone, it is very useful and convenient. It is easy to carry, so that people can immediately contact others without consideng the geographical location.

Secondly, with the pgress of science and technolo, it is also a perfect entertainment tool. Mobile phones are much powerful than r before. People can not only make phone calls and text messages, but also play s and search the Internet To shopping, when you are in tuble, a convenient mobile phone is an effective way to you.

Howr, some people think that mobile phones not only bng convenience to people, but also bng some negative effects on people's lives. Mobile phones can affect interpersonal relationships. If you constantly play with yo mobile phone when communicating with fends or family members, the mobile phone will delay the dialogue, make others feel that you are lack of sincety, and may n lead to conflicts.

Secondly, mobile phones will narw down the tradition of life circle thugh manufacting As mobile phones occupy too much time and attention and force us to concentrate at last but not least. Mobile phones are harmful to o health. In a word, as a convenient tool for o life, we should use them apppately to facilitate and reduce their negative effects.



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