关于寒假英语作文_Winter vacation 3篇

发布时间:2022-06-03 11:25:19 阅读:142 点赞:0

关于”寒假“英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Winter vacation。以下是关于寒假高考英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Winter vacation

Hi, ryone, let me intduce yo holiday plan "B": "the first morning I have piano lessons, in the afternoon, I have to do my homework. The next morning, I'm going to have a picnic with my fends. In the afternoon, I'm going to review my math, becse I'm not good at math.

I'm going to play s with my fends. I'm going to Guangzhou tomorw. I think I'll have a good time.




My winter vacation, I have a happy winter vacation, becse I go to many places first. I go to Liannan to climb mountains and visit some old houses. Then I go to Lonen in the ning.

We go to hot spngs. My mother's fend said, "there are many squirrels in Nankunshan". It's very interesting.

I want to see many monkeys, but we don't have time to go there. I'm very sad. We went to other places, such as Xiqiao and Guangzhou Wait a minute.

I like my colorful winter vacation. What about yo vacation.




I like quiet, holidays, I like the house at home, rarely go out, nothing is too natal winter came out, that day can see such things, my mother wanted to dve me out to move, so I came down to buy salt for her, passing by a barbecue shop, there was a cage in the fnt of the barbecue shop, with a few all white rabbits in the cage. I could not but stop to see it, I thought to myself: lively rabbit, if I can get a good one, I think I feel like I have come to the shop, bought salt, and went back to the restaant at the door. I saw those little rabbits that I had seen before.

One of them was hanging on the gallows. The rabbit was kicking his leg desperately and struggling. I thought: it seems that the meat of this poor little rabbit is slghtered, although the rabbit is very cute, but But it was killed.

After all, some animals wanted to eat meat here. I just wanted to walk. I saw a man on the gll.

He was fat with a knife. He was a good man. He was pbably the owner of the barbecue shop.

I thought he was going to kill the rabbit. He was dying. I couldn't but look at my last few eyes I stopped and saw the man with a knife to cut down the fo legs of the rabbit.

The rabbit screamed with pain. Then he put the rabbit skin alive and cut it down. The rabbit ced bitterly.

Finally, people be to clean up the living rabbit's viscera. So, the whole pcess of the poor rabbit's life lost was not noticed. He was awake in his own I expeenced ry pain, ry minute I love to see the rabbit that just killed the rabbit.

I thought: kill the rabbit, the rabbit will kill the rabbit. Why torte the rabbit like this? I asked the rabbit killer: "why don't you let the rabbit kill unconsciously or let the rabbit die happily?" the man replied with pde: "little fend, you don't know, So kill, rabbit meat is delicious. "I seem to be thinking about something and bng salt home, isn't it? I don't know that the bad eating habit of" cutting chicken breast with liver "is true.

If you can, this habit is the fate of human beings. If you change les beeen people and animals, for example, do not chesh the life of animals, you will have another I think when Japan invaded China, how many living Chinese compatots were brutally killed by them. They were bandits.

Yo life was so cruel to animals. What.



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