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高三要求单词表,有助于提高英语成绩,这里搜集了267个关于“高三必修五英语单词表人教版”必背单词表,涵盖abrasive、abstract、 Pension Funds Activi 等词汇,帮助学好英语!

高三要求单词表,有助于提高英语成绩,这里搜集了267个关于“高三必修五英语单词表人教版”必背单词表,涵盖abrasive、abstract、 Pension Funds Activi 等词汇,帮助学好英语!



例句:Research on impving Abrasive Mixing Effect of Abrasive Waterjets 翻译:提高磨料水流磨料混合效果探讨。

Master Padma said: When practicing the Dharma, you must cut the five poisons at their ot. 莲师:修习佛法,你应将五毒从根斩断。



例句:Apart fm anything else, the party doesn't appve of abstract art. 翻译:the party doesn't appve of abstract art.。

All construction, diantlement and reinstatement works shall be completed before May 2006. 所有建造、拆卸及修复工程均须在二零零xx年xx月前完成。


3、 Pension Funds Activi

中文翻译: 养老金积极主义

例句:Equities, bonds, pension funds? 翻译:股票,债券, 养老基金?。

So are the people at large who hear that the practice of meditation on impities could remove the evil corruption of the body. 世人亦尔。闻有人言,修不净观,即得除去五阴身疮。便作是言:“我欲观于女,及以五欲。”

4、 advocate civilized lifestyle

中文翻译: 提倡文明生活方式

例句:Yes i'm advocate for civilized behavior, you bet i am! 翻译:是啊,我当然崇尚文明行为!。

The ingation of the new building has taken place in May 1992. 建筑新修院工程是在年开始,xx年xx月落成。



例句:Actually, there is cse for alarm. 翻译:there is cse for alarm.。

I must finish painting the cat within five minutes. 我必须在五分钟之内画好这只猫。



例句:- Amen, amen, thanks be to God. 翻译:- Amen. - Amen, amen, thanks be to God.。

Ding the year, the board pmulgated five new guidelines and revised three guidelines. 年内,城规会公布了五套新指引,又修订了三套指引。

7、 static-geometc o

中文翻译: 静力几何比拟理论

例句:Changing the fields fm static to nonstatic. 翻译:将字段从static改为非static。 。

Vaous motorcycle miscellaneous parts, such as repair tools, hardwares, rubber plastic parts, etc. 各种摩托车维修工具、五金、橡胶塑件等杂件。



例句:Close the field aperte now! 翻译:快关闭护盾闸口 快关闭 Close the field aperte now!。

And the earth shall hear the corn, and the wine, and the oil; and they shall hear Jezreel. 地必应允五谷、新酒和油,这些必应允耶斯列民(注:“耶斯列”就是“ 神栽种”意思)。

9、 Appation Hill

中文翻译: 幻影山 幽灵山

例句:i'm a freak an appation. 翻译:I'm a freak an appation。

Five-gallon can of water: Necessary to replenish loss by persping, etc. 五加仑水-排汗后补充损失必需物。

10、 appval thoty

中文翻译: 核准权 批准权 审批机关

例句:Upon receipt of appval fm the Examination and Appval Authoty , the Company shall register the change in ownership with the SAiC . 翻译:收到审批机关对转让批准后,合营公司应在登记股东变更事宜。。

Intgued and a bit skeptical, I sied up for a 5-day retreat. 出于好奇,我半信半疑地报名参加了为期五天退修会。

11、 Armpit Lock

中文翻译: 肩关节锁

例句:'And one final touch, a squash ball under the armpit. 翻译:a squash ball under the armpit.。

12、 cultal artifact

中文翻译: 文化产品 文化制品

例句:i was wondeng what you could tell me about this symbol on this artifact. 翻译:我想知道 I was wondeng on this artifact?。


13、 No Asshole Rule

中文翻译: 论混人

例句:Just go her, ! 翻译:!。

14、 Substitutionary Atonement

中文翻译: 代赎论 代赎

例句:Was it atonement in advance? . 翻译:还是为了之前补偿。

15、 Attains The Chinese Patent

中文翻译: 获专利

例句:- Patent leather? - it's a tuxedo. 翻译:Patent Leather?。

16、 bad situation

中文翻译: 糟糕局面 处于劣势

例句:- Things are whack at school now. 翻译:开什么玩笑,怎么了? The situation at school is bad.。



例句:Y-YOU KNOW, "THE" BAKERY-- 翻译:你,你知道,""bakery --。

18、 Harness Balk

中文翻译: 错组织疵

例句:A few will balk. 翻译:有一些会犹豫。 。



例句:Pumpkin, who invented the bameter? 翻译:南瓜,是谁发明晴雨表?。



例句:He hasn't got any fends. Who'd give him a bed? Come on, we've found him in Dumpsters, garbage trucks, Mrs. Lutski's bathtub. 翻译:Lutski's bathtub.。

21、 half the battle

中文翻译: 有助于成条件 成一半

例句:Spse is half the battle. Many things are half the battle. 翻译:突袭是成一半 很多事情都是。



例句:Then the old man says, "No, really, i am asking: who am i"? 翻译:I am asking: who am I"?。


23、 bear arms

中文翻译: 携带武器 当兵

例句:Constitutional ght to bear arms? 翻译:且不可置疑持枪权利 是否合理? Constitutional ght to bear arms?。

24、 go begging vi.

中文翻译: 行乞 销路极差

例句:Vi. vi. Other documents required by laws and regulations. 翻译:法律、法规规定其他文件。 。

25、 Stare blankly

中文翻译: 发呆 莫名爱考拉 发怔 愣神儿

例句:Tell a person that you're the Metatn and they stare at you blankly. 翻译:活生生天使在你眼前。

26、 Bleach The Best

中文翻译: 神主题曲精选 主题歌集

例句:Bleach ells like bleach. 翻译:漂白液闻起来还是漂白液。

27、 look blue

中文翻译: 神沮丧 愁眉苦脸

例句:Give me a hand here, look in these boxes. 翻译:look in these boxes. Look for a blue folder.。

28、 Boardwalk Empire

中文翻译: 大西洋帝国 海滨帝国 酒私风云 年夜西洋帝国

例句:i'm not devoted to the empire. 翻译:- to serve their adopted empire. - I'm not devoted to the empire.。

29、 bobons of india

中文翻译: 波旁王朝

例句:Ladies and gentlemen fm team Adam. 翻译:India。



例句:Bump, bump, bump went the brake 翻译:Bump, bump, bump went the brake。



例句:Mono-bw! King wants a mono-bw! 翻译:国王要一个眉毛。

32、 Buddhist Hybd Sanskt

中文翻译: 混合梵文 一种混合梵语

例句:Vedic, classical sanskt. 翻译:classical sanskt.。


33、 bulk carer

中文翻译: 散装货船 散货船

例句:VC very large bulk carer 翻译:大型散装船。

34、 fluent in bulls

中文翻译: 瞎掰非常流利

例句:This is the bull of all bulls! 翻译:这是扯淡中扯淡!。

35、 T Sikem Bu Dünya'y

中文翻译: 民谣摇

例句:Bu-bu-bu-bu-bu-bu ba-ba-ha-ha... 翻译:Bu -bu -bu。



例句:i've been really, really lucky 翻译:♪ Spread yo wings ♪ ♪ My little butterfly ♪。

37、 camel hair

中文翻译: 驼绒 骆驼毛

例句:Give me that! That's a $500 camel's hair coat! 翻译:把它给我,这件骆驼绒外套值五百块。

38、 candid camera

中文翻译: 袖珍照相机

例句:This ain't "Candid Camera". 翻译:这不是整人节目 没隐藏摄影机。

39、 Candlelight Dinner

中文翻译: 烛光晚餐 烛光晚宴 情意浓套餐

例句:Candlelight dinner and a movie? 翻译:告诉她我也在这。

40、 suspended ceiling

中文翻译: 车 顶 垂式天花板

例句:Suspended ceiling of nowhere and beyond 翻译:顶 无处及以后。

41、 Office of Censorship

中文翻译: 局 处

例句:"Voluntary Press Censorship". 翻译:"自愿新闻"。 谁会出版这玩意儿? "Voluntary Press Censorship".。



例句:Yeah, she-she's a chemist, too. 翻译:Yeah, she -she's a chemist, too.。


43、 on chstmas

中文翻译: 在圣诞节 在圣诞那天

例句:4, 3, 2, 1, Merry Chstmas! 翻译:Merry Chstmas!。

44、 cinder inclusion

中文翻译: 夹渣 包渣

例句:The cinder-extracting device discharger cinder tomatically. 翻译:排渣装置将灰渣自动排出。 。

45、 Cocoas Strudel

中文翻译: 可可点心

例句:More strudel, Herr Deeiler? 翻译:多来点甜点吗?。

46、 Cohesion Fund

中文翻译: 凝聚基金 团结基金 聚合基金

例句:- There were tremendous activities and fund-raisers 翻译:- There were tremendous activities and fund。

47、 crent coin ◎

中文翻译:通货 指铸币

例句:♪ Give me a coin and i'll take you to the moon 翻译:Give me a coin。



例句:it's a Communist dictatorship. 翻译:It's a Communist dictatorship.。

49、 Camen Compel

中文翻译: 康文林

例句:Camen, Camen? Camen? 翻译:卡梅伦 卡梅伦 卡梅伦。

50、 compensatory mechani

中文翻译: 代偿机制

例句:The change of PAMP may be the compensatory mechani by which maintains the stability of the internal envinment in the ori. 翻译:舒血管肽PAMP浓度升高是维持机体内环境稳定一种代偿保护机制;。

51、 desi coms

中文翻译: 设计计算

例句:arts,business,desi,industal desi,pduct desi 翻译:arts,business,desi,industal desi,pduct desi。

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