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关于”适合儿童诗歌“英子39个,句子主体:Poetry for Children。以下是关于适合儿童诗歌小学英子。

英文句子模板1:Poetry for Children


1、The use of o-medicine combinations in children is on much shakier gund.

摘要: 进行新生入学适应教育,是培智学校对儿童实施全面适应能教育重要基。

2、Abstract: The adaptability education is prerequisite for the school to implement the all-und adaptability education for the mentally retarded children.


3、IMCI aims to reduce death, illness and disability, and to pmote impved gwth and dlopment among children under five years of age.


4、About a third of children had a high temperate after MMR vaccination compared with less than a quarter of children after the single mumps vaccine.[4]


5、PG - General viewing, but some scenes may be unsuitable for young children


6、Do you think that mixed-ability teaching holds the bghter children back?


7、They are mellifluous and marvelous and without dou the best choir.


8、“Without the of parents, we are setting a child up for faile, ” says Dr. Anthony Porto, a pediatc gastentelogist at New York Hospital Queens and the director of the Fit Kids pgram.


9、The utility model discloses an electc quick shooting toy gun which has no harmful to a human body and is suitable for children or juvenile to be used as a toy.


10、Haier (Fujian) Children's Pducts Co. , Ltd. related to official told reporters that secity does not meet the requirements Kids recall one of the main es.


11、The said candy has high content of calcium, a pper pportion beeen calcium, phosphous and other trace elements, and is suitable for old people and children.


12、Conclusion The methods we used can markedly increase the chance for discoveng amblyopia in children.


13、Objective This study aimed at explong the sk factors foHr Gnillain-Barre syndme (GBS).

这款鞋型号适合从18个月大婴儿(这个年龄大部分孩子正在学习走路)到xx岁儿童。 这款鞋又宽又轻,并带有一双3mm厚防穿刺软鞋垫。

14、The shoes, with sizes ranging fm

18 months (the age fm which most babies are walking) to sn years, are wide, light and flexible with a 3mm puncte-resistant sole.


15、The unreasonable breeding of children peod also can bng about the clammy dlopment of character.


16、The Human Service Rethozation Act in 1990 dramatically increased Head Start funding in an effort to serve all eligible 4-year-olds and 30 percent of eligible 5-year-olds by 1994.


17、At this center for abandoned children in Marrakech, kids play and sing with caretakers.


18、Or if the stalk of the seat belt clasp (the bit the buckle fits into) is too long or short, the buckle may rest against the child seat frame (see buckle crunch below).


19、No orization or individual shall employ school-age children or adolescents who should receive compulsory education.


20、Feate:No Floating-hair, Machine washable, suitable for babies.

21、Conclusion: Low dose CT scanning is suitable for examining the lung disease of children and it plays an important le in radioptection .结论:低剂量CT扫描技术适用于儿童肺部病变,有利于患儿肺部辐防护。

22、It makes a superb filling for cakes and sponges.它非常适合做蛋糕和软布丁馅儿。

23、A child-fendly liner for the bassinet has been desied.摇篮曲线设计更加适合婴儿。

24、ObjectiveTo investigate the diological characi of children with large vestibular aqueduct syndme (LVAS).目探讨儿童大前庭导水管综合征听力学特点。

25、Conclusion Brain electcal activity ll of high score children were much higher than those of low score children. Every devation of brain participated in the…结论VMI高分组儿童脑电活动水平高于低分组儿童,大脑各区紧密联系、相互协调是视觉运动整合实现基。

英文句子26:,26、Love Class: In the towns that have many orphans, we hold residential "Love" classes at the central pmary school. We take care of their living, educational and psychological health.爱心班:我们在比较多乡镇,把失学、辍学适龄儿童集中在中心小学办全寄宿制爱心班,使孩子从生活、学习、心理各方面得到综合救助。

27、Breastfeeding rate ding infancy in obese children(30.0%) was siificantly decreased compared to normal children(80.0%)(P<0.001).肥胖组儿童在婴儿早期母及混合喂养率(30.0%)明显低于正常组(80.0%)(P<0.001)。

28、The speech discmination sc ore with close set vocabulary were 90%and with open set vocabulary were 87%in 13cases of preschool age children.语前聋儿童中,测定13例学龄前可合作儿童限定词表言语测听,言语识别率平均达到90%,非限定词表识别率平均达87%。

29、The fact is that, pvided the video or DVD is age apppate, there is nothing wng with allowing yo child the chance to see entertaining videos and DVDs with some regulaty.而事实是,如果这些产品适合该年龄段儿童,那么允许他们常看这些产品是无可指责。

30、Parents or other guardians must perform their duty of ensing that school-age children or adolescents receive the compulsory education.父母或其他监护人必须履行保障适龄儿童接受义务教育义务。

31、Methods In the present case-contl study, 51 heang-speech-impaired children and 53 normal children were investigated using Rui-Wen and ability of social adaptation scale.方法应用病例对照研究原则,对51名听力言语障碍儿童和53名正常儿童进行瑞文智商测验和社会适应行为评定。

32、Objective To explore the envinmental factors of combined allergic rhinitis and asthma syndme(CARAS) and asthma in children, and to pvide evidence for prnting asthma in children.目探讨影响儿童变应鼻炎-哮喘综合征(CARAS)和哮喘发病环境因素,为儿童哮喘防治提供科学依据。

33、Close sociological study of a maladjusted person or family for diaosis and treatment .调查不适应环境个人或家庭社会工作。为心理失调儿童开设学校。

34、To study the situation of left-behind children′s mental health, family intimacy and adaptability.目研究留守儿童心理健康与家庭亲密度和适应状况及两者相关。

35、In the Children’s Hospital pgram, Ks and his dad learned about nuttion and portion sizes.在儿童医院计划实施中,克里斯和他了解到饮食营养和分量要适量。

36、We also apply the name intemperance to children's errs, bee they have a certain resemblance.我们名字也适用于放纵儿童错误,因为他们有一定相似之处。

37、Cultivation of perspective choice ability and cooperation training could dlop children's cooperation and cooperation and cooperation behavior.观点采择能力培养以及合作训练能有效地发展儿童合作认知和合作行为。

38、Conclusions: The revised C-PEP is applicable to the assesent of ti and related children illness.结论: 修订后PEP量表适用于我国孤独症及相关疾病儿童评估。

39、CAH has undertaken a Multi-Country Evaluation (MCE) to evaluate the impact, cost and effectiveness of the IMCI strate.儿童和青少年卫生与发育司为评价儿童疾病综合战略带来影响、成和效益进行了一次多国评价(MCE)。

40、Parents who fail to an obese child eat and exercise pperly, iong all advice and guidance, could be guilty of neglect, child health experts say today.那些无视所有建议和指导未能帮助肥胖儿童适当控制饮食增进运动父母,有可能被判“疏忽罪”,儿童健康专家今说到。

41、CD2-associated ptein gene; steid resistant nephtic syndme; pmoter; child;CD2相关蛋白基因; 激素耐药型肾病综合征; 启动子; 儿童;

42、Its cough syrups are only for kids up to 2-years-old, and both remedies have already been withdrawn.它咳嗽糖浆只适用于xx岁以下儿童,现在所有药都已经收回。

43、Lodges were phibited fm pviding coverage for children. This opened the door for commercial companies to offer industal policies in which children's coverage was standard.分会被禁止向儿童提供保险,这为商业公司提供包含正规儿童保险条款工业保险合同开了方便之门。

44、Encoage children's psocial behavior, such as humility, ing, shang and cooperation, etc. , fm the Angle of the active a good way to prnt and correct children's aggressive behavior.鼓励儿童亲社会行为,如谦让、帮助、分享、合作等,是从更积极角度防范和矫正儿童攻击行为好办法。

45、Self-hypnosis training may children with Toette syndme, study finds研究表明自我催眠对儿童图雷特综合症有效

46、Minoty and disadvantaged children are most likely to be fed a diet of artificial breast milk substitutes.未成年且没有得到适当照顾儿童是被用人造母代用品养大。

47、The perfect accessory for yo little angel, this sterling silver children's bracelet feates a cut out angel desi complete with a light sapphire crystal.这款儿童纯银手鍊采用天使图样设计,并配上一颗明亮蓝宝石水晶,这件完美饰品,最适合送给您小天使。

48、One cluster-RCT including 2372 children met o inclusion ctea.一组随机对照试验包含2372位儿童符合我们纳入标准。

49、Headlamps are great bee the beam follows wherr you look.其中头灯最合适,因为只要你望向哪儿,灯就照到哪儿。

50、Comprehensive functional assesent before and after the treatment was performed.治疗前后依据脑瘫儿童综合能评定表进行疗效评定。

经典英文句子51:适合儿童诗歌,51、Conclusion: Food additives are the most common allergens in atopic dermatitis. Combined montelukast and loratadine therapy is effective for children atopic dermatitis.结论:食品添加剂是儿童特应皮炎主要过敏原,孟鲁司特联合氯雷他定治疗儿童特应皮炎有效。

52、Legislation had been passed requing public schools to pvide an apppate education to all children with disabilities.当时已经通过了要求为所有儿童提供适宜教育立法。

53、Adapting the standard IMCI clinical guidelines to the country’s needs, available drugs, policies, and to the local foods and language used by the population.使儿童疾病综合临床标准指导原则适应国需求、可获得药品、政策,以及当地人口食用食物和使用语言。

54、Conclusion Forward corporal punishment has no effect on children's neupsychological function. Howr, poor neupsychological performance children might im to forward corporal punishment.结论既往受体罚对儿童神经心理能无影响,而儿童神经心理能差异可能与儿童近期受体罚有关。

55、This showed that children with homozygous alpha thalassaemia have to lose red blood cells than their normal counterparts to get A.模型显示患有纯合型alpha型地中海贫血症儿童需要失去比正常儿童更多红细胞才能患上急疟疾贫血。

56、In children, abnormal heart rates may e fatigue, upset stomach, dizziness and lightheadedness.对于儿童,心律失常还可能导致疲劳、胃部不适、头晕和头晕等症状。

57、He said that the different brain wave pattern seen in the children with great sk factors "seems to be highly correlated with behaviors that will dlop later."他称:在易患自闭综合症儿童脑波条带中发现异常情况,与该儿童在后异常行为具有高相关。

58、B: I want to become certified in (comr pgramming/ first aid/ child education).我想获得(电脑编程/急救/儿童教育)方面合格证书。

59、Many children with Angelman syndme nr learn to speak or read.患有安格尔曼综合征许多儿童丧失了说话和阅读能力。

60、Even the busiest parent should try to find time to just be with a school-age or adolescent child.即使是最繁忙家长应尽量空只是一个适龄儿童或青少年。

61、and she sings in a quite, a big choir there.她在那儿一个很大合唱团里唱歌。

62、Although geared to school age children, the pject can be undertaken by any person or gup.该项目虽然主要面向适龄儿童,但任何人或团体都可以参与。

63、The Children's Palace is a comprehensive and gup-oented extraccular educational facility.少年宫是一个综合、群体少年儿童校外教育机构。

、Daily fluode intake fm bck-tea is at a lower ll, which was absolutely corresponded with the epidemic characi of children dental fluosis of dnking bck-tea type.儿童每砖茶氟摄入量处于较低水平,这完全符合饮茶型氟中毒儿童氟斑牙流行特点;

65、Reasonable diet is an important mease to reduce children anaemia.合理膳食结构是降低集居儿童贫血患病率重要措施。

66、Results There were siificant impvement in score of the Sensory Integrative Scale and clinical symptom after treatment, tistic children had also impved.结果治疗后儿童在感觉统合评定量表得分及临床症状方面均有显著提高,孤独症儿童也有进步。

67、Transcatheter placement of the stent is a feasible and effective method to treat certain patients with siificant pulmonary arteal stenosis if sgical correction can not be performed.在儿 童期以经心导管放置血管支架,对外科手术不合适周边肺动脉狭窄,是可以接受治疗方 法。

68、Children's voice like nightingale singing.美妙童声向夜莺在歌唱。

69、Article 第三条家庭寄养应当有利于被寄养儿童抚育、成长,保障被寄养儿童合法权益不受侵犯。

3 Family fosterage shall be beneficial to the upbnging and gwing of the fostered children, so as to ptect their lawful ghts and interests fm being infnged.

70、The result rals that there are siificant difference in coping style beeen left-behind children and non-left-behind children, and left-behind children are negative.结果表明:留守儿童与非留守儿童应对方式差异显著,留守儿童应对方式更趋于消极。

71、Study 研究

1: The 4-year-olds' self-imposed delay of gratification predictive le for school adjustment of

9 ages.


72、It is better to use comprehensive indicators to assess children's zinc nuttional status.对儿童锌营养状况宜采用综合指标进行评价。

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