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关于”秋天景“英子43个,句子主体:Autumn scenery。以下是关于秋天景初中英子。

英文句子模板1:Autumn scenery


1、Have sight of Pteus sing fm the sea;


2、Wisps of oke still se into the grey sky, but no than might have sen fm Winterfell's chimneys on a cold tumn afternoon.


3、Just look at this maificent tumn landscape!


4、Howr, the mainstream of existing tumn landscape forest is still green, which can't show its colorful side.


5、There's nothing quite like tumn in new york, But it's not only the leaves that change. Something in the air bngs out the true colors in ryone.


6、Foregunding of The Tyger in the Context of Situation;


7、And so the infatuated sgeon went along thugh the gorgeous tumn landscape of White-Hart Vale .


8、Moreover, Sanya City in the south has green seawater, blue sky and charming scenery.


9、Ring nd the club. The desi uses by view of the way to express the idea, thugh the flat wooden platform, calm water, stretch of the trees, and a "tumn sky color" effect.


10、Dung the day, Isat and looked out of the window, and sometimes talked to other passengers.


11、Autumn scenes are not that much different fm yo standard landscape scene except for the warmer color tones of the trees and overall warmth of the image.


12、In addition, in Tokyo's Ueno Park the tumn scenery is pleasant; it's truly to be called the art harvest tumn. It is indeed a major nt in the arts community in Japan.


13、If you have a fall scenery photo or painting, tape leaves to the back of the frame and let them stick out as a border.


14、You can set a foregund or backgund color, fill bounded areas with color, or select a color on an image to use as the crent foregund or backgund color.


15、After stating the crent research situation of vitis, the dlopment pspects was looked up to.


16、Autumn leaves are changing in many colors, but the needles still, it is still green.


17、The blue of the sky melted into the green landscape.


18、Not thinking about sadness, only to enjoy the tumn scenery.


19、Silk floss trees typically dp their leaves just before they put on their spectacular tumn display of large five-petaled flowers.


20、The day begins gloously: a bght sky, a fresh wind, the houses newly washed.

21、Scene: Monica and Rachel's Balcony, Ross and Rachel are talking.场景:莫妮卡和瑞秋公寓阳台,罗斯和瑞秋在谈话。

22、In the foregund are amorphous blue shadows, presumably the counterparts of the fall trees in the backgund.在前台有更多无定形蓝阴影,大概是对应树木在秋天背景。

23、How does this play out in regards to the Novell agreement made this last fall?那么去年秋天和Novell达成协议又将扮演什么样角呢?

24、This scenery is not very betiful, but a picte of tumn.这景不见得很美,却是一幅秋风情画。

25、The mist swirls and September sun s thugh the deep-blue sky of September.xx月阳光普照深蓝天空,撒满大地。 薄雾如烟,与秋漫舞。

英文句子26:,26、We should research and spread these species so as to preserve the idiopla resoces and color the garden landscaping.加强秋叶树种研究与推广应用,不仅可以保存现有种质资源,还能为园林造景增添彩。

27、City sights, neon lights, grey skys or blue.都市景,霓虹灯光,灰或蓝天。

28、The St. Elmo Ghost Town was once a bustling mining town in the early 20th centy. The fall scenery was betiful dung o Satday visit.圣。埃尔莫鬼镇曾是20世纪初繁华采矿镇。周六我们在那里时,秋天景是很美丽。

29、Outside of the ver valley, the dry season has parched the landscape.河谷外面,在旱季天气里,所有景都被烤了。

30、Tana, normally with cup-shaped leaf form, is esp . stunning in tumn for the spnkled green patches on the predominantly yellow leaf, which indicates that the spng and summer leaf color is green.正常地是杯型叶片,在秋天显著黄叶上有绿点特别迷人,这表示在春天和夏天叶片是绿。

31、There's nothing quite like tumn in New York . But it's not only the leaves that change.纽约秋天与众不同,并不仅仅是因为树叶变颜了。

32、The natal scenery over there is extremely betiful.那一带天然景非常秀丽。

33、Creating Green Value-Added!盛景天——创造绿附加值!

34、Shichahai the moonlight, the majestic Forbidden City, Jingshan the storm, the North Sea, tenderness, Temple of Heaven, Serenity, was in the late tumn I put into the memory.什刹海月,紫禁城庄严,景山萧瑟,北海柔情,天坛静穆,都在那个深秋被我装进了记忆之中。

35、Black stained cedar siding allows for the house to blend with the landscape dung the summer and fall, and pose as a dramatic counterpoint to the snow cover thugh the winter months.黑雪松护墙板使房屋能在夏天和秋天与景观融合,在整个冬季,其姿态与积雪也形成了戏剧对比。

36、It's not just the changing leaves that make for a spectacular tumn view. Many people enjoy the contrast of bght foliage against the subdued, constant shades of rgreens.这里不仅有壮观秋天景叶片变化。许多人还喜欢这里明亮枝叶同彩柔和、调不变常青树阴影所形成鲜明对比。

37、Today, the "vertical Lake in Autumn" has been classified as "new Yancheng Ten Scenes" the first place.如今,“纵湖秋”又被列为“盐城新十景”之首。

38、Gold in September, tumn.金xx月,秋高气。

39、A Easian annual plant (Kochia scopaa) having narw, dense foliage that tns bght red.一种欧亚植物(地肤) ,枝叶狭窄、密集,在秋天变成红。

40、Autumn is the most betiful in Tachuan fm late October to late November, when each step opens up a gorgeous view, and ry corner of that view is tinged with the colors of Chinese tallow trees.每年xx月下旬至xx月下旬是塔川秋天最美时候,这里每一步都是一处斑斓风景,这片风景里每一处斑斓都有着乌桕树彩。

41、The sky was sullen, o parts copper to one of lead, but the scenery majestic.天空阴沉,一片铅灰,但是景壮观。

42、Fab are often velvets, damasks and needlepoints, and the most popular colors include eglant, bottle-green and red.布料通常是天鹅绒、花缎和织景画。最普遍颜是茄子、深绿和红。

43、Before long, as the weather tns cool, a new page completely dedicated to tumn scenery unfolds in fnt of us.在此之后,随着天气转凉,展现在人们面前,便是一页完全属于秋风景了。

44、Late Red-Hot Pokers are another spectacular sight at the end of the season, and their coloung couldn't be better with beres and the first of the tumn foliage.而又红又辣美洲商陆花在夏末将是另一种特别景观,它们彩与浆果和秋天第一丛红叶相比,只会更加好看。

45、The tumn sight fm oue home window.从我们住处窗户看到秋景。

46、The backgund can be black(), bght blue(sky), or plain white. The typography can be any color that you see fit.背景可以是黑(空间),明亮蓝(天空),或纯白。排版可以是任何颜,您认为合适。

47、COLOR Sets the deflt console foregund and backgund colors.设置控制台默认前景和背景。

48、景,景象;(舞台)布景[C] What a fantastic mountain scene!

49、Southern tall tree forest is the green backgund und stage.南端高大合欢林则是天圆舞台绿背景。

50、Time lls on, flowers bloom; wind and rain shower, while gradually ran; sral sunset, the same scene.春去秋来,花开花落;风摧雨沐,铅华渐冉;几度夕阳,景依旧。

经典英文句子51:秋天景,51、Autumn scenery is ch emotional disguise.秋景是最富于情感伪装。

52、CHICAGO (Reuters) - Pinks and reds may be the big colors for the fall, but retail executives are seeing only gray skies ahead.路透芝加哥xx月17电---粉红和红或许是秋天主要调,但零售业者高层主管未来能够看到只有灰天空.

53、But tumn also entails the backbreaking work of raking all those betiful leaves once they fall.景很美,在树叶落下时候,正是秋季,搜集落叶这项繁重任务也就是她所要承担了。

54、The charactestic colo changes which are associated with the senescence of leaves of deciduous trees in tumn.在秋天落叶树叶子颜变化特征,是同衰老相联系。

55、Floor-to-ceiling windows framed with black metal pvide sweeping views of the scenic terrain.从地板到天花板窗框是黑金属,提供全景地形景。

56、Is the maple in Autumn green or red?这秋枫到底是绿还是红呀?。

57、The atmosphere beneath is languous, and is so tinged with aze that what artists call the middle distance partakes also of that hue, while the hozon beyond is of the deepest ultramane.山下大气都懒洋洋,并且染上了那样一片天蓝,因而连这片景物上艺术家叫作中景那一部分也都沾润了那种颜,而远处天边则是一片最深海蓝。

58、When tumn comes, clusters of gs are hanging under the shelters. xiaogushi8. com They are very betiful with different colors of red, white, pple, dark red and light green.秋天,一串串葡萄在凉棚厦门,非常漂亮,有红,白, 紫,黑红和浅绿等不同颜。

59、Set #4F545A as yo foregund color, and #2F343A as the backgund color.将你 前景 设置为 #4F545A , 背景 为 #2F343A 。

60、Dark body copy on white backgund and light body copy on black backgund are passive.深字体点击右键触发白背景而浅触发黑背景是消极。

61、I especially like to colors of fall, the red color made the trees look like fire.我对秋天斑澜彩特别是喜欢,红颜颜树看起来象火。

62、Guide language: Like the ginkgo leaf of all sorts of color, contain tumnal colofic to wrap, much calm with matuty.像各种颜银杏树叶一样,带有秋天彩包包,多了一份淡定和成熟。

63、Having fabulous scenery and pleasant climate, Hainan is nice tpical destination of scenic to in China.海南岛景娟秀,天气恼人,是出名寒带景旅游胜地。

、Take the Feather River Scenic Byway toward Bucks Lake to catch bghtly-hued tumn vistas and steep canyon lookouts, all packed into a single day-tp.沿着面向雄鹿湖羽毛河风景小路,去追赶明亮调秋天远景,瞭望陡峭峡谷,这样就可以组成了一游。

65、The tumn scenery should have appeared outside yo window?窗外也该换上淡淡秋景了吧?

66、I capted vaous fall scenery photos and found a large aspen gve to relax in.我拍摄了各种各样秋天景照片。 发现有一个很大山杨树林,可以在里面休息。

67、In fall, I like to visit the mountains bee the foliage there changes into such vivid colors.我喜欢在秋天山野游玩,因为那里树叶会变成鲜艳颜。

68、Cloud, the pleasant scenery, rywhere, all the year und, all with charm, while the tumn cloud but it has a unique bety.云,这怡人景,到处可见,xx年四季,各具风韵,而秋天云却有一番独特美。


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