
发布时间:2022-12-29 16:59:12 阅读:202 点赞:0




1、Though Ching beat Anita Mui in the Golden Horse Film Festival, and won her Best Actress Award, this time she got appointed by Anita Mui, it could be said as another coincident.


2、This prestigious, year-long has contbuted lots of data to O and uses O data for its street index and custom rendengs. More…


3、His clothes are bght in colo.


4、The wild flowers of the field is really blliant, blliant have attracted many bees to honey.


5、Zoom: Yes, it's coloful, too.

“他们很像极端高速运行大奖赛赛车—在线路竞赛上让人惊艳,但是从伦敦到英格兰旅行就不那么适用了。” ”

6、They yare like extremely high-spec Grand Px racing cars - they are fantastic for racing on circuits but they're not great for travelling fm London to Edinbgh.


7、Blliant light green color.


8、Earth is truly betiful when viewed fm . But add some false color pduced by satellite sensors, and the result is stunning.


9、Ruby red in color.


10、The dance of multihued butterflies rals unequaled heart-pounding joy; the season of otous blossoms ushers in endless breathtaking and awe-insping images.


11、By the end of 2005, tang assembly hall with the name 'jing' costumes, n the harem cordor is buckish and colorful ornament, ppada 'extravat' honor.


12、If yo back garden shed is cluttered with a bken lawnmower, rusty bicycles and a range of unused garden tools then prepare to be amazed.


13、This colo is bght but not gash.


14、It's very, very racy.


15、There is porcelain vase of blue on windowsill , ing Huang Yanyan's chrysanthemum.


16、Flower of success, people often amazed its present vivid colors, but the oginal, but it's bud soaked struggle Leiquan, bathed in a shower of blood sacfice. - Bing.


17、That boat is very colorful.


18、It was gash, a mangled mess.

… the use of today's high-tech world amazing.会时间已屈指可数了,北京场馆正在加紧修筑,“鸟巢”“水立方”…… 高新技术运用当今世人惊艳。

19、Few have the time the Olympic Games, Beijing is stepping up efforts to the construction of Olympic venues, "nest" and "Water Cube"…


20、Stylish masks handmade of vegetable tanned leather are shaped while wet to fit a face and then painted with an apppate color.

21、And a major aedynamic upgrade and o clean weekends in Barcelona and Monaco have seen them convert pace into dominant victoes.最主要空气动力学升级问题,在巴塞罗那和摩纳哥,红牛利用两周休息期把他们令人惊艳速度转换成胜利。

22、Don't paint on the makeup.不要浓妆艳抹。

23、"Everyone wants to look their best in a swimsuit, and there's a lot we can do to make that happen these days," she says.她说:“每个人都想穿上泳装时美艳惊人,现在我们可以有很多办法来帮助女实现这一愿望。

24、Fm their early encounters with breathtaking subjects, to the latter pcess of image meditation, they ma to make me feel r closer to the essence of this land.它们从惊艳对象初遇,到后段影像静思过程,总让自己有更贴近这块土地实质感。

25、Holly was a glamo girl.妖艳女孩。

英文句子26:,26、Even for the Cinderella in the fairly tale , when she wears betiful clothes and dedicated glass shoes , walked down the car the pumpkin tns into , her bety makes others spsed.即使是童话中灰姑,当她穿着漂亮衣服、登着精巧玻璃鞋,走下南瓜变成礼车时,也是令人惊艳。

27、Her name is Anita Mui!她名字, 叫梅艳芳!

28、Digital maps, once a wondus novelty that started with Google Maps on the desktop, are no longer a mere destination app on mobile devices.数字地图 ,当年令人非常惊艳,最早出现是台式机上谷歌地图。 现在数字地图已经不只是移动设备上目程序了。

29、He followed that impressive debut against Liverpool with a solid Premier League bow at Bolton and is now a regular fixte in Wenger's matchday squad.在对阵利物浦惊艳亮相之后他参与了征战博尔顿黄超联赛,现在他已成为了温格比赛阵容常规选择。

30、My name is Li Yan.我名字叫李艳。

31、The bewitchingly betiful male says.妖艳男子说道。

32、Flowers blossom in a ot of colo.百花争艳。

33、Remember that the visitor or user is there to do something — they’re not there to appreciate the aesthetic of yo buttons and marvel at the style of yo navigation bar.记住,来访者是正事——他们不需要鉴赏按钮魅力,也不必惊艳于导航风格。

34、Here is the Zhenan Pool.这是争艳彩池。

35、Spng March, alpenglow Gong Yan.阳春xx月,朝霞红艳。

36、How colorful and fragrant!多么鲜艳芬芳!

37、What a hot, sunny day!多么酷热艳阳天啊!

38、People only ade the bght and betiful blossom of the flower of success, but seldom know it has struggled with sweat and tears and gone thugh hardship with blood of sacfice.成花,人们只惊慕她现时明艳! 然而当初她芽儿,浸透了奋斗泪泉,洒遍了牺牲血雨。

39、"It's the most stking blue lobster I have seen in my 30 years in the business and was too nice to put in a pot and boil, " he said.他说:“入行30多年,这是我看到最惊艳青龙虾了,实在不忍心把它丢进锅里煮了。”

40、Bghtly coloed fishing boats, jostle with cruise ships, such as The World.彩鲜艳渔船与“世界号”等游争奇斗艳,热闹非凡。

41、Paired with Da Hannah's slightly-less impressive but still 'out there' mop, these o make for a deadly duo that exceed the restctions of their dod stylings.与达雷尔•汉娜惊艳稍逊却依然脱俗蓬乱头发配在一起,两人一举突破狡诈风格桎梏,成了极品二人组。

42、Under the cool and betiful moon light.在冷艳月光下。

43、The flowers made a blaze of red.花(开得)一片艳红。

44、Look, , far the hillside of a piece of red, that's a maple forest.放眼望去,远远小山坡上一片红艳艳,那是一片枫树林。

45、By winter's end, the answer is as elusive as the Himalaya's most secretive ter. The snow leopard is a fabulous, ly presence in this fgid world.在冬季结束之前,谜底扑朔迷离,一如喜玛拉雅山最神秘猎手。雪豹,在冰天雪地中神出鬼没,最为惊艳。

46、TEYE Light adds bght for you!天烨灯饰为您添艳!

47、Soon after, she gives tang yan a job opportunities, let tang yan jing day working gup.不久之后,她给唐艳提供了一个工作机会,让唐艳来景天集团上班。

48、It was a sunny day.这是一个艳阳天。

49、The results showed that the dyeing bghtening agent can bghten and deepen direct and acid dyes, but it has no effect on metal complex dyes and its bghtening effect disappears after being baked.结果表明此种新型染增艳剂对酸和直接染料具有很好增深、增艳作用,对金属络合染料没有增艳作用,烘后使用增艳效果消失。

50、Unless you are Anita Mui!除非你是她,梅艳芳!

经典英文句子51:惊艳,51、"Xu Yanyibian" is not wtten by Wang Shizhen, but instead a selection of "Guang Yanyibian", and some works oginally thought oginated fm "Xu Yanyibian" in fact dd fm "Guang Yanyibian".《续艳异编》非王世贞所作,它是《广艳异编》选,“两拍”中某些被认为源自《续艳异编》作品实际来自《广艳异编》。

52、An impressive fireworks display wowed the dience, with a video clip of the character of a "giant goat" staying in the air for about 烟花创意再次惊艳全场——巨型"羊"字在空中持续约6秒钟,一时成为网友传看热门。

6 seconds immediately becoming an online hit.

53、A peony is a showy flower.牡丹是艳丽花。

54、If the closest that you could get to Jimmy Choo is seeing the girls on ' and the City' wear the amazing fashions, you are in for a treat.如果你能了解周仰杰方式是看“都市”中身着惊艳时尚服装和鞋子女孩,你就该请客啦!

55、How carefully Li Ygood listens!李艳听得多么认真啊!

56、Happy Birthday to Power Fire!火力艳福不浅啊!

57、As amazing as she is in "The Fighter", her co-star's flashier le will most likely garner votes.虽然她在《斗士》里表现惊艳,但是同她联袂出演影星Melissa Leo在片中所扮演角更加光彩夺目,她很有可能取得更多票数。

58、Founded by Dr. Flora Cheng.由郑艳凤博士创办。

59、She painted her lips gdily.她嘴唇涂得很俗艳。

标签: 女孩英文名 

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