
发布时间:2024-04-05 06:32:56 阅读:16 点赞:0



1、He sent his dver to fetch him a strawberry shake. 他让司机去给他买一杯莓奶昔。

(fruit如果问种类,加s 仅仅是水果 不加s) Do you want to go to the movies witn them?

2、what fruit dose His good fend like ?

They made Michael's mouth water.他走到水果摊旁……,那些水果使得迈克尔馋涎欲滴。

3、He came on the fruits…

采购:食品机械, 面条, 水果罐头, 燥水果。

4、Buy: Food machinery, Noodle, Canned fruit, Ded fruit.


5、Bananas and apples are fruit.


6、Ice fruit tea.

采购:大豆,辣椒, 脱水香菇,脱水水果,脱水蔬菜,制鱼类,冷冻水果,冷冻蔬菜,冷冻鱼类。

7、Buy: soy beans, chilli, ded ake, ded fruits, ded vegetables, ded fish, fzen fruits, fzen vegetables, fzen fish.

采购: 水果罐头,蔬菜罐头,冷冻水果,冷冻蔬菜。

8、Buy: Canned fruit, Canned vegetables, Fzen fruit, Fzen vegetable.


9、Even without fruit there's a nice sculptal quality to it.


10、The fruit is subject to fruit fly, fruit moths and fruit spotting bugs in those areas having these infestations .


11、Healthy sweeter fruits are, among others, all other citrus fruits, cheres, papaya, coconut and pineapple.

项目内容: 项目由水果预选厂、水果储存站、水果深加工厂组成。

12、Item : pre-selection pject fruit plants, fruit storage stations, fruit deep pcessing components.


13、Results: The qualified rate of the headwater is 22.1%;


14、sweetened dough wrapped nd fruit, such as an apple, baked and served as a dessert.


15、What about dnking yo fruit instead of eating it?


16、Apples and oranges are fruits.


17、Gerber Graduates Fruit Stps for Toddlers - real fruit bars.


18、I must go to the greengcer's to get some fruit and vegetables.


19、May be: The movement dnk or the dilution water fruit juice (half water fruit juice adds half water).


20、My favoute fruit is juicy peach.

21、Lett's make fruit salad.香肠吧。我去削点水果,做份水果沙拉。 。

22、Do you want go to a movie with them? 再看看别人怎么说。

23、Do tinned fruit and fruit juice count?罐头水果和果汁算不算?

24、And some water and some juice.和一些水和一些水果汁。

25、Who eat fruits and dnk fruit juice.常吃水果和饮果汁。

英文句子26:,26、So much rain ake the fruit t.这么多雨水会使水果腐。

27、Peaches, apples, gs and other fruit cps.桃、苹果、提子及其它水果。

28、If the fruit is fresh, juice can be made similar to lemonade.如果水果是新鲜,果汁可以制成类似柠檬水饮料。

29、One fruit seller, standing behind piles of fresh fruit, greeted me Warmly, trying to persuade me to buy some.一名水果商站在成堆新鲜水果后面,和我热情地打招呼,想说服我买些水果。

30、The fruit seller was sly - he put his best fruit in fnt but gave people bad ones fm behind.这个卖水果人很狡诈,把最好水果放在前面,可是从后面给人家坏水果。

31、to become wild with anger狂怒,气得发疯 eg.she went bananas when she found him cheating.她发现他欺骗时气得要命。

32、Fruits and vegetables.水果和蔬菜。

33、Hollow apppate eats what fruit, unfavorable eat what fruit!空腹宜吃什么水果,不宜吃什么水果!

34、The fruit can also be juiced or used to make delicious sorbets or milkshakes.水果也可以肋或用来制造美味或水果奶昔。

35、Bananas and apples are fruits.香蕉和苹果是水果。

36、Pducts : Ded mango, mango pee, dehydrated fruits & vegetables.果乾, 芒果浆, 脱水水果和蔬菜。

37、Bananas are Zhaneng's favote fute ______竭诚为您解答,麻烦亲不吝赐一个好评,感激不尽!

38、For example, for my healthy living goal, I have visuals of fruits, nuts, fruit/vegetable oothies, salads and water.比如,在健康生活目标里,我会用图片形式来呈现水果、坚果、水果/蔬菜沙冰、沙拉和水。

39、All fruit can be stored in a fruit bowl or basket on the counter - but be se to store the bananas away fm other pduce.所有水果都能够装在水果盘或者水果篮里,放到柜台上,但是要确保把香蕉与其他水果分开。

40、像香蕉. i like eating gs,一天一个苹果医生远离你. looks like the banana,炎热夏季吃一口西瓜比吃3根冰棍还解暑!

41、应该 是这个吧 What fruit do you like to eat most?

42、sentences to descbe my favote vegetable or fruit希望帮助你

43、Carlie and St are buying some fruit at a fruit stand.卡莉和史蒂夫在水果摊买水果。

44、Being one of the important meases to pduce non-polluted fruit, the fruit bagging technolo can impve fruit quality and avoid pesticide and injant to pollute the fruit.水果套袋技术可以减少水果农药残留,提高果品品质,是生产无公害水果重要手段之

45、About one-quarter of o fruit, both fresh and fzen, is imported.进口水果在国内水果(包括新鲜和冷冻水果)份额中约占四分之

46、(fruit如果问种类,加s 仅仅是水果 不加s) Do you want to go to the movies witn them?

47、A oothie is typically a blended brage made with fruit – fzen fruit, fruit juice, fresh fruit, any kind of fruit.冰沙是一种极具代表混合果饮——原料多为冷冻水果、果汁、新鲜水果,或者任何一种水果。

48、Buy: raisin, canned fruits, fzen fruit, fzen vegetables, nuts, kernels.采购:葡萄,水果罐头,冷冻水果,冷冻蔬菜,坚果,果仁。

49、Note:The Fruit Pducts includes Melons.注:水果产量含果用瓜。

50、Dehydrated fruit in bulk quantities depending on availability. Mango, Pineapple, Coconut, Early Fig, Goldenberry or Physalis g, Banana.果, 冷冻水果, 新鲜香蕉, 新鲜椰子, 新鲜葡萄, 鲜芒果, 新鲜菠萝, 其他水果。

经典英文句子51:水果,51、Ssages, please. And I would cut up some fruit for fruit salad.香肠吧。我去削点水果,做份水果沙拉。

52、If fresh fruit is too expensive, buy fzen or canned fruit packed in water.如果新鲜水果实在太贵,就买那些冰冻或者只浸水罐装水果吧。

53、I don't like star fruit.我不喜欢吃果王(水果明星)。

54、Xiao Ming:Mike, there's fruit stall up ahead, let's buy some fruit.小明:麦克,前面有一个水果摊,我们买点儿水果吧。

55、Becse of this my mother used to make Jell-o that had fruit suspended in it, and the fruit doesn't sink to the bottom like you'd expect it to sink thugh water, but it stays suspended inside.正因为如此,当我以前做,那种加水果果冻时候,水果并不会沉到果冻底部来,你以为它会像在水里那样,但水果是悬在果冻里

56、the apples are fm canda the pears are fm japan the mangos are fm thailand 我专业是英语哦

57、To bottle fruit you put fresh fruit into special containers.把水果装瓶保藏就是你把新鲜水果置入特制容器中。

58、Fruit — whatr is in season, for example whole fruits like oranges or peaches, or a fruit salad.水果,无论什么时令水果都可以。 例如,类似橘子或桃子这些整个水果,或者蔬菜沙拉。

59、For instance, you can oain water fm ice cubes or the juices fm canned fruits, fruit juices and vegetables.例如, 你可以从冰块中或者灌装水果果汁、水果汁和蔬菜中获得水份。

60、A lot of the fiber in the fruit is found in the skin.人们发现水果大量纤维都在水果皮中。

61、Bwn monkey is a fruit seller. Do you know what does he sell?这棕猴子是个卖水果,你知道他卖什么水果吗?

62、Buy: ded fruits, nuts, peanuts, cashew nuts, walnuts, ce crackers.采购:脱水水果,坚果, 花生, 腰果,核桃, 米饼。

63、The fruit which I like is apple祝你学习进步O(∩_∩)O哈!

、icicles also to solve the hot weather。像香蕉. i like eating gs,一天一个苹果医生远离你. looks like the banana,炎热夏季吃一口西瓜比吃3根冰棍还解暑!

65、Light Body, Dry, Fruity, Sofy Fruity finish.轻度身形,,水果,柔和水果结束。

66、Is a tomato a fruit or a vegetable? Bananas, apples and oranges are all fruit.西红柿是水果还是蔬菜?香蕉、苹果和橘子都是水果。

67、RIPE】Ripe fruits taste good. Unpe fruits usually taste bad.成熟水果味道不错,不熟水果通常不好吃。

68、Buy: Juices, Ded mushoms, Ded fruits, Ded vegetables.采购: 果汁,蘑菇,水果,脱水蔬菜。

69、Jellies are made fm the juice of a fruit, jams fm the thoughly crushed fruit, and preserves fm the partially crushed or cut fruit.果冻是由水果榨汁而成,果酱来自于完全压碎水果,而蜜饯则以半压碎或切过水果制成。


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