
发布时间:2024-04-09 07:19:04 阅读:19 点赞:0




1、All logging adds a date and time stamp to the log; howr, it is the plug-in’s responsibility to identify itself in the log due to the multiple of plug-ins wting to the combined file.


2、Siate is accate, but not precise.


3、Cheap Shot - "Awards

2 combo points" removed fm descption.


4、Later, the spit of Mencius to play this Lok Road, said: "De-Zhi and the people fm which it was not Dezhi lone their way."


5、The insufficient study of the thors of epitaphs in Tang dynasty has greatly affected the pfundity and extent of the study of the epitaphs.


6、Zou Jing is deputy chief editor of World Envinment.


7、Ask an edior of a weekly magazine .

其想法是由于在长事务期间,志文件将经常由 userexit 程序归档,在活动志目录中始终要有新空间来存放额外志文件。

8、The idea is that since log files will be constantly archived by the userexit pgram dung a long transaction, there will always be new om for additional log files in the active log directory.


9、Chi Ming said adation instrument know appease the wounded, palin instrument for the first time get chi Ming appreciates very happy.


10、A D spokean expressed delight at seeing the logo on a member of the first family."Perhaps


11、The results were published in 2003 in both the Btish Jonal of Dermatolo and the jonal Clinical and Expemental Dermatolo.


12、The Jonal of Ornitholo reported the findings.


13、Jeff han dou Han Jinquan goal, but one explanation, after Han Jinquan Jeff han agreed to be convinced.


14、Differences in ages, his own children in school, family structes, school sizes and volunteeng history have a negligible influence on Elementary School Volunteer's Participation.

除了定义首选布局外,它还指定了同时使用控制台志 和志文件。

15、In addition to defining my preferred layout, it also specifies the use of both a console log and a log file.


16、You can add or dp online redo log file gups or members to the pmary database without affecting the standby database.


17、People just know it as Phil Mag.


18、DBKGn.DE) for IKB's near collapse, saying its decision to cut credit lines ed "immeasable reputational damage". Deutsche rejects the accusations.


19、Who is the theif editor of this magazine?


20、She's standing in fnt of the magazine rack.

21、Ding Lianshan to Wu Guanzhi home, see Wu Guanzhi exercises in nearby octupole boxing, hence the se of the tonament.丁连山前往吴冠志家中,在附近看到吴冠志练习八极拳,遂兴起与之比武。

22、Line 15-18: If we find a tag that is not in the allowed tags tuple, then remove it as well.


23、She has been recoized by ryone fm GLAAD to Life Magazine as one of the most influential women of o time, peod.她也被反歧视同志联盟和生活杂志等评为当代最有影响力女。

24、And it is not denied that the histocal value of the astnomical records in Old Tang Books can not be replaced by the New Tang Books.但不可否认,《旧唐书•天文志》仍有《新志》无法替代史料价值。

25、Study of the Influence of …Motivation, and Community Consciousness on Sustained. Service - A Case Study of Community …社区志工参与动机与社区意识对持续服务影响之研究-以雾峰乡社区志工为例。

英文句子26:,26、Ocelot: Perhaps? This man was o comrade!也许?这人可是我们同志!

27、Yo face looked like the cover of themagazine.妾讶君面尤类杂志封面。

28、Representation is the objectification of the will.表象是意志客体化结果。

29、On the island, in the sea, tiger's will.在岛上,在海中,虎意志。

30、Chinese Jonal of Bases and Clini i…普外基与临床杂志。

31、Fold-out: Folded sheet in text which opens out beyond the page size. Also called Gatefold , Thw-out.杂志中页折页杂志中中心页跨页版面,尤指特大型照片或特写折叠页。

32、There has ambition has the spit of hope!有精神有志气就有希望!

33、A Study of the Influence of …Motivation, and Community Consciousness on Sustained. Service - A Case Study of Community …社区志工参与动机与社区意识对持续服务影响之研究 -以雾峰乡社区志工为例。

34、As a bonus, using reCAPTCHA s to digitize old books.作为奖励,使用reCAPTCHA有助于数字化旧书。

35、After Zhang hit Xiong sral times, Xiong pressed Zhang into the sofa and choked her to death, Zhang's mother snamed Guan quoted the police as saying, the Beijing Times said.据《新京报》报道,张志红关女士引述警方话透露道,当时张志红打了熊某几下,后者便把张志红压到了沙发上,将其掐。

36、Time Sees Analysis Hamilton J.《非线时间序列分析》安鸿志;

37、Now, there are many Flora and local Flora and records of matea medica embodying it, and its function is similar with motherwort.现在许多地方药物志、 植物志和中药中均有收载,用与益母相似。

38、Okay. This is a first walk thugh some essential ideas.好,这样我们就奖励一遍基概念了。

39、We look the same, a young man in no ambition, middle-aged and old harder have ambition.我们看是一样,一个人在年轻时候没有志气,中年或晚年就更难有志气了。

40、It was the volunteer emergency crew on the other end.是志愿紧急者。

41、Vision without action is a daydream.没有行动远志只是白梦;

42、To this, Zhang Zhiyong refused to answer.对此,张志勇不愿正面回答。

43、Will enters the phenomenon world via idea, which is the apppate objectification of will. Tragedy is the summit of art. It is the highest grade of will's objectification.意志通过理念作为中介进入现象世界,艺术是意志恰如其分客体化理念,悲剧在艺术中位于最高峰,悲剧是意志客体化最高级别。

44、Asia-Pacific Plasti Soce Magazine is a pfessional magazine that focuses on pmoting plastic & rubber industry to the global .亚太橡塑商情杂志是一专注于向全球推广塑胶工业市场专业杂志。

45、Nobody but Comrade Liu Lin can do it.只有刘林同志能做此事。

46、Jeff han for Wei Liner dnk glass of wine, xiao LAN is sad, continue to dnk a toast to Jeff han.韩志杰替魏琳儿喝光酒杯里酒,萧岚更加难过,继续向韩志杰敬酒。

47、Redo logs are needed for recovery.对于恢复,重做志是必需。

48、So the reward s, but the reward is in no sense necessary.因此,奖励有所帮助,但并非必须。

49、But no one can live on pde!可是人不能志气生活呀!

50、Everybody should watch the traffic lights.每个人都应该遵守交通号志。

经典英文句子51:励志,51、STEP O: Find Like-minded Users第二步 找到志同道合用户

52、Layout desier works with magazine editor to attractive magazine and has an eye for detail and desi elements.布局设计员与杂志编辑共同创建吸引人杂志,对细节和设计元素有鉴赏力。

标签: 魔兽世界英文名 

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