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关于”富有哲理“英子51个,句子主体:Rich in philosophy。以下是关于富有哲理专业英子。

英文句子模板1:Rich in philosophy


1、Needless to say, this research enches the theory of consumer psycholo with its peculiar theoretical contbution.


2、Saint Germaine and his foundation have given the green light to begin distbuting the vast wealth accrued after nearly fo centues in his World Trust.


3、Still, the end result was the same (except for the house arrest): the money s got ch; the investors saw their money disappear.


4、My ptege, as you call him, is a sensible man; and sense will always have attractions for me.


5、The ch connotation of natal concept itself pvided possibility and appach for the transition of philosophical nate to moral nate.


6、Happy is he who owes nothing。


7、The fictions of Shen Congwen are of great theoretical value and practical siificance.


8、Many comments and contversies on Harry Porter show its ch and plal connotation and this plali is indeed the concrete manifestation of intersubjectivity philosophy.

浙江开元酒店有限公司 ——极具经济效益,最富投资潜力民营首富。

9、The chest pvate company in China with the most economic benefit and investment opening potential.


10、He is not lghed at that lghs at himself first。


11、There are some differences among them, the tempozation is as much as the transcendent, but they ench and dlop the text theory together.


12、Communication is an academic definition with ch flavor of life and psychological siificance, which embodies ch and solid psychological theory backgund.


13、He who sks nothing gains nothing。


14、His educational theory on creativity, integration, and relevance is but an application of his philosophical perspective of coolo.


15、The branch will also feate CitiGold, Citis world-renowned wealth mament s.


16、It can draw its theory basis fm Dewey's, Piaget's, Vygotsky's and Bruner's.


17、Kings go mad, and the people suffer for it。

K是一位哲学家,也许者也可以部分说明他论述条理清晰和 有效。

18、Kitcher is philosopher, and this may account, in part, for the claty And fectiveness of his arguments.


19、The Type-AB indicates a person is rational and standoffish in public, but in pvate is creative and full of emotion.


20、Industry is the parent of success。

21、The theory and thought of enterpse mament is enched largely. It gives the enterpse many chances to select.企业理论与思想极大丰富,使企业有了很大选择空间。

22、It is better to die when life is a disgrace。宁为玉碎,不为瓦全。

23、Losers are always in the wng。胜者为王,败者为寇。

24、It looks to psycholo, neo-physiolo, information theory, sociolo, anthpolo, philosophy, coitive science, etc. as well as linguisti.它关注心理学、神经生理学、理论、人类学、哲学、认知科学以及语言学研究。

25、Such a philosophical feate resulted fm the multi-effects and mutual influences of modern rationali, modern scientific philosophy and modern structali .其唯科学哲学特征,是近代唯理论、现代科学哲学、现代结构主义纵横作用,交互影响结果。

英文句子26:,26、"Some day, Harley, I will, " replied Millie Richard Quick, Esq.“有一天我会,哈利。”百万富翁理查德·魁克回答到。

27、 It nr rains but it pos。不鸣则已,一鸣惊人。

28、These has enched the deserticulte theory, and made it possess distinct theoretical connotation and practical siificance.从理论上丰富和扩展了沙产业理论,使其具有更加鲜明理论内涵和实践意义。

29、The philosophical ideas of modernity consist of three aspects: the ideas of subjectivity, of intersubjectivity and of histocity.近现代哲学在理意识指引下形成了三大现代哲学观念:主体观念、主体间观念和历史观念。

30、Those who summazed Plato of ancient Greek philosopher " Utopia " with philosophical king, earth up a ot " knowledge is force " with " new big on the west island " , …概述了古希腊哲学家柏拉图“理想国”与哲学王,培根“知识就是力量”与“新大西岛”,…

31、And there's some truth to this. The number of truly desirable and available men is limited.这一看法有一定道理,真正富有魅力并可以追求男士数量有限。

32、The positive side of youthful disaffiliation dung the sixties was the discovery of a new postindustal standard of wealth and well-being that borwed heavily upon oental philosophy.xx年代青年反叛运动正面意义,在于他们发现了后工业时代财富和幸福新标准,而这些理念,很大程度上借鉴自东方哲学。

33、If yo ears glow, someone is talking of you。耳朵发烧,有人念叨。

34、Lost time is nr found again。岁月既往,一去不回。

35、Life is half spent before we know what it is。人过半生,方知天命。

36、O academic philosophy utilizes a content-ch cculum tght thugh a combination of traditional and innovative pedago.我们教学哲学是利用丰富课外活动把传统和创新教学方法结合在一起。

37、A well-governed workplace makes employees happy and pductive.良好工作空间使得职工愉快并富有成效。

38、He is lifeless that is fltless。只有人才不犯错误。

39、President Zou Weihua who has received pfessional business istration education has abundant mament expeences and biggish mament capability.公司邹伟华先生既有丰富创业经验,又接受过专业工商教育,具有较强企业能力。

40、Full of team spit, happy to deal with vaous relationships, and have leadership potential, be able to work under presse, hard-working, good at self-motivated, energetic.富有团队精神,乐于处理各种人际关系,具有潜质,能承受工作压力,吃苦耐劳,善于自我激励,富有活力。

41、Deleuze is important both in the diffusion of poststructalist theoes and in the tn of philosophy towards the postmodern.德勒兹在后结构理论扩散哲学向后现代转折上具有重要意义。

42、So, It is a siificative work to clear up《Jie Gu lu》.因此,整理《羯鼓录》是一项富有意义工作。

43、Give a dog a bad name and hang him。众口铄金,积毁销骨。

44、Grandson of Moses Mendelssohn, he grew up in a wealthy Jewish family that had converted to Panti.他是哲学家 摩西•孟德尔颂孙子,成长于一个富裕犹太人家庭,他们已转信新教。

45、It douless is an edificatory philosophy, and embodies a spitual direction and theory quality of post-philosophical culte: insists on the views of anti-basic theory;它无疑是一种教化哲学,体现了后哲学文化精神向度和理论品格:坚持反基论观点;

46、It is easy to be wise after the nt。事后诸葛亮好当。

47、It is the unforeseen that always happens。天有不测风云,人有旦夕祸福。

48、The eager J. P. Mor arranged for a plush pvate conference at his exclusive millie's retreat, at the Jekyll Island Club on Jekyll Island, Georgia.于是热心J.P.摩根安排了一场豪华私人会议,地点选在了摩根独享百万富翁度假胜地——佐治亚州哲基尔岛(



49、Knowledge makes humble, iorance makes pud。博学使人谦逊,无知使人骄傲。

50、A good should be flexible, detail-oented and imaginative.一位优秀经理应该灵活、注意细节并且富有想象力。

经典英文句子51:富有哲理,51、Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst。抱最好愿望,做最坏打算。

52、Dr Mnane is a biologist with particular expeence in neoscience and pharmacolo.生物学家,拥有神经科学和药理学丰富经验。

53、Explanatory power is only one of a theory’s fruitfulness.解释力仅仅是一个理论是否富有成效检验标准之

54、In the perspective of anthpological philosophy, Feuerbach holds that panthei is not a philosophical theory that differentiates God fm the essence of nate or .费尔巴哈以人学哲学为基,提出泛神论是不把神与自然或人质区分哲学理论。

55、Even if (EA2) is exactly what Socrates meant, some philosophers would argue that one could be justified in believing a pposition, but not realize that she is justified.即便(EA2)完完全全是苏格拉底要表达意思,有些哲学家们会争辩一个人可能有道理相信一个命题,但是没有发觉她是有道理。

56、Facing the biger and biger gap beeen ch and poor, the las related svey shows, there are % of respondents admit that they have ches-hating psycholo.面对不断加大贫富差距,最新相关调查显示,有%受访者承认自己有仇富心理。

57、Mr. Xu has than 30 years of expeence in the shipping industry and is pficient in corporate mament.许立荣先生拥有丰富航运经营、船舶工作及企业经营经验,对航运业有深刻理解和很深造诣。

58、Anyway, philosophers are not pely thinking machines but they are also human beings composed of reason, spitedness, and appetite.无论如何,哲学家并非只是思考机器,他们也是人类,拥有理,意志与。

59、He who does not advance loses gund。逆水行舟,不进则退。

60、Great trees are good for nothing but shade。大树底下好乘凉。

61、Cice's ch expeence practice and deep philosophy attainment bught up both ideali and reali in his thoughts, and he had ted to keep a sort of balance beeen them.西塞罗以其丰富实践经验和深厚哲学素养造就了其思想兼具理想主义和现实主义二重,并一直试图寻求二者平衡。

62、The company has great stren and abundant supply of expeenced s.公司实力雄厚,货源充足,拥有经验丰富人员。

63、It is easy to open a shop but hard to keep it always open。创业容易守业难。

、It is too late to g when the chance is past。坐失良机,后悔已迟。

65、Namely, Both of mem appealed to the deontological theory of Kant as the underlying basis of their theoes.除了分歧外,二人理论还有共同点,即二人都以康德义务论为其哲学基。

66、It takes three generations to make a gentleman。xx年树木,百年树人。

67、He who makes no mistakes makes nothing。想不犯错误,就一事无成。

68、Aletheia has abundant intension in Heidegger's truth theory, it ounts to the correspondence truth.海德格尔真理去蔽说具有丰富内涵,它是对真理符合说一种超越。

69、He is a wise man who speaks little。聪明不是在嘴上。

70、Why are the poor people in China poor, bee they hate ch people.穷人为什么穷,因为他们都有仇富心理。

71、Her stressed to retn to bedom to see zhe zhe has been waiting for himself, zhe zhe hope her can yoself, only to find her asking ZhuoLin death, zhe zhe fghtened had to admit.玉儿心事重重回到寝宫见哲哲已经等着自己,哲哲希望玉儿能帮自己,不料玉儿询问卓林,哲哲大惊只得承认。

72、It is nr too old to learn。活到老,学到老。

73、The pper of man is to live, but not to exist。人应该生活,而非单纯生存。

74、She has pfound theory and ch expeence in the field of Optometry.在视光学领域具有雄厚理论和丰富临床实践。

75、Self-employed pfessionals also are known for being optimistic, competitive, creative and orized.自雇人士还要具有乐观、富有竞争力和创造力、条理清晰特点。

英文句子模板76:Rich in philosophy,76、The best important section of the idea of Taoi represented by Laozi and Zhuangzi is its ecological thoughts of philosophy.以老庄为代表道家思想,最闪光处是其丰富而深刻生态哲学思想。

77、Some begins fm pe theory to study it's conception, function, structe and dlopment direction.有从纯理论入手,以哲学思维具体研究了行政文化概念、能、结构与发展趋势。

78、Mr Larry Lam, Deputy General Mar, Autofact Machinery Ltd, a Southern China agent of no, Japan.亚动机械有限公司, 副总经理, 林耀富先生(牧野之华南)

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