
发布时间:2023-05-21 12:46:15 阅读:355 点赞:0

关于”形容好“英子20个,句子主体:descbe it well。以下是关于形容好雅思英子。

英文句子模板1:descbe it well


1、I mean, there is nothing there to descbe.


2、I've nr said it better.


3、The pduced sand is good in shape, its quality being easily contlled, and with low unit pce.


4、Ms Eu descbed the atmo here of the o-ho meeting as very good.


5、Her skin is as ooth as silk.


6、Glasses of Madeira wine were bught to us. We declared it delicious


7、It would take such a long len to descbe the dinner…


8、Ms Eu descbed the atmosphere of the o-ho meeting as very good.

双方将开展一系列 内容丰富、形式多样友好交流活动。

9、The o sides will host a wide range of activities of fendly exchanges.


10、He met a girl with fair hair and skin.


11、The good fige painting works should be unified by the perfections of content, form and skill.


12、Retns an axis-alied rectangle that is exactly large enough to contain the geometry and its stke.

精雅: 用于形容具有很好风味轻度到中等酒体葡萄酒。

13、Delicate: Used to descbe light- to medium-weight wines with good flavors.


14、We must uphold morale of the police officers and build a good image.


15、The graph can be changed dynamically dung runtime and is flt tolerant.


16、Put 90 ml of water into a100 ml graduated cylinder.


17、Which one of the following statements would best descbe maetic stpe technolo?


18、Nostalgic is the best adjective I’ve heard to descbe how most large entertainment companies think about contlling their content in a digital era.


19、If you could prune away the unnecessary adjectives in this essay, it would be impved.


20、After the vacation,children are all in ruddy health.

21、It feated a solo dance in which a woman in a short overall mimed a lot of dainty housework 它亮点是一段独舞,一名身穿短罩衫女子以哑剧形式优雅地表演了许多做家务动作。

22、People ile when they are happy. 人们高兴时候会微笑。

23、Pecan nuts are delicious both raw and cooked. 美洲山核桃不论生还是熟都很好吃。

24、the olympic motto is "higher, faster, stnger." 奥林匹克格言是“更高,更快,更强”。

25、sport is the soce of all life. 运动是生命源泉。

英文句子26:,26、That top 最热门内容直接来自于同好者-它以条形图显示与你喜欢内容最相似十位用户。

10 comes directly fm the like compatibility index - it shows you the top ten users fm the compatibility bar graph.

27、people's sound, not only by foods, especially to rely on motion. 人健全,不但饮食,尤运动。

28、The girl is always very polite.那个女孩总是很有礼貌。

29、Regular use of a body lotion will keep the skin soft and supple 经常使用润肤露可使皮肤柔软而富有弹。

30、There is a delicious iny in all this. 这一切中包含了一种绝妙讽刺。

31、There was a patch of raw skin on my back where the sun had bnt it.我背上有一块皮肤被太阳晒伤了,非常痛。

32、As you can see, the same white, different values expression applies quite nicely.可以看到,相同空白,不同值 可以很好地形容这个情况。

33、Pe solid wood door if work well, very easy.纯实木门如果做工不好,非常容易变形。

34、leaving yo skin feeling soft and supple让皮肤感觉柔软有弹

35、betiful ,比如She is a thoughtful mother 她是一个漂亮。

36、I cannot do justice to his kindness.他待我好意,我真无法形容。

37、She is a dainty little girl. 这姑长得娇小玲珑。

38、Her skin was glistening with sweat after her run.她跑完步后皮肤上带着汗珠闪闪发亮。

39、The containers can be as packaged gallons, pails or drums.容器可以是包装完好加仑罐,提桶,或是鼓形桶。

40、Using a thess and picking out descptive words to descbe the best sides of yo sweetheart work amazingly well too.使用同义词或找到形容词来刻画爱人最好一面效果好得令人惊讶。

41、The supportive relationship beeen lips and teeth; (fig) to be in a close, interdependent relationship.唇齿相依是对我们关系最好形容。

42、Her skin had stayed soft and supple.她皮肤一直柔滑而有弹。

43、幸福 pleasent 令人愉快 pleased 高兴 We hope you'll have a pleasent joney. 我们希望各位有一个愉快旅程。

44、Shape memory stick of nickel-titanium alloy is a new kind of orthopedic mateal which has the effect of shape memory, high stren and gets along well with body tissues.镍钛形状记忆合金棒是一种具有形状记忆效应、强度高及组织相容好新型矫形材料。

45、All these elet embidees are creations of her dainty and dexteus hands. 这些精美绣品都出自她那纤巧双手。

46、It is dable and stng with a silky hand. 这是一个持久和强劲,如丝般手。

47、Page: Right. Now, how would you characteze yo relationship with Mr. Wolowitz?蓓姬:好吧,你怎么形容你和沃罗威茨先生之间关系呢?

48、This indicated that high self-esteem students exist memory bias on the positive self-related words;低自尊被试对与自我有关负向形容词存在记忆偏好。

49、There's always a wide selection of delicious meals to choose fm 总是有很多美味可口饭菜可供选择。

50、You can formalize very easily. Okay.你们可以很容易地形式化了,好。

经典英文句子51:形容好,51、Some shapes extend beyond the edge of the drawing page. Do you wish to resize the page to tightly fit the contents?某些形状扩展到了绘图页边界外。是否要将页大小调整到恰好容纳内容?

52、People who have money to bn have so much money that they can spend it on anything they want.形容钱多不得了,都可以用来烧,给我一点点好辽。

标签: 高大英文名 

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