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关于”50个很励志短句“英子36个,句子主体:50 very inspirational short sentences。以下是关于50个很励志短句八级英子。

英文句子模板1:50 very inspirational short sentences

卖烤肉串小贩杨志军(Yang Zhijun)表示,自去年以来,成上涨超过50%。

1、Yang Zhijun, a Muslim street vendor of asted beef and lamb stomachs, said his costs have sen by over 50% since last year.


2、The normal electc water heater is about

5, 000 watts but it can heat up 50 gallons in a relatively short time.

5 000瓦,但是它能够在相应短时间里加热50加仑水。


3、World 40-50% contbution in Science international jonal comes fm China, in patent also number one country in the world.


4、Here are 50 examples of great chair desi , fm the sleekest you’ll r see, to the funkiest and the just plain weird.


5、The 50-year-old collapsed and died soon afterwards fm sre blood loss.


6、The fige was below forecasts and pelously close to dipping below the 50 line that would sial a contraction in industal activity.


7、Of the $88 billion in short-term liquid liabilities held byforeiers, some 50 percent was held by forei central banks.


8、The single largest gup — about 50 percent — showed very little si of shock, despair, anxiety or intrusive thoughts (the hallmark symptoms of acute gef) n six months after their loss.


9、And they report long hos -- 50 to 60 hos a week.


10、Kanonkop's second label. A blend of 50% plus Pinotage, Cabernet Svion, Merlot and Cabernet Franc. Mated in 225 litre French Nrs barrels for up to

16 months.


11、Many banks require a minimum cash deposit of $ 50.


12、More than 50 queer films fm all nd the world will be screened and a lot of famous queer directors fm Greater China will participate in the festival.


13、Also 36 of the 50 states will elect governors.

LMP—4型金属钝化剂锑率高达50%, 响应时间短,对镍表现出显著钝化效果。

14、Ratio of antimony hanging about the passivator comes up to 50%, it shows remarkable effects passivating on nickel.


15、Care found ample food for reflection in the fifty-dollar pposition.

高容量杂志也被制成 半 半透明聚合物,并持有50两列。

16、The high-capacity magazine also was made fm semi-translucent polymer, and holds 50 unds in o ws.


17、The same could be said about the 50 / 50 appach that can also be very beneficial in phase-III of a shallow tn executed on a moderate pitch.


18、NPR.org, June

19, 2005 ·Over 50 years ago, at the age of

16, I wte an essay published in the oginal This I Beli sees.


19、The sizing of clothing has changed drastically over the last 50 years.

数据库比较图,50 个和 200 个用户

20、Graph of database compasons, 50 and 200 users

21、The o sharpest nozzle cvates are easily recoizable in the 50-100 second time frame.两个最陡峭嘴曲率,在50到100秒时间内, 是可以很容易被识别。

22、For the past o months, a stall at Toa Payoh had seen its business increase by than 50 per cent.在过去两个月,在新加坡大巴窑组屋区有家小贩生意很红火生意量多出50%以上。

23、An answer gap also ase there, with 74 percent of women disagreeing, compared to 50 percent of men.男和女答案很不相同,有74%女表示不同意这个观点而只有50%男反对。

24、Rainfall in Ethiopia, where dughts are already common, could decline by 在旱现象已经很常见埃塞俄比亚,降水量又将在接下来xx年里下降10个百分点。

10 percent over the next 50 years.

25、The Colossus of Rhodes Island are one of the most mysteous among the World Wonders, becse it collapsed shortly after it was erected for some 50 or 60 years.罗得斯岛巨像是世界奇观中最神秘一个,因为它只在短短xx年间便倒下了。

英文句子26:,26、A great vaation of the fnt side 50-50 skateboarding tck is the fnt side pop shove it.一个正面滑板技巧50-50大变化是它前端弹出推。

27、Yuan Zhi, farmer said "We normally plant 农民袁志说“像正常一样,我们在50公顷土地上种植10公顷棉花。

10 hectares of cotton on o 50 hectares of land.

28、“There is pent-up demand that has been building for 50 years, ” says Michael Klibaner of JLL in Shanghai.上海仲量联行柯志谦说,“这被抑制住房需求已经酝酿了xx年。”

29、Grace peods may vary, but usually range fm 免息期长短不一,不过通常是20-50天,这得看信用卡类型和发卡银行。

20 to 50 days depending on the type of credit card and the issuing bank.

30、Average biuth concentrations in these fractions were 50 times higher than the average biuth concentrations in the short-chain fractions.在这些分数平均浓度分别为50倍铋比在短链组分平均浓度高铋。

31、Great win. I rarely saw a blow out by 50 pts.真是一场酣畅淋漓胜利。我很少看到50分大胜比赛。

32、This is very useful especially after 45 or 50. Women or men should be aware of this condition.这很有用,特别是大于45或xx岁人,不管男女都要知道这个状况。

33、For long-term 75 percent of male participants wanted to see the face, but for short-term flings 50 percent of men chose face and 50 percent chose the body.就长久恋情来说,75%男参与者表示想看对方样貌来做选择,而就短暂恋情而言,有50%选择了样貌,剩下50%选择了身材。

34、Simon Rogers fully extracts 50 of the most interesting ones to look at in his datablog.西蒙·罗杰斯挑选了最有趣50个现象放在博客里,这很有帮助。

35、The average age of volunteers se dung this time — fm 22 to 28 — and the percentage of volunteers over the age of 50 also climbed.志愿者平均年龄在这一时期从xx岁提高到xx岁,xx岁以上志愿者所占比例也有所增加。

36、But, oil imports exceeded 200-million tons for the first time last year, sialing a dependency rate of than 50 percent.但是,去年石油进口第一次超过了两亿吨,标志着依赖度超过了50%。

37、It said "the key components of No. 50 A320 aircraft are transported into the Airbus Assembling Line in Tianjin that is a landmark for Airbus."致谢函称:“第50架次A320飞机大部件运抵空客天津总装线工厂,对空客公司来说是一个标志里程碑。

38、Howr, neulogists were soon able to diaose TGA, a relatively common expeence in the over-50s.然而,神经科医生很快确诊为短暂全面遗忘症。 这种病在xx岁以上老人中相对比较普遍。

39、In a poll conducted by Star magazine on the 50 Most Annoying People of 2006, Spears captes the cwn.在《明星》杂志开展“xx年最惹人厌50大明星”评选活动中,布兰妮位居“厌星”之首。

40、Some screens had 50 different s that had to be performed on them, each consisting of many steps.有些页面有 50 个不同必须被执行,每个都包括很多步骤。

41、Today waves in Dadonghai it's about shoulder-high, good for Longboard and Shortboard, today low Tide it's at 今天大东海浪跟肩平齐,适合玩长坂跟短板,今天大东海退潮时间在 到那个时候浪应该会更好一些。

17:50 . waves should be better at that time.


42、Yo sentiments are ght but yo facts are wng, China doesn't contbute 40-50% to the science international jonal.你想法是正确,但是你数据有错。对国际科学杂志贡献并没有40%-50%。

43、The si in the picte is desied to indicate the sections within 50m on both sides specified in the main si.图中标志含义是确定主标志规定区间距离为左右各50米以内路段。

44、The Asia's Fab 50 list is a compilation of the region's 50 best publicly traded companies.50强企业名单收录了这个地区50家最好公开上市公司。

45、Railway s have deteorated over the years, unfortunately still most of the short distance trains travels at a speed of less than 50 KMPH.这些年来,铁路服务不断恶化,大多数短距离路线速度不到50公里每小时。

46、The result is a high uncertainty in the meased annual emission values: about 50%.其结果是所测年排放值具有很高不确定:约为50%。

47、In tomorw's issue of Science, the researchers rl that 1426 of the genera oginated in reef envinments, nearly 50% than in shallow-water envinments.在《科学杂志》上,他们列举了1426个生物种属起源于珊瑚礁环境,比近海浅水要多出50%。

48、He enumerated the capitals of the 50 states.他列举了50个州首府。

49、World 40-50% contbution in Science international jonal comes fm China, in patent also number one country in the world.国际科学杂志40%~50%贡献来自。 在专利方面,也位居世界第

50、They had 50 doctors start a workday weang a freshly washed short-sle shirt and another 50 in their unwashed long-sled white coats.于是,他们找到50名医生,他们每天穿着刚刚清洗过短袖服工作,同时找来另外50名医生,则穿着没有清洗长袖白大褂。

经典英文句子51:50个很励志短句,51、"We started off with a all amount of users (below 50)," they said.“我们一开始只有很少用户(不到 50),”他们说。

52、We have than 50 adopters in pduction, and user communities range fm fewer than 50 users to than 50,000 users," Yarter says.生产领域有 50 多个采用者,用户社区范围从不到 50 个用户到超过 50,000 个用户。

53、The Shapotou, as a si of Chinese desert science, has gone acss a 50-year history in the scientific scope of water balance.沙漠科学以沙坡头为标志在水平衡研究领域走过了 50 a历程。

54、Arsonist:Desty 50 Engineer buildings.纵火犯:摧毁50个工程师建筑。

55、If you see a U.S.-made micwave for $100 and a Chinese-made one for 50, you're pbably buying the one fm China.如果你看到一个100美元美制微波炉和50美元产微波炉,你很可能买制造。

56、The corresponding bitmap must be at least 50 x 50 pixels in size, or 那么对应于位图尺寸必须至少有 50 x 50 个像素,也就是

2,500 individual pixels.

2,500 个像素。

57、Generally, 30-50 miles is a good goal for most competitive runners.一般说来,对于大多数跑步者,30-50英里是一个很好目标。

58、That 50-50 combinatino would have a retn of 而这个个50-50搭配将拥有7单位预期收益与

7 units and safety of

3.5 units.


59、Heat stability was good on 50 C .在50℃下高吸水纤维稳定很好;

60、There are about 50 species of flying fish, too.世界上有很多种双栖鱼。 同样,也有大约50种可以飞行鱼。

61、After 50 or data points have been collected, the average start and end positions of the past 50 data points are comd.在收集数据点超过 50 个以后,将计算过去 50 个数据点平均开始位置和结束位置。

62、But only 50 NGOs and less than 50,000 volunteers remained in the quake-ravaged areas, said the report.但这份报告说,坚守在区民间组织估计已经不足50家,志愿者不到5万人。

63、They tend to start out present in ughly a racemic — or 50:50 — mix.起初它们往往表现为大约一个消旋——或50:50——组合。

、"Everyone's expeence is different, " said Li Hailong, 50, director of the center. "We have all kinds of patients. " Left, Li Yaohua, xx岁康复中心主任李海龙说:每个人练习都是很困难。我们有各种各样病人。

5, showed off a headstand.

65、Lessons in information technolo, forei languages and 50 hos of volunteer work at farms and plants will also be included, it said.此外,技术和外语培训,以及到农村和工厂参加50个小时志愿劳动也在该项目之列。

66、There were 50 choice and 共有50个选择题和11个主观题。 。

11 subjective questions.

67、I require 50% up fnt (unless it's a huge job -- then maybe 33%).我要求首付50%钱(除非它是一个很庞大工作——那样也许是33%)。

68、“There is pent-up demand that has been building for 50 years,” says Michael Klibaner of JLL in Shanghai.上海仲量联行柯志谦说,“这被抑制住房需求已经酝酿了xx年。”

69、In the lake, these nests are found in great clusters ( numbeng fm 50 to 100), separated fm one another by only a couple of meters.坦湖里一对亲鱼构造这样弹坑般巢有很多(数量在50到100个)。

70、but my students are 50% international and there's a lot of errs in the piece,但我学生50%都是国际生,论文里会有很多错误,

71、A recent check found 一个最近调查发现,在堪城市中心50英里以内有20个口译员和29个翻译员,很多是同一个人。

20 interpreters and 29 translators, many of them the same individuals, within 50 miles of downtown Kansas City.

72、Actually, I still need to finish the ending and revise it, but achieving my goal of 50, 000 words was awesome.实际上,我还需要写一个结尾进行修改,但是能够完成我写50 000字目标已经很不错了。

73、You can send goods to warehouse with the date of specifications on 50-…你可以在规定50个周(包含第50…

74、That person can be a 50-year-old.这个人可以是xx岁。

75、She used to send a lot of text messages to her boyfend Chs -- 40 or 50 per day day, she says -- but after they moved in together she hasn't been texting as much.她曾经每天发送很多给他男朋友克里斯(Chs)——每天40或者50条,她说——但在他们住到一起之后就没有发送那么多短信了。

英文句子模板76:50 very inspirational short sentences,76、That’s why in this post, I’m giving you the top 50 Twitter eets fm 50 personal dlopment all-stars.这就是我为什么在这篇博文中提供你50个个人发展全明星Top 50 Tweets原因。

77、50 points was a high score.作文要是能得个50分,那是高。

78、The bus stands 50 people.这辆公共汽车能站下50个人。

79、The swimming races fm a single lap in the 50M spnt nts thgh to 30 laps for the 1500M nt.游泳比赛从单程50米短池游泳比赛到30个来回1500米比赛不等。

80、It would be hard for them to imagine retning to the days when one's three-character name might easily consist of 50 stkes in all.他们很难想象,在过去,一个三字名字常常总共包含50个笔画。

标签: 女孩英文名  魔兽世界英文名 

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