
发布时间:2023-12-06 12:24:06 阅读:37 点赞:0




1、If you nr felt sadness, How would you know that I am a Comforter?


2、Anger and ht pde dve out some of the pain.

不要将黄油涂抹于烧伤部位,因为黄油会使组织聚热,从而有可能导致更多损伤并且加大了引发感染几率 。

3、Do not apply butter to the bn. Butter will trap heat in the damaged tissues, which can potentially cse damage and increase yo chance of dloping an infection.


4、The E2EH sensor offers increased sensing range (up to 12mm) that also s avoid collision damage with passing objects.


5、Today I come to realize that I'm but setimental. I can feel the cut bleeding with claty, but unaware of how to stanch.


6、Method: 65 patients had all bn wounds infected and were treated with MEBO.


7、For fireman Rocko Angelo Cocciolillo, this is a highly emotional moment.

8、Take away love, and o earth is a tomb. 没有了爱,地球便成了坟


9、I was feeling so manly today, then I had to go and stub my toe.


10、Symptoms of bovine TB in humans are different fm those of common TB, which srely compmises lung function.

disoentation but…你可能感受一些后外伤力或…除了方向知觉丧失…

11、You might expeence some post-trmatic stress or…


12、The foot feels cozy nate, bouncy , can reduce the harm that accident tp cses.


13、Its jokey 'tuna fendly' tins of dolphin offended some too.


14、I don't want to ht his feelings, but I don't want it!!


15、NEXT time a sentimental movie makes you cry, blame yo setonin lls.


16、The joy for the win, the adation for the eternal Pippo Inzaghi, but also the disappointment for Chstian Abbiati's injy and the trust in Dida and Kalac.


17、You will find ways of disciplining yo child and not ht them emotionally.


18、In the similar night, whether you are the same, also sad in the static regret.



8 cases csed by ocular penetrating injy treated 24 hos later and not treated,

4 patients had a relapse and the relapsing rate was 50%.


20、We feel ht, angry, pitiable, defeated when we expeence real suffeng.

21、His father gd so deeply that it made Angel quite ill to see him.他伤心无比,安琪尔见了心里感到非常难受。

22、On pathogeny, Zhangzhongjing holded that external or internal factors can all lead to liver disease and liver channels disease in jinguiyaolue, and internal factors are than external factors.在病因方面,《金匮》认为外感和内伤皆可导致肝及其经络病变,但以内伤者居多;

23、After they had quarrelled there was a pained silence beeen them.他们发生争吵以后,双方都因感情上受到伤害而保持沉默。

24、Strangely, the new H1N1 strain of virus does not stke the elderly anything like as much as seasonal flu does.奇怪是,这种新型H1N1流感病毒并不像季节流感那样对老年人有什么伤害。

25、Howr, I think, really moved, really sad, but it make up mind, and tned into confidence and coage to move on.然而我想,真正感动,确伤感,可是它补心,并且化作继续前行信心与勇气。

英文句子26:,26、Often, people feel ht, when no one n ted to ht them, becse they misinterpret people’s words and actions.很多时候,即便没有人想要伤害他们,人们还是会感到受到伤害,因为他们误解了别人语言和行为。

27、He showed that physical sicknesses and disabilities sometimes were csed by emotional conflicts.他证明,躯体疾病或伤残有时是由情感冲突引起。

28、Infection was aggravated by forcing wood shavings and gund glass into the wounds.将木屑与玻璃渣被推入伤口以使其进一步感染。

29、"I think that emotional marks are made early on," Ferrer said. "Even if you can rationalize them as you gw up, they still leave that dank sadness you can nr truly shake.费勒说:“我想很小时候感情上受到了伤害,即使长大后你可以抚平伤口,刺骨伤痛却早已留下,那是你永远都无法抹去。”

30、Hamlet is usually played as a sorwful person who cannot make decisions or take action.哈姆雷特常被演成一个优柔寡断伤感型人物。

31、Every time I ran into someone who ht me I choose to say 'hi'.每一次感觉被伤害之后,再遇总是选择微笑说:「你好。」

32、The drug treatment costs for an episode of MDR typhoid fr, a common childhood infection, are considerably higher than for sensitive typhoid.对于耐多药伤寒这种常规儿童传染病,一个药物治疗周期花费比起敏感伤寒要高得多。

33、You mon the loss, have conflicting emotions –but oftentimes there's a sense of relief.你为失去而忧伤,产生矛盾情感,但时常觉解脱。

34、To using for common cold headache, rheumatic arthralgia, rubella ptus, tetanus and so on.用于感冒头痛,风湿痹痛,风疹瘙痒,破伤风等症。

35、There was to him than that, which makes his story n sadder.他身上还有别东西,这使他人生更加使人伤感。

36、If you do, you will regret it becse harsh words ht other people's feelings and the wounds they cse are hard to heal.如果你那样做,将会后悔,因为苛薄话会伤害别人感情,且其所造成伤口是难以治愈。

37、We, the rustling leaves, have a voice that answers the storms, but who are you so silent?“ I am a mere flower. 我们萧萧树叶都有声响回答那风和雨。

38、And that’s why there was some ill feeling there or some sadnesses that were not there at the beginning at all.这就是为什么有一些不好感觉,或者说伤感,而这些在最初根是没有。

39、You have csed untold damage to me personally").——让我家人感到威胁和不安……你们对我个人造成了无法言说伤害”)。

40、At the beginning of the upkeep of enchanted create's contller, Festeng Wound deals X damage to that player, where X is the number of infection counters on Festeng Wound.在受此结界生物之控制者维持开始时,溃脓创伤对该玩家造成X点伤害,X等同于溃脓创伤上面感染指示物数量。

41、Yeah. Like when you get a sprain, you have a feeling of tenderness.好比,当你扭伤了手或脚关节,你会感到碰触了就痛。

42、If those countless days only left us with the word regret, does that pain you?如果那些无数子让我感到悔恨是,你会伤心吗?

43、She loves soppy love stoes, old films, that sort of thing.她喜欢伤感爱情故事、老以及诸如此类东西。

44、Strain in a relationship could also be linked to poor emotional well-being becse it threatens young men's sense of identity and feelings of self-worth.感情上压力还会导致萎靡情感状态,因为这威胁了年轻男自我认同感,伤害了他们自尊。

45、Initially, a cold or the flu — n a bad cramp — can cse panic.起初,伤风感冒,甚至严重一点痉挛,都能让我惊慌。

46、just one last dance, before we say good bye..有一种分手不舍和伤感..绝对能催人泪下..我第一次听也哭了..

47、Dreary feelings like confusion, frustration, tension, and sadness are some of the feelings we expeence when we are out of balance.忧郁感觉比如困惑、受挫、紧张和伤心,这些感觉是我们失去平衡时所经历。

48、Scientolo preaches that, if you touch the wound to the object that csed the injy and silently concentrate, the pain lessens and a sense of trma fades.山达基鼓吹,如果你对着伤到你对象触摸自己伤口,并且默默地全神贯注,那么疼痛就会减轻,感觉就会渐渐消失。

49、Bone Defects Csed by High-ener Injies, Bone Loss, Infected Nonunions, and Nonunions.高能量损伤,骨丢失,感染骨不连和骨不连引起骨缺损。

50、Most often infected wounds are found to harbor ordinary soil-dwelling bactea, such as the clostdia .大多数感染伤口含有普通土壤细菌,如梭菌。

经典英文句子51:伤感,51、The structal damage alarming indices based on wavelet packet ener spectrum were sensitive to damage and bust to noise and they could be used in actual structes.基于小波包能量谱结构损伤预警指标对结构损伤具有敏感、对噪声具有鲁棒,可以用于实际结构损伤预警。

52、For cold or influenza: slice open a fruit and boil with water. Use as tea while warm.治伤风感冒:用果实一粒,切开,加水煮沸。温服。

53、Things don't go wng and break yo heart so you can become bitter and give up.事物不变坏,不伤您心,您感到痛苦并想放弃。

54、The major infectious soce was the dogs, and the main ute of tranission was bitting(97.25%).传染源主要是犬,感染方式以咬伤(97.25%)为主;

55、I'm often lost in thoughts and adations whenr gaze at my baby's sy cheeks.每当看见孩子那张红红脸蛋,我不免又羡慕又伤感。

56、Results The study of 36 patients, the wound healed, 结果次研究中36例患者,其伤口均一期愈合,有3例患者出现交感神经链损伤致双下肢皮温差异。

3 patients had lower extremity sympathetic chain injy induced skin temperate differences.

57、And the movie is so sad that you can't stop fm crying really loudly这部太令人感伤了,你控制不住地哭出声来。

58、Objective:To study the effect of nasal mucosa damage on re-infection of rubella virus.目研究鼻粘膜损伤对风疹病毒再感染影响。

59、By this time, I felt sad and all and now my own tears had begun to fall.此时,我感到悲伤、渺小;此时,我已潸然泪下。

60、I was sad, and I would compare and contrast the o different places.我感到伤心,我会对这两个不同地方进行比较对比。

61、And we also like rybody , at this time we have to say goodbye , feel be deeply attached to say and sadness .我们也与大家一样,在这个即将要挥手告别子里,感到恋恋不舍和伤感。

62、This lack of emotions on this on a TV sees does not ht them much.缺少情感,在电视连续剧中对它们不会有太多伤害。

63、Acupuncte-related adverse nts were classified into three categoes: trmatic, infectious and “other”.与针灸相关不良事件分为三类:外伤、感染和“其他”。

、People should not make movies like "Blood Freak, " becse it hts my feelings.人们不应该像“血奇人” ,因为它伤害了我感情。

65、Objective To study degeneration of free nerve endings and sensory corpuscles after nerve injies.目研究神经损伤后,感觉神经末梢溃变过程。

66、When somebody slaps you, you feel ht, humiliated, and you don't like that feeling.有人打你耳光,你觉得、屈辱,你不喜欢这份感觉。

67、Results47 of 57 patients were identified with inary tract infection(82.5%).结果组女脊髓损伤患者泌系感染发生率为82 .5 %。

68、But if it is messy and occasionally mawkish, “The First Grader” is rarely dull.尽管影片《xx年级生》结构有些凌乱,情节偶尔让人产生伤感,但总体上并不让人感觉沉闷。

69、Love is when someone hts you. And you get so mad but you don’t yell at them becse you know it would ht their feelings.爱是当某人伤害你时,而且你很生气,但你没有大声呵责,因为你知道这会伤害他感情。

70、Those were amicable partings, with traces of ht, but not hate.以上这些都是和平分手,虽然有些伤感,但是丝毫没有恨意。

71、Do you worry that yo reaction may ht the feelings of the Roteiler?你是否担心你反应可能会伤害了这条狗感情?

72、Mar Kenny Dalglish said: "Stn innocuously ted to tn with the ball in training and felt a sharp pain. Same injy but not the same thing."国王表示,“当时杰拉德在拨球时忽然感觉到非常疼痛。同样伤处但是却伤势有些不同”

73、Apple told ET it was "saddened by the tragic loss of this young employee."苹果公司对cnet说“它对失去这名年轻员工感到悲伤”。

74、If blood vessels are damaged, people can suffer an infection of grene. Sometimes, doctors have to remove fstbitten areas like fingers and toes.如果血管遭到损伤,那就有可能感染坏疽。有时候,医生会切除像手指和脚趾之类冻伤区域。

75、I would like to be a single-cell oris, heartless create alive.我想做个单细胞生物,没心没肺活着。 伤感志。

英文句子模板76:Sad,76、Depression Self-Help Podcast – You must listen to this podcast if you are depressed or feel really upset or negative.抑郁自救播客- 如果你感到抑郁,感觉悲伤或有其他负面情绪,你必须听这个播客。

77、Being violated, either physically or emotionally, by a fend or family member is one of the most agonizing occrences in life.在身体或感情上受到朋友或家人伤害,是生活中最让人伤心事情,它可能导致一系列后续问题。

78、The dispaty and melancholy that Sam Rockwell portrays is downght hnting.山姆·洛克威尔所描述多样化和感伤绝对使人难以忘怀。


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