
发布时间:2023-04-25 18:01:32 阅读:53 点赞:0

关于”很丧“英子22个,句子主体:very monful。以下是关于很丧高中英子。

英文句子模板1:very monful


1、More than 150 people have died in the struggle, many of them mutilated or beheaded and left with gsly messages for the other side.


2、Later I slowly crawled under the ramp, flow relented a lot, beating tumultuously bereave barely portrayed the mood also slightly to settle.

经过计算,衡量基生活质量“全球平均健康指数”表明,沮丧是让人最难忍受。 研究人员称,“此前研究表明,沮丧与健康不佳之间有着很高关联,我们研究也与此一致。”

3、"O findings are consistent with earlier studies that have shown a high degree of association beeen depression and disability," commented lead thor Saba Moussavi of the WHO and colleagues.


4、Right now, she's moning for you.

5、370. Don’t let this get you down. 不要为此灰心丧气。

6、3: Like Father Like Son :Hank gets his first episode assiment, much to the diay of coworkers Terry and Hugh.



7、Largely becse investors were wored that Salomon would losebusiness fm customers that now distrusted the company.

决定是在别地方做。” 这家企业工程师们变得很沮丧,因为计划都被送到而且遭到修改。

8、The firm’s engineers became “frustrated” as plans were sent to China and amended.


9、As diaying as the psychotic penchant for very all dogs is, a coming penchant for very all bot dogs will be n worse.


10、Obviously Rio will be upset to lose the aand. But he is a big man and he will pick himself up and get on with it.


11、With a death toll crently estimated at than 70 000, few families in the earthquake-affected areas escaped the loss of human life.


12、And having lost that claty it's sometimes difficult to focus on who's the enemy, what's the ill here.


13、But many buyers feel uncomfortable buying in a buyer's becse the news is so gloomy.


14、Dr. Lipkin wored that in years to come, new viruses would claim lives becse of this lag.


15、It is a dispiting pcess.


16、Adieu to disappointment and spleen.

贫穷会引起恐惧、压力,有时候甚至是沮丧。 这意味着小心眼、卑微和很多艰难困苦。

17、Poverty entails fear, and stress, and sometimes depression; it means a thousand petty humiliations and hardships.

修剪枝叶,修剪去愧疚和沮丧,否则衰枝败叶会很快出现。 每天用”幸福回忆”细心照料幼苗。

18、Tm away guilt or depression, for they decay, and cultivate with happy memoes as often as ry day.


19、"I was really down," says Rai, who still ces when recalling the embarrasent of informing her clasates of the unintended deferment.


20、Admittedly, the pcess can be time-consuming and frustrating, for it is as much an instinct as it is data-dven.

21、Tens of thousands of people are feared dead fm the 强度7级恐怕造成数以万计人丧生。 目前仍有很多人被压在瓦砾堆下。

7.0 maitude quake, while countless others remain trapped in the rubble.

22、He who has no conscience have nothing.丧尽天良,一无所有。

23、But this is especially important with virtual meetings becse it is so easy for participants to tune out.这一点对于虚拟会议尤其重要,因为参与者很容易对会议丧失兴趣并选择离开。

24、202. Don't let this get you down. 不要为此灰心丧气。

25、He was really despondent, which I expected him to be. That’s part of the reason Mitch was good: He was loyal to teams and teammates.“我很关心,”雷诺兹谈到米奇对交易消极反应,“他确很沮丧,而那也是我所期望,这是他很优秀有一个证据:他对球队和队友忠诚。

英文句子26:,26、He who have no conscience have nothing.丧尽天良, 一无所有。

27、But many examples of what the thors call "ethical fading" fall into the gray area of judent and discretion.但是,很多作者认为是“道德沦丧”行为都处在判决和保留意见之间灰地带。

28、When I started to learn sinor high school English, I thought that it was difficult than middle school English.翻译 开始学习高中英语时,觉得英语比初中英语难很多,几乎丧失信心。

29、Does that mean that ACTs – the most effective antimalaals to date – will soon be rendered useless?这是否意味着迄今为止最有效抗疟疗法——以青蒿素为基联合疗法将很快丧失效用?

30、I think he is upset, though it is better to ask him, maybe he is glad.我认为他很沮丧,虽然亲自去问他让我离开这种方式更好,也许他现在会高兴让我走了。

31、I'd nr heard of anyone being killed by a b, but it was clear they had no plans to let me pass.虽然我从来没有听说过有人丧命于“驴”手,但是很明显驴群不想放我过去。

32、School is far than a mere "academic factory" - indeed, a student who participated only in the academic pgram would be missing out very sadly.学校绝不仅仅是“学术工厂”-确实,一个仅仅搞学习学生会很悲惨地丧失很多(其他方面就不能发展得太好)。

33、Former England defender Gary Neville claims fear is cppling the national team's chances.前英格兰国脚加里-内维尔说英格兰球员太过惧怕媒体言论,畏首畏尾,丧失了很多机会。

34、Some people seem spsed when people of color appear frustrated or irtated when confnted with raci.当有些人发现有人种遭遇种族歧视显得沮丧或者恼怒时,他们看起来很吃惊。

35、"I was really down, " says Rai, who still ces when recalling the embarrasent of informing her clasates of the unintended deferment.拉格尼回忆起跟同学交代时尴尬情景不禁啜泣起来:“我当时真很丧气。”

36、Dashu was visibly sad, and kept on immitating the bigger kids trying to read the number well after they were gone.大树很沮丧,那两个小朋友走了之后,大树还在那里学他们样子念车牌号。

37、A step will make those funereal chch bells over yo shoulder sound far and sweet as a natal sound.再往前跨一步就能让越过你肩头那些教堂丧钟传到很远,甜美如天籁。

38、Rather, it is in their very raggedness and incompleteness and frustratiness that they become powerfully instructive.然而很大程度上,正式它们粗糙、不完美和令人沮丧,才使得它们成为对我们有力警示。

39、Something humos is nice becse it's often the opposite to a depressed or anxious state that you would like to break out of.幽默事很合时宜是因为它是你极力想摆脱沮丧不安强有力对手。

40、If you belid you would get bad , you would pbably show sis of anger, impatience, and frustration.如果你认为你将得到较差服务,那么你很有可能表现出生气、没耐心和沮丧。

41、Picking me up when I'm down 当我沮丧时你拉拔我。

42、Many white-collar workers today love to jot down and share their ryday spending record on the Internet.很多白领都喜欢把他们天天斲丧支付记下来拿到收集上跟别人分享。

43、At least one thousand people died after the storm tggered a massive mud flow that bied entire villages in Albay pvince.台风引发大规模泥石流埋没了阿尔拜省很多村庄,造成至少一千人丧生。

44、The earthquake in Qinghai last Tuesday killed dreds and injed thousands , lling many of the buildings aund the city.上周二发生青海已经造成一千多人丧失,数千人,将很多建筑物夷为平地。

45、The wait has been frustrating, but to vente forth premately would have us venting back to base very speedily.等待令人沮丧,但是在时机没有成熟前就去冒险会使我们很快遭到没顶之。

46、It can be said of moral tpitude.可以说是道德沦丧。

47、For some, I imagine, this would be a disconcerting, frustrating expeence, but I quickly got used to this linguistic interzone.对一些人,我猜,这可能让人沮丧,但是我很快习惯了这种语言区间带。

48、An influenza outbreak in 1918 be in a mild way, but retned in a lethal form months later and killed millions.xx年暴发流感起初也很温和,但是几个月之后开始变得致命,并且数百万人丧生。

49、Generally, most of the quick-fzen vegetables are nsed. They will be frazzles , losing the nuttion, if they are boiled too long.速冻蔬菜类大多已经被涮过,不必煮得时间过长,不然就会掉,丧失很多营养。

50、And with very rhythmic music, we can energize people who are otherwise very lethargic or depressed, and we can relax people who are hyperactive or who are highly stressed.而节奏感很好音乐,我们可以激励那些或者很冷漠、或者很沮丧人,我们也可能让那些极度活跃,或者那些极度紧张人放松下来。

标签: 女孩英文名 

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