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关于”所有句型转换方法“英子28个,句子主体:All methods of sentence pattern conversion。以下是关于所有句型转换方法六级英子。

英文句子模板1:All methods of sentence pattern conversion


1、Such a novel algothm for implementing A/D conversion using a V/F conversion chip is presented.


2、T he effectiveness of interval velocity time-depth conversion pcessing is mainly dependent on the correctness and rationality of the built velocity model of ti me-depth conversion.


3、Is a magic ! Is a kind of liquid to change an eye shadow to become an eyeliner.


4、To convert data by the use of a code in such a manner that reconversion to the oginal form is possible.


5、More than half of a person's body is composed of muscle fibers, most of which are involuntary ---- in other words, work without conscious direction .

我们将数据源划分为关系数据源和XML 数据源,并给出了它们之间转换算法和转换规则建立方法。

6、All data soces are divided into o kinds: relational data soce and XML data soce, An algothm to convert beeen them and the methods to construct the converting rules have been put forward.


7、It presents the equation of slope tation angle by the conversion method and the continuity relationship of slope tation angles by the pnciple of conversion.


8、The simulation result vefies the validity of the method, and pves the function of the desi.


9、In other words, a pattern cannot be d becse values cannot be predetermined.


10、We used a model-dven (MDA style) appach to generating models for creating the translators, including the following steps

请注意如何将新行为换行符,以及如何将所有 :-) 组合转换为笑脸图片。

11、Notice how new lines are converted into line breaks and that you exchange all :-) combinations with iley face images.

请看 清单 2,它展示了将 清单 1转换为 JSP 方法。

12、Check out Listing

2, which shows the VXML fm Listing

1 converted into a JSP.


13、Casts of objects fm one type to another are also checked at run-time to ense that they are legal.


14、A web is the only way for shared libraes. Web s have already defined all the data-type translations and support objects.

通过在 VerboseEditor 中实现适当方法,可以容易地增加对报告强制类型转换、 instanceof 和 catch 块支持。

15、I could easily add support for reporting casts, instanceof s, and catch blocks by implementing the apppate methods in VerboseEditor.


16、Meanwhile, hysteresis crent contl was pposed to suppress the non-commutation torque pple.


17、What you would usually do is define a logical data model before you tn it into a physical model.

或者,应用程序可以使用一个定制类,该类提供用于访问配置数据类型安全方法,由这些方法在内部使用配置 API 和执行类型转换。

18、Alternatively, an application could use a custom class that pvided type-safe methods for accessing configation data, internally using the configation API and performing type translation.


19、Axial steel struts of csscss section need to be checked on torsional buckling.

换句话说,要构建 DFA,需要分配状态数量与可能堆栈配置数量相同,并且需要计算所有这些状态间转换函数。

20、In other words, to build the DFA, you need to allocate as many states as there are possible stack configations and com the transition function beeen all these states.

21、Like the fixte-handling advice above, this could work for any kind of or result collector, but implementing the methods would involve downcasting.与上述装置处理一样,这可以用于任何类型或者结果收集,但实现该方法需要向下类型转换。

22、As you can see that method converted the stng to uppercase.您可以看到,该方法将字符串转换为大写字母。

23、This dissertation pposed Lanzhou dialectal speech generation methods based on speech conversion.文提出了利用语音转换实现兰州方言语音生成方法。

24、If the converter pduced an object of type Trade, then the handler class must contain a method named handle(Trade trade).如果转换器产生了一个交易类型对象,随后处理类必须包含一个名为handle(Trade trade)方法。

25、A number of methods such as polynomials based appach, splines based appach, elastic model, viscous fluid model and optical flow model etc have been dloped for this pblem.该文提出了多项式法、样条函数法等基于空间变换配准方法,以及弹模型、粘流体模型和光流场模型等基于物理模型配准方法两大类方法。

英文句子26:,26、Charge rrsal is the replacement of all particles with antiparticles.电荷反转是将所有粒子换成其反粒子。

27、One way to log objects is to convert them into XML.记录志对象一种方法是将它们转换成 XML。

28、This article's example pgram (see Download) -- NumberInput, shown in Fige 文样例程序(参见 下载) —— NumberInput,如图

1 -- is a Swing application that lets you explore sral methods for converting textual input to a numecal value.

1 所示,是一个 Swing 应用程序,该程序考察几种将文型输入转换为数值方法。

29、The high achieving children outperformed the typical dlopment children in number updating and one switching task with time limit.数学优秀组在数字更新和有时间要求认知转换方面比典型发展组有明显优势。

30、What is the best way to convert an array to a hash?最好方法是什么数组转换成一个散列?。

31、The er methods take the apppate data type and do the necessary conversions to store the data as a stng.助手方法采用适当数据类型并执行必要转换以便将数据存储为字符串。

32、The new code is based upon an easily observable assumption about a class, namely that it defines the vast majoty (usually all) of its methods before an instance of the class is d.新代码基于对类一个很容易观察到假设,换句话说,在创建类实例前它会定义好绝大多数方法(通常是所有方法)。

33、This example shows o stateful aspects of a conversation.此示例演示了转换两个有状态方面。

34、The dio converter supports ID3 tag, all ID3 tags in the oginal files will be reserved after the dio converting pcesses.在音频转换器支持ID3标签,所有ID3标签中原始文件将保留在音频转换过程。

35、An outer tor-type fan motor and a method for maetizing a maet applied thereto.一种外转子型风扇电机及磁化外转子型风扇电机磁体方法。

36、The most common algothm to pcess transition diagrams is to convert them in a deterministic finite tomaton (DFA).处理转换图最常见算法是在 确定有限自动机(DFA)中转换它们。

37、Need to switch the cker if running direction is out of contl.自动运转时,材料边缘向检出器外偏移无法控制时,必需切换运转方向。

38、"A single human brain has switches than all the comrs and uters and Internet connections on Earth," he says.“一个人脑转换比地球上所有电脑、路由器和互联网连接转换都还要多,”他说道。

39、This step differs internally for IBM convertors and for OutsideIn convertors.IBM 转换器和 OutsideIn 转换器在此步骤中内部工作方式是不同。

40、A method is set forth for the conversion beeen to-spectrum and bi-spectrum.阐述自谱与双谱相互转换一种实现方法。

41、With a good setup time reduction, mitigate the effects of setup costs by pducing in large lots is non-value added! !要有良好转换时间减删,通过大批量生产而减轻转换成做法是非增值!

42、I changed all the structs into objects, with public members我需要将所有struct转换成含有公共成员对象。

43、The advantages and disadvantages of ry method were discussed. Moreover, the synthetic methods of upconversion luminescence mateals for fther dlopment were pspected.总结了不同方法优缺点,对上转换材料合成方法发展进行了展望。

44、Quick and easy size changeovers.快速,方便大小转换。

45、So now I'm gonna switch.所以现在我要转换话题。

46、This converts the allocation into a tuple matching the move_resize() method of class gtk.gdk.Window.)这将 allocation 转换成与类 class gtk.gdk.Window move_resize() 方法匹配元组)。

47、There are many ways these long-chain molecules might be tned into fuel, but all of these pcesses are complex than for algae.有很多种方法可以将这些长链分子变为燃料,但是这些方法都比转换海藻要复杂多。

48、OutsideIn convertors not workingOutsideIn 转换器无法工作

49、If in dou, consult yo orization's legal staff before converting and redistbuting electnic publications that yo company does not own.如果有这方面疑问,可以先咨询您公司法律人员,再对非您公司所有电子文档进行转换和重新发布。

50、Many other open soce tools exist for pre-conversion or enting and impving the documents that Calibre has converted.现在已经有很多其他开源工具可用来预转换或扩充和改进 Calibre 所转换文档。

经典英文句子51:所有句型转换方法,51、You can simply switch Dizi and be ready to play another 你可以通过换笛子方法来转其他调。

3 keys.

52、Exchange data fm XML documents to database follow many strategies. In the general case, DTD-based object schema mapping suits for all XML documents.XML与数据库交换策略有多种,基于DTD对象模型映方法可应用于所有XML文档。

53、Then we can apply the fo basic case generation methods based on the F to the converted EF.对于转换后扩展有限状态机,可以应用基于有限状态机四种方法。

54、If it is red-chip, all shares can be converted .如果是红筹,所有股票可转换。

55、Compared with the conventional crent-fed full-bdge converter, the studied topolo presents high conversion efficiency.与一般电流馈入全桥转换器相较,文所研制电路拓朴会有更高转换效率。

56、POTS requires a special modulation and conversion schemes with HDSL, unlike other XDSL vaations.与其它XDSL变型不一样,用HDSL时,POTS需要特殊调制和转换方案。

57、It converts beeen Webcore types and o application's types (mostly STL), and pvides convenient methods that r a lot of Webcore's objects we need access to.它可以转换之间加入WebCore类型和我们应用程序类型(主要是STL),并提供更方便方法,加入许多我们需要访问WebCore对象。

58、The results of s with different methods pposed by three countes of Soviet Union, Ameca and German becse of different pperties of oil and pumps used in these methods.新方法试验结果与三国换算方法都有差别,其原因是各国换算方法所用油品物及泵能不同。

59、According to the image color display, used the RGBA color model, desied the conversion method which changed voxel value into its visual pperties.根据图像彩显示需要,选用了RGBA颜模型,设计了样点值和体素视觉属值转换方法。

60、Thirdly, a data pertbing method is descbed to pertb oginal data by applying "single attbute transition pbability matx".描述了通过“单属转移概率矩阵”来变换原始数据数据变换方法。

61、Thugh data extraction, data cleaning, data conversion and data loading the data pre-pcessing platform integrate the oginal data into the data warehouse.数据预处理平台通过数据取、数据清洗、数据转换和数据加载等方法整合并转换现有数据资源至数据仓库。

62、This data model establishes a structe of pduct tree with flexible pperties, includes a parameter dven rule representation, and combines the convert pcede of tree view fm desi to build.该模型建立了具有柔特点产品结构树,模型包含了一个由参数驱动配置规则表示方法,将范树由设计视角向制造视角转换过程与数据模型有机结合起来。

63、When used where a static_cast or a const_cast would be legal, an old-style cast does the same conversion as the respective named cast.在合法使用static_cast 或const_cast 地方,旧式强制转换提供了与各自对应命名强制转换一样能。

、A strate of model-based measement for the nonlineaty errs of D/A converters is presented. A modeling technique and an algothm for selecting optimal points are descbed.文提出了模型化测量D/A转换器非线误差方法,讨论了建模技术和选择优化试验点方法。

65、We also investigate the self-similar pperties of some hetescedastic models and the pcesses with switches and jumps.同时我们也研究了一些异方差过程以及伴有转换和跳跃模型自相似。

66、Global Recoition Method(GRM) is worth study in the research field of engineeng drawing vectozation.整体识别方法是工程图纸扫描转换领域中一种值得研究矢量化方法。

67、On basis of regional modeling method, a model of plastic pfile parts is established. The model of the extrusion die is hereby presented, and the mold cavity and the mold core can be disparted.采用面域造型方法,建立了塑料异型材挤出制品塑件模型,由此转换得到机头口模模型,进而实现型腔型芯分离。

68、After translating fm information model to ontolo, mapping results were generated by the dynamic adaptive multi-strate ontolo matching.该方法将模型转换为体后,通过动态适应多策略体匹配得到映结果。

69、The simulation and expement show the difference beeen the method and the traditional method, and pve the validity of the method suppressing the torque pple dung non-commutation.通过仿真分析和实验验证了该方法和传统方法差异,证明了该方法在非换相期间抑制转矩脉动有效。

70、All of the ener converted is dissipated within the soce .转换来所有能量都耗散在电源内部。

71、The theory of constraints is about thinking pcesses, it's a subset of logic. In other words, the scientific method.TOC制约法就是关乎思维方法,它是一个逻辑一部分,换句话说,是科学方法。

72、Active matx substrate, elect-optic device, method of manufactung active matx substrate, and electnic device.有源矩阵衬底,电光转换装置,有源矩阵衬底制造方法以及电子仪器。

73、All chaos is just something that’s moving into something that doesn’t change something immutable, the order.所有混乱其实也就是一些东西转换成另外一些,而这种转换并不改变一些永恒东西——秩序。

74、Empical conversion and exact conversion methods fm the results of self balanced method to the results of traditional loading s are put forward.根据与传统静载试桩对比试验结果,提出了该法结果向传统静载试桩结果转换经验转换法及精确转换法;


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