
发布时间:2024-02-01 05:19:20 阅读:376 点赞:0




1、The factory uses geothermic ener, natal lighting and natal ventilation.


2、Unable to retain the natal walk, the others will come natally.


3、We know that the self-nate is fm Nate and a part of it.


4、Wild nate, ral nate, pictesque nate and artistic nate are fo representative conceptions of nate ding the dlopment history of world landscape, fm the aesthetic aspect.


5、Soak in the atmospITe. Enjoy the colors of the earthscape.


6、Nate Q English Club , Speak Yo English Natrually!


7、These works represent the emersion of nate, the expeence of nate, and especially focused on the expression of nate.


8、By chance or nate's changing cose untmmed;


9、I feel best in nate or near nate.


10、In Mollo, people feel deeply connected with nate. They realise they are alive bee of nate, and together with nate.

11、果然,我被老师批评了 Se enough, I was cticized by the teacher.


12、They are one native element-native copper;

13、or else 这里显得语气上不够 觉得or what do you think ?


14、Conforming to nate, restction of nate and human self-restraint are the fundamentals for establishing an optimum GES with coordination among humanity and nate.

15、The most amazing thing about nate is its infinite vaety.大自然最让人惊叹是它无限多样。


16、That is, once applying labo as a mediator to "humanizing" nate, humans in the meantime are also "natalized" ding the pcess of laboing over nate.


17、Physical deteoration, e. g. wear and tear, esion, rusting, t and decay.


18、At the initial stage natal ink or half-natal ink was generally used.


19、Gold, wood, water, fire and soil take the cose of nate.


20、The leopard was Nate, and he was being natal.

21、Natal fertility of soil is the gradual pduct of natal and histocal pcess.土地自然肥力是自然历史过程产物;

22、Man can restct his nate of self-love by his own social nate and multifold self and spasses limits of society. Finally, man can realizes the perfection of human nate and the ends of Nate.人能够通过其自身社会自然和具有多重自我来克制其自爱自然,超越社会局限,最终实现人自然完善和自然目。

23、And "nate to be commanded must be obeyed".号令自然,必须遵守自然。

24、The farmer fears, and respects nate.农家畏怖自然,尊敬自然。

25、They were published in the jonals Nate and Nate Geneti.这些发现出版在《自然与自然遗传学》杂志上。

英文句子26:,26、Fairy-tale picte of nate, betiful nate polar light .童话般画面自然,美丽自然极轻。

27、There is just one sees of Ziran Quan in Ziran Men.整个自然门只有一套自然拳。

28、Fair wear and tear, inherent vice or nate of the cargo; and.货物自然损耗、身缺陷和自然特;

29、For the Transcendentalists, the appreciation of nate meant being in and being with nate.对于先验论者来说,欣赏自然意味着融入自然,与自然为伴。

30、grasses that gw wild in nate.自然界里各种野生

31、They were punishments fm the nate. 大自然惩罚 森林里居住着一个樵夫和一个啄木鸟。

32、Nate to be commanded must be obeyed."号令自然,必须遵守自然“

33、Flowers are destined to bloom and fade, It's best to enjoy living in the present.花开花落自然事,活在当下最自然。

34、And you must have noticed that nearly all betifying pducts boast of being natal creams, natal lotions or natal gels .你们一定注意到了,几乎所有美容产品都冠之以自然,自然,自然液,自然霜。

35、Nate is bety. When you close to nate, you feel you all and become a boy of nate. You're happy bee you're free.自然是美好。当你接近自然时,你会觉得自己渺小,而成了自然之子。你快乐是因为你自由。

36、Speculation natally ends bee of transparency, and Rumors natally ends bee of open.猜测自然止于透明,谣言自然止于公开。

37、The comes fm natally, and pass the reform thugh labo natally , and ask for the means of subsistence to the nate, and then human society with exist for backing natally too.人类源于自然,通过劳动改造自然、向自然索取生存资料,进而人类社会也是以自然为依托而存在。

38、In the regionalization plan . China is divided into six regions. Fther, 26 disaster subregions and 93 disaster distcts are divided.在此基上,提出自然害区划方案,即把全国划分为6个自然害带,26个自然害区、93个自然害小区。

39、People in the natal advocates, hoping to retn to nate, but also fascinated by this natal taste, nuttion and health.人们在崇尚自然,希望能回归自然同时,也着迷于自然味,营养与健康。

40、The core of Zhuang Zi's philosophic thought is being natal. Therefore, the artistic expression of people or nate is based on the first nate, and it becomes the second nate.庄子哲学思想内核是道法自然,因此,画对人或自然艺术表现,是基于第一自然,又成于第二自然;

41、Be in the bosom of nate, feeling oneself a down of it, gwing joyfully;扑进自然怀抱,自己也是自然一根纤细毫毛,在自然怀抱中成长快乐。

42、In the new scheme, the whole China was divided into 文以流域为基单元,进行自然区划新方案尝试研究,把全国分为3个自然大区、11个自然地区和63个自然区。

3 natal domains,

11 natal regions, and fther into 63 natal distcts.

43、Here, the human body is displayed with spontaneity and directness, like one of the many natal elements that blend min with the landscape.这里,对人体展示自然、赤露,像是与自然景观融为一体一种自然要素。

44、Nate has expeenced o pcesses, namely "nate humanization" and "human natalization" before it became an aesthetic object.自然成为审美观照对象过程是“自然人化”和“人自然化”过程。

45、The factor of natal bety involves mainly natalness and civilization, while the latter is melt into natalness, then balance of zoolo is the essence of natal bety.自然美因子主要是自然与文明,而文明消融在自然之中,生态和谐是自然美质。

46、Dei teaches that god d the coos and then backed off allowing it to operate on its own thugh impersonal natal laws.自然神论认为某位上帝创造了宇宙,退出历史舞台而让自然按照非人格自然法则自己运行。

47、Come natally ,and back the same way你自然而来,亦自然而去。

48、The nate is, the sense itself.那就是,自然就是对于自然感觉。

49、We also, therefore, have no sense that God is imminent in nate or tied to natal substances or phenomena.我们也不知道自然中神灵将要诞生,或者是与某些自然物质及自然现象有关。

50、Natal Value is the generalization and abstract of nate mateals' concrete value.自然价值是自然物具体价值概括和象,是“自然物价值一般”。

经典英文句子51:自然,51、Nate of these tenacious of life inspire us all in the mind of humanity - love nate, love nate, ptect nate, not exactly what we human responsibility?!自然界这些顽强生命无不在启迪我们人类心智——热爱自然,关爱自然,保护自然,不正是我们人类责任吗?!

标签: 女孩英文名 

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