
发布时间:2023-12-09 11:54:45 阅读:28 点赞:0




1、To wish you special joy at the holidays and all year.


2、Best wishes fm Mark, Janet and the kids.


3、Wishing you and yos a happy happy new year.

你是够文雅, 看上去象个大家闺秀。

4、You are genteel enough, you look like a lady.

上星期前往超级约会前 ��闺中密友留言…

5、For my good fend Wendy before my major date last week…


6、They bought wax and honey up by the great.


7、Don't forget to hang up the sock!


8、If maiden in yo house, do you say this words again to attempt?


9、A present fm me is on the way. Hope you'll like it.


10、I'll break open the bees'home and get the honey.


11、Especially, the o volumes, "Sage in the Boudoir" and "Not Concede Before Man", display the light of female wisdom in the five thousand history of China.


12、Music drew the shy girl out of her shell .


13、The three fends kicked off their shoes and ran into the bay.


14、Thank you for all you have done for us.


15、Once the human has opened the hive and taken the honey, the bird feeds on the wax and larvae that remain behind.


16、Next year peach and plum trees will be in bloom again


17、Twenty-eight years of womanly life and all so lonesome.


18、I have sral intimates with whom to share my secrets.


19、As an essential mark of natal honey, pollen can be taken into honey pmaly thugh foragers ing pollen into honey stomach when they collect nectar.


20、The previous one don't forr, love fall do not see in person.

21、Warmest thoughts and best wishes form yo dghter.寄上无限思念和最美好祝愿,你们女儿.

22、Yo entire staff wishes you and yos a most happy Chstmas.全体职员祝您及家人圣诞快乐.

23、Hald: (H for short) Bees… I' m allergic to bees.哈罗德:蜜蜂……我对蜜蜂过敏。

24、May joy and health be with you always.祝您永远健康快乐.

25、The research can pvide reference for identification of Chinese jujube honey and Shanxi honey and distinguishing true fm false honey.该研究可为陕西油菜蜜、枣花蜂蜜鉴别和真假油菜蜜、枣花蜜判别提供参考。

英文句子26:,26、Have you been nghty or nice this year? 你今年乖不乖?

27、She was the first "nice" girl he had r known.她是他所认识第一个“大家闺秀”。

28、Bees gather nectar fm flowers.蜜蜂从花朵上采集花蜜。

29、And their home, also resembling is boudoir bety, see inaccessibly .而他们家,也像是深闺美人,难得一见。

30、Pdah first cold Kam open trunk, jade chopsticks slightly wet red cheek.深闺乍冷鉴开箧,玉箸微微湿红颊。

31、With tders and lightnings he entered the chamber of Semele.他一阵闪电雷鸣冲进了塞墨勒闺房。

32、We won't forget you this holiday season.假期里,我们不会忘记您.

33、A beekeeper, noticing that the bee gathers pollen and bngs it to the hive, says that the object of the bee is to gather honey.养蜂人看到蜜蜂采集花粉和蜜汁带回蜂房,于是就说,蜜蜂目是要采蜜。

34、To Hong fm yo good fends at Peking U.送给红――北大一群好友.

35、The bees extract honey fm flowers.蜜蜂在花中吸取蜜汁。

36、Bees and butterflies! Hry to take the nectar!蜜蜂和蝴蝶! 快来采蜜哟!

37、Next year, though once again you may peck the buds桃李明年能再发,明年闺中知有谁?

38、A merry Chstmas fm all of yo students.祝您圣诞快乐,您全体学生敬上

39、He must be extra special, becse he is marrying a lovely girl. 新如此可爱,新郎必定英俊不凡。

40、Thank you for not as siing homework this holiday season.感谢您没有留假期作业.

41、The real “f word” in the matal boudoir, he says, is “forgiveness.”他说,夫妻闺房真 正“f词”是“宽恕”(forgiveness)。

42、A special card fm yo grandson.您孙子,寄上一张特别卡片.

43、Honey is secreted by the bees gather nectar plant juices precipitate.蜂蜜是由蜜蜂采集植物蜜腺分泌汁液酿成。

44、A Chstmas greeting to cheer you, my good fend.希望圣诞祝福给你带来欢乐,我.

45、Honey ants gather honey dew secreted by aphids.蜂蜜蚂蚁集聚蚜虫分泌蜜露。

46、Theft of all of the fall-season honey is merely the most blatant form of exploitation. Bees(人们偷取蜜蜂大部分春季蜂蜜)盗窃蜜蜂秋季所有蜂蜜,仅仅是最明显剥削形式。

47、Bees that have honey in their mouths have stings in their tails .口里含著蜜蜜蜂,尾巴却有针。口蜜腹剑。 笑里藏刀。

48、Much joy to you in the upcoming year.愿您在新xx年充满快乐.

49、The lonely ele ges, who let pfane lonely read the boudoir?寂寞挽歌催、谁让孤独亵读了深闺?。

50、One of New Zealand's specialty honeys, the comb honey is made fm beeswax cells, pcessed by honeybees and oginally presented on its oginal hexagonal shape.一个新西兰特产蜂蜜,蜂巢蜂蜜是由蜂蜡六角蜂巢经由蜜蜂采集蜂蜜而形成。

经典英文句子51:闺蜜,51、Expo has come out with its "pdah" to the world.世博会又带其走出来“深闺”走向了世界。

52、Bees that have honey in their mouths have stings in their tails.口里含著花蜜蜜蜂,尾巴却有螫。口蜜腹剑。笑里藏刀。

53、I'll be home to enjoy this Chstmas with you.我将回家与你们共度佳节.

54、Take yo passion and make it come true.发挥你热情,让理想变为现实.

55、Xiao Mi took note of these comments, and also followed her bestfend's advice, choosing a pvate hospital for her pcede, as herfend did six months earlier.小梅记录下这些言论,她遵循闺中密友建议,选择了一家私人医院做手术。她闺中密友在六个月前也做了人流手术。

56、The honey made by collecting nectar or secretion fm o or than o kinds of honey soce plants, or the mixte of o or than o kinds of unifloral honey.蜜蜂采集两种或两种以上蜜源植物花蜜或分泌物酿造蜂蜜,以及两种或两种以上单一植物蜂蜜混合物。

57、She knows that reading is like honey gatheng.她懂得读书应该像蜜蜂酿蜜一样。

58、Best of luck in the year to come.愿你在未来xx年里,吉星高照.

标签: 女孩英文名  浪漫英文名 

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