
发布时间:2023-12-03 16:23:34 阅读:22 点赞:0

关于”中种类“英子48个,句子主体:in the kind of。以下是关于中种类专业英子。

英文句子模板1:in the kind of

人 科 中灵长类,其中智人是唯一现存种类。

1、A pmate of the family Hominidae, of which Homo sapiens is the only extant species.


2、There are 193 mangves bird species, among them 89 species are waterbirds.


3、Each language under consideration pvides support for vaous types of input and output.

蟹蛛科 新种 新纪录种 分类 高黎贡山 。

4、Thomisidae new species new record taxonomy Gaoligong Mountains China.


5、Education is a kind of objective existence.


6、ADR injection drug type in Chinese medicines for the total number of cases of adverse drug reactions 91.6%;

无尾类 蛙科 猫儿山林蛙 新种 。

7、Ana Ranidae Rana maoershanensis new species China.


8、According to "China tree taxonomy" descption: "Rosewood is the kind of legume.


9、It was estimated that there are 29500 epiphytic species, including 24000 vascular epiphytes that account for 10% of the total vascular species in the world.


10、Bird species chness and density in rgreen forests and shrubs were siificantly higher than that in nsery and park.


11、There are many kinds of local operas in o country.


12、A key to the species and Chinese and Latin descptions of the new species are pvided.

BPEL 流有两种不同类型——可中断流与不可中断流。

13、There are o types of BPEL flows -- interruptible and non-interruptible.


14、Results:The expement shows that there are obvious differences in electphoresis spectrum of the o types of see…


15、A Naive Bayesian classification based on clusteng pnciple() by intducing clusteng algothm into Naive Bayesian classification.


16、Add justice to the fast-flung und of human endeavor and you have civilization.


17、O fat babies make us unique among land-dwelling mammals.

对湖北省应山自然保护区蝶类资源进行调查研究 ,共发现蝶类 68种 ,隶属 8科 45属 ,其中豹蛱蝶亚科蝶类为保护区蝶类中优势种群 。

18、By the svey of butterflies in Hubei Ying mountain natal preservation fields, 68 species of butterflies are recorded, belonging to 45 generns and

8 families.


19、An enzyme that occs in gastc juice cses milk to coagulate.


20、The second kind is exemplified by China Witkey.

21、A card stacker in card sorter.卡片分类机中一种接卡箱。

22、One in eight of the nearly 在2008 IU红名录中收录国际鸟盟数据显示,在近10,000种已知鸟类中有八分之一种类受到威胁。

10, 000 known bird species are threatened, according to BirdLife data included in the 2008 IU Red List.

23、For compason there are than 比较而言,科学估计有大概100万种昆虫、28000中现存鱼类,1万种鸟类和5400种哺动物。

1 million species of insects listed by science, 28, 000 living species of fish,

10, 000 birds and

5, 400 mammals.

24、The reef also feates the highest diversity of coral reef fishes in the world.珊瑚礁中也生活着世界上种类最丰富鱼类。

25、Anthocyanins are the largest gup of water-soluble pients in the plant kingdom, known collectively as flavonoids.花青素是一种水溶植物素。 从广义上看,属酚类化合物中类黄酮类。

英文句子26:,26、This particular golla demonstrates syndactyly of the third and foth toes, a common congenital malformation also found in humans.人类中也发现过这种类型先天畸形。

27、A pfessional degree type 有专业学位类型17种,其中博士专业学位类型1种,涵盖18个培养领域;

17, in which pfessional doctor degree of type

1, coveng

18 culte field;

28、People can see many of these kinds of dogs at dog shows.人们可以在狗类选秀节目中看到许多种类。

29、The majoty of cultivars of northern areas in China were clustered together, and cultivars of southern areas in China were clustered together.将供试李品种分为五类,其中第一类是原产我国北方地区一些品种,第二是原产我国南方地区一些品种;

30、The effects of neutralization degree, drying condition, the type and concentration of photoinitiator, neutralization agent type and structe of prepolymers on the cung rate were discussed.考察了光引发剂种类、用量、燥条件、中和度、中和剂种类及结构对光固化速度影响。

31、As a useful tool, comr has been widely used in the entomological research works including insect classification.计算机作为一种昆虫分类工具,已广泛用于昆虫数值分类和支序分类中。

32、Phytate is the pmary storage form of phosphorus in cereals and legumes.植酸是豆类、谷类等作物种子中磷主要储存形式。

33、Among of which, 其中2种为新种,5属为海洋鱼类单殖吸虫新记录。

2 are new species and

5 genus are new records in China.

34、They are distbuted all the water layers, most of them are the settling mild fish.水体中.各水层均有一定数量种类鱼类分布,大部分是定居温和鱼类。

35、In C4 plants there are o types of chloplast.在C4植物中有两种类型叶绿体。

36、A total of 73 bird species were recorded, 43 species of which were on the electc tranission lines and had a high similaty in their composition.共记录鸟类73种,其中记录停在高压输电线上鸟类43种。结果表明:高压输电线上鸟类与农田坡地鸟类相似较高;

37、Dan is nominated in the Best Actor and Male Hottie Categoes, Goblet of Fire is nominated in the Best Movie Category, and Emma Watson is nominated in the Best Actress Category.丹在最佳男主角和男汤壶种类中被提名,火有脚杯在最好种类中被提名,而且艾玛沃森在最佳女主角种类中被提名。

38、Three numecal appaches to the classification of Chinese species of genus Abelia.标题 三种数值方法在几种六道木分类中应用。

39、Chinese commodities available for export are vaed.可供出口商品种类繁多。

40、More than half of Southeast Asia's coral species diversity is found in the South China Sea. 75 species of sponges and 118 species of echinoderms in the South China Sea are endemic.东南亚珊瑚种类有超过一半分布在南海,75种海绵以及118种棘皮类动物属于南海地方特有种。

41、Thus, in the integration, the d document type must have the same name as one of the fo subforms.因此在集成中,创建文档类型必须与

4 种派生形式中其中一种同名。

42、A hybd plant dd fm cssing certain species of the genus Viola and having all, spred , vaously colored flowers.墨西哥一种从龙社兰种类中某种沙漠植物发酵汁液中蒸馏得到无酒。

43、Pomelo is a gup of popular cultivars of citrus in China.柚类是柑桔中一类重要品种,在我国有广泛分布。

44、Among 54 local breed species, 37 species distbute in Oental.在54种当地繁殖鸟类中,东洋界37种。

45、Most species of harer are included in the genus Circus.大多数种类鹞包含在鹞这个种属中。

46、Objective To study the species and distbution of Delia known in China.目调查研究已知地种蝇属种类及其分布。

47、As for the tphic structe, herbivous insects had the grea species chness and abundance, among which, ing gups were most abundant.营养结构中植食类群在种类和数量上占绝对优势,其中吸食类昆虫优势度最大;

48、One type or multiple types of teams.此中一类或多品种型步队。

49、Prepang pcess for tussah silk weaving;柞蚕丝是丝类中主要一种。

50、Ferus metals clad with another ferus metal are to be classified as pducts of the ferus metal predominating by weight.用一种黑金属包覆不同种类黑金属,应按其中重量最大材料归类。

经典英文句子51:中种类,51、The numbers of ester and its content in vaous kinds of Chinese date are different. 不同品种红枣中所含酯类多少及含量高低均有所差异。在同一种红枣果肉中检测到16种酯类尚属首次报道。

16 esters found fm one of removed-pit Chinese date has not been reported.

52、They include one fungus, one fern, 其中真菌和蕨类各1种、子植物5种、被子植物153种。

5 mnos and 153 angios.

53、Those distbuted in China-Eupe, China-Asia-Australia and China-Eupe-Afca amounted up to 233 species, accounting for -欧洲、--澳洲、-欧洲-分布种类高达233种,约占已知种类

15.0% of all known species.


54、More than 000多物种,其中包括1500种鱼类和200多种鸟类,生活在其沙洲,环礁和岛屿上。

10, 000 species, including

1, 500 types of fish and 200 kinds of birds, live on the reef's cays, atolls, and islands.

55、The results suggested that: The grasshopper species of Ceracs Walker can be sorted into o gups, Short-wing gup and Long-wing gup.形态分类中归为短翅类群贺氏竹蝗是长翅类群中一个高度特化种类;

56、The fall-out will be concentrated in pvinces such as Guangdong.这种衰退将集中在诸如广东省之类省份中。

57、A new record species of mosses in China.标题藓类植物一个新记录种。

58、Type: Chinese style, Eupean style, fashion style, casual style.种类:中式,欧式,时尚型,休闲型。

59、There are 沾化凹陷区中生界发育2类6种油气藏类型。

2 kinds with

6 types of oil gas reservoir.

60、Two forest specialists showed siificant increase in densities, one is native and the other is exotic species.两种树林种类密度有显著増加,其中一种是土种,另一种是外来种。

61、The o types of geometry run within the field leads to disunity in all of its expressions known to .在场中运作两种类型几何学,导致了人类所知一切表达中非统

62、Nitsamines: nitsamine compounds is a very stng carcinogen category, in 100 different nitsamines in a vaety of animals fm 亚硝胺:亚硝胺类化合物是一类很强致癌物,在100多种亚硝胺中有十几种引起多种动物食管癌。

10 of esophageal cancer.

63、Objective:To study on species distbution and classification of Culicoides (Beltranmyia).前言: 目:调查研究带纹库蠓亚属种类分布和分类。

、This is an addendum to the book.文中补遗描述部分腕足类属种。


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