
发布时间:2023-04-02 16:36:46 阅读:67 点赞:0

关于”简单好句“英子27个,句子主体: good sentence。以下是关于简单好句专升英子。

英文句子模板1: good sentence


1、Don't wish it were easier, wish you were better.


2、Sometimes you can spse yoself in how well you’ve done something. And that feeling is simply amazing.


3、But practice this, bee it's something that's such an easy way to ask such a vaety of questions.

原因很简单,人们对食品需求是刚。 无论价高也好价低也罢,人们总得吃。

4、In times of high pces, as in times of low, people need to eat.

Ship 自己以那些让 HiveMind 变得简单易用特而自豪,比如行准确错误报告;友好简明 XML 语法;良好文档工具 HiveDoc。

5、Ship pdes himself on the feates that make HiveMind easy to use, like line-precise err reporting; a fendly, concise XML syntax; and an excellent documentation tool called HiveDoc.

my best travel expeence to date.我在莫尔加多经验 , 把…我最好旅行体验迄今它很简单。

6、My expeence at Morgado was to put it quite simply…


7、Mouse contl is easier to use in the long term - like ding a bike rather than walking!


8、The good news: Converting time to cash is one of the easiest ways to boost yo savings.


9、He holds his post too easy. How can he deal with all work thugh command?


10、In France they skipped a meal with the French president to spend quality time together.


11、The simulation examples is given to show that the contl method possesses stng bustness and is feasible.


12、To better illustrate, the functioning of the Association of Stone-Pcessing Industry at ChongWu was intduced.


13、Well, it’s pbably easier than you think, but a little harder than it sounds.

只需简单几步,就可以创建一个好看、多面板、可单击组件。 这正是 RichFaces 一个强大之处。

14、In just a few steps you can a nice-looking, multipanel, clickable component; this is one of RichFaces' great strens.


15、Not too good. It wasn't as easy as the last one, and it was long…


16、The study fell short of showing that touch ed the better performance, Dr. Krs acknowledged.


17、Armed with reams of ergonomic research, companies know a good chair goes far beyond good looks.


18、The Chinese population is unlikely to be brushed off as easily as the nosy and presumptuous foreiers.


19、Simply having a better idea of what to expect makes a world of difference.


20、Simply put, angioplasty DOES offer better results within the first

3 years after the operation.

21、Bee of this it is best to simply use the meased diameter sizing of the spoke.正因为如此,最好是简单地使用测量直径发言上浆。

22、Others valued perquisites such as healthcare benefits, better retirement benefits, and a better work-life balance over extra pay.而其他人则认为医疗保险,更好退休福利,以及更好工作生活平衡等额外福利价值超过简单加薪。

23、The simplicity of home and family made us happy, and allowed us to rest after a day of truly living.简单朴素家和家庭能让我们幸福,在一整天真正生活后可以好好休息。

24、Good pduct s think about the story they want wtten by the press. Bad pduct s think about coveng ry feate and being really technically accate with the press.忽然觉得这个句式超赞,既然“好产品经理,坏产品经理”可以写,那么要是简书作者在各自领域都写一篇类似文章,那该多有趣啊。这简直是件集思广益好事。

25、It has trait which technolo of wrap up simplicity, cost underrate, ptection of len, effect well, quickly unwind.具有封存工艺简单,成低、护时间长、果好,启封快速特点。

英文句子26:,26、If the Twitter stabilises it's likely to win over people permanently bee of its simplicity and playfulness.Twitter 技术趋于稳定后,将赢得人们永久喜爱,因为它很简单,而且好玩。

27、I've befly discussed a few C++ pgramming desi patterns to better perform the following tasks我简单地讨论了少许 C++ 编程设计模式,以便更好地执行以下任务

28、Declutter yo life, live simply, and you’ll go a long way to converting others.好好生活,更简单生活。 去改变别人,你还有很长一段路要走。

29、The perfect compmise: easy, no-cook meals that are both healthy and slimming.一个很好办法就是简单而又不用下厨健康减肥餐。

30、When the apppate character-conversion libraes are installed, configing Samba for internationalization is straightforward.安装好适当字符转换库之后,配置 Samba 以实现国际换过程比较简单。

31、"Investment in high-quality data has large benefits," she said. "Simply put, good policies are built on good statisti."她说:“投资做高质量统计数据是有很大好处,简单地说,好政策是以好统计数据为基。”

32、You don’t have to have a full conversation with ryone, but simply saying hello will suffice.同每一个人都进行完整谈话是不必要,简单地说声你好就足够了。

33、Simply release the three easy to reach clamps and the Speed Lock CF is ready for action.简单地发布三容易到达钳位,并且速度锁锎准备好行动。

34、There is no Square Enix account registered with this email address.好吧,那也行啊,更简单。我就填入了注册时登记邮箱。结果提示。

35、Not too good. It wasn`t as easy as the last one, and it was longer than before.不太好.这次考试不像上一次那么简单.考时间也比以前长.

36、Another plus about working in Eope is that the rules governing business are relatively straightforward.在欧洲工作另一个好处就是,这里商业规则相对简单明了。

37、The exam was deceptively easy, so many careless students did not do well on it.这考试看似简单,因此许多粗心学生都考得不好。

38、The boom/bust in oil and house pces is, quite simply, good news, whatr the tangential pain.非常简单,也许有点阵痛,但石油繁荣和房价萧条都是好。

39、Ultimately shooting mac is easier than wide angle, so it's a good place to start focusing yo ener.选择微距拍摄要比广角来简单,所以这是你集中精力一个好开端。

40、In the end, Olesen doesn't simply think one of the frameworks is better than another; he concludes最后,Olesen并非简单地认为这个框架比那个好,他结论是

41、The fact that people get healthier when they do so is simply tosay that comprehensive is better.这一事实使得人们照样做而得到健康,简单地说就是综合更好。

42、After a few months I realized that all of the reading was simply a feel-good task.几个月后,我意识到,所有阅读都可以简单归为自我感觉良好事情。

43、The good story is simply one which is worth re-reading. Time, fortunately, tends to separate the silk pses fm the sow's ears.好故事,简单说便是值得一读再读故事。幸运是,时间有助于区分好和坏。

44、It is favored by Chinese and foreigh music-lovers bee of its unique sound and easy skill to play.因为它声音独特、简单易学,倍受人和外国音乐爱好者青睐。

45、To better explain my solution, I'll work with a single example thughout the entire article.为了更好地解释我解决方案,我将在整篇文章中只采用一个简单例子。

46、Well, simply with the * notation at least on the way in when you declare the function called swap, you simply say this is not going to take an int and another int bee that's useless.好,简单说,当你声明一个函数调用swap函数时,使用*符号,你可以简单说,这不能使用一个int数和另外一个int数,因为那是无效。

47、Conclusion: The pduct was charactezed by its sweet-so flavor, easy preparation, convenient utilization and contlling.结论:工艺简单、口含片口感好、服用方便,质量可控。

48、This family hotel offers budget and deluxe accommodation in betiful Valkenbg aan de Geul.这家友好传统酒店拥有简单、清洁客房,并提供个化服务。

49、Similarly, there is a wealth of literate pviding advice on how to do pject mament -- and presumably, do it better.简单地来说,有很多著作提供了有关如何做好项目建议―― 并且可能做更好。

50、We already did that. OK, dH/dT constant presse is Cp. That was easy one.我们已经做过这个计算了,好,在恒压,状态下偏H偏T就是Cp,这个很简单。

经典英文句子51:简单好句,51、And the practices, well-coached, are easy to set in motion, too.敏捷框架设计以简单为原则,因此也就易于上手,受过良好指导实践也易于开展。

52、And , I have chosen Sony T2 bee the desi is trendy, easy to use, and has a built-in 4G harddisk .结果选择了索尼T2。原因很简单,设计好,易使用,内置硬盘(4G)。

53、In conclusion, he suggests that ultimately the RESTfulness of Cloud (at least Cloud mament) does not matter as much as the simplicity.总之,他建议最终云RESTfulness无关紧要,只要简单就好。

54、Simply put, the art, well-educated people there are — of the sort that hard work s — the economies (and companies) benefit.简单讲,聪明、受良好教育、勤奋创造人越多,经济越好。

55、The phosphating pcess has strens such as easy preparation, low cost, fast phosphating rate, good corsion resistance and application value.该工艺配制简单、成低、磷化速度快,磷化膜耐蚀好,具有较好应用价值。

56、I hope you will have a wonderful time!(我只是简单说一下,你可以自己再加上一点,意思是:亲爱xx老师,好久不见了,你还好吗?

57、The coatings formulation uses commmon mateals with abundant resoces, low costs and excellent firepof performance.该配方使用原料简单、来源丰富、成低、防火能好。

58、The pcess becomes easier as you establish good habits and apply yo learnings .在你已经养成良好习惯并学以致用后,过程就会变得简单多了。

59、A ugh translation on what the fans are saying in this video: “So many people ... We'd better stay here to save o lives … Maybe they've got tickets.关于中粉丝言语简单翻译:“好多人...我们最好待在这里好保命...也许他们拿到票了。

60、Hiking is fun and easy to do. All you need is a good pair of shoes and you're ready to go!远足很有趣而且简单易行,你所需要不过是一双好鞋,一切准备工作就都做好了!

61、Sabna Just befly, a supernatal fige, the nymph: it looks like Sabna Sabneah , but it was likely pnounced Sabna .只是简单地,一个不可思议人物,女神:她看起来像,但它好像应该念。

62、, all ght so you have o partners potentially, ,好,应该还有两个人,你们四个,接下来就简单了。

4 of you, this should be easy then.

63、Don n't just push a button saying I "Like" something. Actually tell them. What a concept!不要简单地点击按钮说我%“赞”,而要亲口告诉他们,这是多好概念!

、Amount of pject of this kind of method is all, go easily simply, and change monolayer window is double window, can achi better sound insulation, adiabatic, sealed result.这种方法工程量小,简单易行,且变单层窗为双层窗,能达到更好隔声、隔热、密封效果。

65、The green body and colla in fo colors make it a bookmark and a pen cap at the same time. Its concise but not desi pvides you a good partner at reading!翠绿腰身,四种颜花冠,是书签又是笔帽,是简洁但不简单设计,也是你读书时好伙伴!

66、Hiking may look easy, but it can be a very good workout.徒步旅行可能看来很简单,但他是一种特别好健身方式。

67、The fabcation pcess of this aliment film is convenient and the aliment film has good thermal stability.这种自组装光控取向膜制作过程简单,且具有良好热稳定。

68、With good maintaility, you can achi the other abilities easily and cost - effectively.拥有好可, 你就可以更有效简单拥有其他能力。

69、And if on the other side of complexity we can read simplicity and common sense, that's great.而如果与复杂相反,我们能看出简单和常识,那就很好。

70、In general, it's a good idea to simply iore unknown elements -- as HTML bwsers have always done.通常,简单地忽略未知元素是个好主意 - HTML 浏览器就总这样做。


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