
发布时间:2024-04-14 15:14:56 阅读:9 点赞:0

关于”表示感谢“英子35个,句子主体:Thank you。以下是关于表示感谢高二英子。

英文句子模板1:Thank you


1、'It was a acle and we have to give thanks to God, ' that only one person died, said Gov. Ped Gallardo.

我将它命名为Caloplaca obamae,以此来表示我对总统支持科学及科学教育感谢。

2、"I named it Caloplaca obamae to show my appreciation for the president's support of science and science education," he said.


3、I wish to take this opportunity to thank you on behalf of all my colleagues for yo warm reception and incomparable hospitality.


4、The odd thing was I was looking at nothing at all, and this woman was thankful.


5、His perception: You’re psuing him. You sent him a thank-you email after yo date, and immediately he knew you liked him.


6、The Editors acknowledge the geneus contbution of images and videos, some of which represent commercial pducts.


7、Enclosed is the I-20 form, which you sent me earlier. Lease accepts my sincere appreciation for all the assistance you have given to me.


8、Rush go mobile, thanks to the work of Wade, who is also known as the "Dirty Car Artist."


9、And let me thank you again for welcoming us to Beijing today to this Economic and Financial Dialogue.


10、At the same time, I express heartfelt gratitude to many staffs, seeing o factory as their own home and devoting themselves assiduously.


11、I also want to express my appreciation to WHO, to you its staff, and to my predecessors.


12、Hereon, we would like to give o sincerest thanks to these institutions and personnel that devoted themselves to the researches.


13、Send them a message and thank them. Just make se that the message is personalized to who they are.


14、In conclusion; we should like to thank these runners who hdio-videoe worked so hard to pduce this result.


15、Before the last performances, dean dean thanked the vaous actors, also let enjoy the stage actors, enjoy the show.


16、Out of social assistance gratitude, the mother filed a voluntary book yesterday, willing to donate the body after death.


17、First I want to express my sincere thanks and warm welcome to yo coming here on behalf of the staff of o company.


18、The division Commissar and Commander have saluted and thanked to the commanders and fighters involved in these attacks.


19、Jiang also thanked the Cuban side for its support to China's bid for hosting the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing and the 2010 World Fair in Shanghai.


20、When the real in heaven heard of this Lord Ye, he was deeply moved. He decided to visit Lord Ye to thank him.

21、The work done ding the Forum can impve those pspects considerably, and I thank you for what you have achid.论坛工作可以大幅改善这一前景,我对你们取得成就表示感谢。

22、We would like to express o sincere gratitude for yo important and beneficial work in prepang and guiding the conference ding the last year.借此机会,我们对你xx年来所做工作表示衷心感谢。

23、She gave . me her hand wi. th mute thanks…她向我伸腕表示无言谢意…

24、I have to thank him and many other colleagues for their contbutions and corrections. Vienna, 1911 - * Omitted in subsequent editions.我对奥托·兰克先生以及其他同事贡献和矫正意见表示感谢。

25、Let me begin by saying thanks to all of you who’ve traveled, fm far and wide, to brave the cold today.首先,请允许我对今天冒着严寒、远道而来朋友们表示感谢。

英文句子26:,26、I’m thankful that ninety-five percent of the stuff that I forget fm here on will pbably be unimportant anyway.我对从此以后忘掉东西中95%都无足轻重而表示感谢。

27、Kim Ji-new first enterpses to give long-term support and assistance with the Coal Gup expressed his thanks.金智新首先对各企业长期以来给予同煤集团支持和帮助表示感谢。

28、Tip: Don't forget to thank yo special fend afterwards with a all gift or notion.小贴士:别忘了给你朋友带个小礼物以示感谢或言谢。

29、Liverpool goalkeeper Pepe Reina has thanked his team-mates for ing him to his 100th clean sheet for the club.雷掌门对队友帮他实现俱乐部百场零封对手最快记录表示了感谢。

30、I want to thank you all, very sincerely, for the support that all Member States give to WHO.我要就全体会员国对世卫组织给予支持向你们大家表示衷心感谢。

31、I wish to take this opportunity to thank you on behalf of all my colleagues for yo warm reception and hospitality.我愿借此机会, 谨代表我所有同事们,对你们热情接待和款待表示感谢。

32、The recipient will be very pleasantly spsed to receive gifts on the spot open, expressed his appreciation and gratitude.受礼者会非常惊喜地接受礼物,并当场打开,表示赞赏和感谢。

33、I would also like to take this opportunity to express my appreciations to the Technical Secretaat for its efficient and orderly preparations.借此机会,我也想对技术秘书处高效、有序筹备工作表示感谢。

34、Remember to thank for letting you being informed about the matter, to show the sincere understanding of the byer's dissatifaction.回信时切记感谢对方禀告此事,并对买方不快表示真诚理解。

35、The Seychelles side sincerely thanked China for its stng support of Seychelles’ economic dlopment, he said.在塞舌尔经济发展方方面面都给予大力支持,塞方表示衷心感谢。

36、When you were 你xx岁时,她给你喂奶,为你洗澡,而你却以整夜哭闹对她表示感谢。

1 year old , she fed you and bathed you . You thanked her by crying all night long .

37、Li extended her gratitude to ACPPRC. Mr. Chiu hoped that Australia and China will enhance fendly ties and cooperation via this nt.李微微对澳洲和平统一促进会表示赞赏与感谢。邱维廉表示,希望搭建起澳中两地友谊桥梁,不断加强交流合作。

38、My deep appreciation also goes to forei experts who have participated in and supported the dlopment of science and technolo in China.向参与和支持科技事业外国专家表示衷心感谢!

39、I know you will join me in expressing o appreciation to o hosts fm the China Council for the Pmotion of International Trade.首先,请允许我代表理事会全体成员向次会议主办单位---贸促会表示感谢。

40、Say thanks, reiterate important points and tell them you're looking forward to finding out about the next steps.邮件中表示感谢,并重申你要点并告诉他们正在期待下一步动向。

41、EXAMPLE: While accepting the award, the employee said he wanted to give a shout-out for his colleagues who always were willing to him.在领奖时,这位员工表示他要对一直愿意帮助他同事深表感谢。

42、We spoke via radio, explained that rafts do travel slowly, and expressed gratitude for the interest shown.我们通过无线电与它对话,告诉它我们筏子航速确实很慢,对它表现出兴趣表示感谢。

43、J. fines, wei thank csheng, thank him stand guard, at the same time he inquired about the whereabouts of yi fang, let all people think like yi fang city wei.刘城伟向春生表示感谢,谢谢他挺身相护,同时向他打听怡芳下落,让所有人都误以为城伟喜欢怡芳。

44、Garth tght me that I should nr be too busy to show people my appreciation and to acknowledge the positive things they do.加思使我明白:我不应该因为太忙而不去向别人表示我感谢,应该答谢别人为我做一些积极事。

45、On behalf of the sponsors and supporters China Education Expo 2001, I'd like to extend my warm welcome to you and express my sincere appreciation to you for yo presence.“我谨代表”2001教育展“主办单位和协办单位各诸位表示热烈欢迎,对诸位光临表示衷心感谢。

46、Pepe Reina has thanked his team-mates for ing him to his 100th clean sheet for the club.雷掌门对队友帮他实现俱乐部百场零封对手最快记录表示了感谢。

47、Welcome to join Huanglong Muay Thai Club. On behalf of the staff of the club, I extend o gratitude for yo participation.欢迎您加入黄龙泰拳俱乐部,我谨代表俱乐部全体对您加入表示感谢。

48、I sincerely thank all of you here for the valuable support you have shown for the work of WHO.我真诚地感谢你们在场所有人为世卫组织工作表示宝贵支持。

49、First I want to thank the FLICAM staff for the warm welcome we received when we arved at Fuping.首先,我要对富乐国际陶艺博物馆热烈欢迎表示感谢。

50、O nation is grateful to the brave men and women who are taking sks on o behalf at this ho.对此时此刻正在为而冒生命危险英勇男女志士表示感谢。

经典英文句子51:表示感谢,51、On World Humanitaan Day, we hono these aid workers and thank them for their dedication.值此世界人道主义,我们向这些人员表示敬意,感谢他们无私奉献。

标签: 女孩英文名 

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