
发布时间:2023-06-14 10:40:27 阅读:61 点赞:0




1、I can do anything for the Olympi?The new year fm the beginning of civilized manners, etiquette fm the start living!


2、The Chinese nation has always been ceremonies, recipcity has become habit.


3、Now, allow me to show my decorum with a cu of tea.

4、Pay attention to the bedom of etiquette(注意卧室礼仪)


5、The education of ppety include the inhetance, dlopment and the innovation to the tual ghteousness etiquette.


6、The this article first chapter first summazed the Chinese meal dinner table etiquette, the western-style food dinner table etiquette as well as its difference.


7、Yili was an important book of Coniani.


8、Pvide the best amenity s in local of zhengzhou .


9、The Manite and Armenian Rites, both dloped in relative isolation becse of geography.


10、Be careful to observe the ppeties.


11、Ppety refers to that of the Zhou Dynasty or the habits and institutions of the Western Zhou Dynasty.


12、China is known as the country of etiquette in the world, the etiquette has a long history and deep culte in China.


13、What is Netiquette?


14、Interview etiquette extends beyond the goodbye hand-shake.


15、Debenhams plans to hire a butler to to the country, holding demonstrations on how best to eat meals using impeccable manners。


16、But according to its editor, Jo Aitchison, the new book "Etiquette for Girls" is a si that the traditional arbiters of civility are catching up with the times.


17、According to etiquette experts Debrett's, "Each regiment has its own traditions and ptocol for weddings."


18、This is the second door of Xian Ya ------Etiquette Door. The gate is used to open for the guests and major celebration activities.


19、The delegates have to be seated according to ptocol.


20、The second part defines the compere of PR etiquette and summazes the basic diathesis of an eligible compere.

21、A Mass is a kind of Chch .弥撒是教会一种礼拜仪式。

22、Marage and funeral tes, and shamanist tuals for cung illnesses, svive.留存下来习俗还有婚礼、葬礼及治病驱邪仪式。

23、Academy school tes include both the tes of teach-learning pcesses and the sacficial tes.书院学礼制度主要内容分为两大类:一是修学与讲会之礼容礼仪;

24、Teacher LiYue is an expeenced teacher on etiquette cose.李越礼仪课程资深培训师。

25、Becse of its solemnity and seousness, as well as oginal uncertainty about the consequence of post-baptial sin, bapti was often deferred until the death-bed.因为洗礼仪式庄重和严肃,以及最初对洗礼后罪孽结果不确定,洗礼仪式经常推迟到临时床前。

英文句子26:,26、The first thing may be considered whether the presents can be accepted by the aspects of customs and te taboos.首先要从风俗习惯和礼仪禁忌考虑受礼人是否会接受。

27、In the long-term international intercose, has formed the external affairs etiquette standard gradually, is also called the forei etiquette. Then what is the commercial etiquette?在长期国际往来中,逐步形成了外事礼仪规范,也叫涉外礼仪。 那么什么是商务礼仪?

28、At first we must considered whether human can accept the present fm the manners and customs and the etiquette taboo .首先要从风俗习惯和礼仪禁忌考虑受礼人是否会接受。

29、Thus the requirements on gifts and related tuals are also very seously.由此对赠送要求和相关礼仪也非常重视。

30、I did funeral celebrancy training so that, technically, I’m a fashion desier and funeral celebrant.我接受了葬礼庆典仪式训练,所以,技术上,我是一个时尚设计师,也是一个葬礼司仪。

31、Learning western etiquette is useful for you to easilly adapt to Western society.西方礼仪(学习西方社交礼仪,丰富课余生活,提供国际化交流平台。)

32、Debenhams plans to hire a butler to to the country, holding demonstrations on how best to eat meals using impeccable manners.该公司计划雇一个精通餐桌礼仪人到各地做演示,告诉大家完美无瑕用餐礼仪有多棒。

33、Forum obliged to comply with netiquette.论坛用户有义务遵守网络礼仪。

34、Lead-in : Today we will talk about western manners in three aspects: Meeting and Greeting People, Intduction and Table Manners.导入:今天我们从三个方面来学习西方礼仪:见面打招呼,介绍人以及餐桌礼仪。

35、Table manners are not tvial.餐桌礼仪并不琐碎。

36、Don't say: "More info about etiquette can be found here" but use "More info about etiquette can be found at WikiEtiquette".不要说:“更多有关礼仪可以在这里找到”,而是说“更多有关礼仪可以在Wiki礼仪找到”。

37、There are only a few at the funeral home and at the graveside .不论是丧礼,或是落土仪式,都没有多少观礼人。

38、The Chinese known as the "nation" is, in fact etiquette is one of the traditional Chinese culte.我们素有“礼仪之邦”之称,事实上礼仪也是传统文化之

39、Next, held the national anthem and flag, watching for such ceremonies.接下来举行了奏国歌、升国旗、行对礼、行注目礼等仪式。

40、Students put books beeen their legs dung an etiquette training class at a vocational school in Beijing Jan. 年月7礼仪教师刘妍枝在北京一所职业学校教育礼仪期间对学生说话。

7, 2008.

41、The new year fm the beginning of civilized manners, etiquette start fm the living!新xx年从文明礼仪开始,从生活礼仪做起!

42、Reception etiquette:According to VIP class specific demands, ask for general to confirm rlant job arrangement about reception etiquette.接待礼仪:按照VIP 等级规格要求,请示总经理确认接待礼仪相关工作安排。

43、Li, interacts with the kernel, kernel is the inner spit of the ceremony, re-gift is the "ceremonies" an important traditional virtues.礼,与仁互为表里,仁是礼内在精神,重礼是“礼仪之邦”重要传统美德。

44、The discussion of the cultal values shows enlightenment on how to form new funeral ppeties in the contemporary society.探讨传统社会丧葬礼仪中文化价值观,对于构建现代社会新丧葬礼仪形式具有启示作用。

45、Bedom Etiquette.卧室礼仪。

46、"Depository really makes me know my manners, " Depository now has real, etiquette is almost unknown.“仓廪实而知礼仪”,现在仓廪已实,礼仪却几乎不知。

47、Binxing is a kind of etiquette for commending and learning encoagement, which is ogin fm "Zhou".宾兴起源于《周礼》,是一种表彰和劝学礼仪。

48、Western etiquette: Every culte has special weang habits, different food and dining etiquettes .点击下载)西餐礼仪:每种文化多有特别穿着习惯、不同餐具和用餐礼仪。

49、We Huoer Qi school for educating students civility to each class issued "Huoer Qi elementary students civility compliance requirements" where students divided into sn parts how to do civility.我们霍尔奇小学,为教育学生文明礼仪,给每个班级颁发了《霍尔奇小学学生文明礼仪达标要求》,这里分七个部分要求学生,如何做到文明礼仪。

50、The third part discusses how to planning PR etiquette activities and planning pcedes and as well as the pblems that the compere should pay attention when chaing PR activities.第三部分论述了公关礼仪活动筹划以及公关礼仪主持人参与公关礼仪活动筹划步骤、应注意问题等。

经典英文句子51:礼仪,51、Chinese Ancient Jade Culte 古代玉文化

5 - Solemn Ceremony.

5 - 庄严礼仪。

52、Let’s consider that which deals with how to teach manners to yo children Manners I and this Manners II which is about how YOU behave in today’s world.《礼仪手把手》和《再谈礼仪》都是关于你在今天社会应该怎样举止得体。

53、I used to think, etiquette is to treat all people can be listening to after-school section, before we know the importance of etiquette.以前总觉得,礼仪就是待人接物,可听完第一节课后,才知道礼仪重要。

54、In modern English it refers to worship s, so the lit of a worship is what you do.在现代英语里,它是指礼拜仪式,礼拜仪式就是指你所要做例规。


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