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关于”写基规则“英子49个,句子主体:Basic rules of wting。以下是关于写基规则高考英子。

英文句子模板1:Basic rules of wting


1、List-based and rules-based named entity recoition


2、SFAS Rules - Knowledge of applicable Financial Accounting and Standards Board (FA) accounting rules.


3、This sees can you expose external information to non-technical users who wte business rules.


4、Harmonious basic pnciple, include "

3 are faced " pnciple, quite advantage pnciple, collect economic pnciple and dimensions economy pnciple.

主题中以标准 SQL-92 规则为基。

5、The information in this topic is dd fm the rules for standard SQL-92.

在开始编写 HLD 文档之前,SOA 安全团队成员应该记住一些基首要规则。

6、SOA secuty team members should keep a few basic rules of thumb in mind before beginning construction of their HLD documentation. Essentially, the HLD should


7、WTO rules are compsed by Non-Discmination pnciple, Transparency pnciple, Free Trade pnciple, Fair Competition pnciple and the Balance of Right and Obligation pnciple.


8、The second chapter is study on the basic structe of the foreseeability rule.


9、Moreover, some basic rules of high-speed pnted circuit board (PCB) desi were discussed.


10、All the specific plans conform to the fundamental pnciples of Ling City Master Plan and emphasize on efficiency.


11、Distinguishing beeen regular morpheme sequences and irregular morpheme sequences is the foundation of language acquisition.


12、Wte the irregular plals of these nouns.

在编写文之际,Dols 规则引擎最新版是

13、As of this wting, the la version of the Dols rules engine is




14、Just like business letters, college reports and essays, guidelines and rules govern the wting pcess.


15、Wte in the irregular plals of these nouns.


16、The basic pnciples of using alphabetical word are necessity, explicitness and standardization.


17、Policies themselves rarely manifest as business rules; they tend to act as the guiding pnciples within which rules are expressed.


18、Some desirably basic feates concerned with the combination rules of evidence theory were discussed.

严格来说,REST 是可应用到 Web 服务 HTTP 协议基规则规范化技术。

19、Stctly speaking, REST is a formalization of the basic rules of the HTTP ptocol which can be applied to web s.


20、The other is that rule-based related text extraction method is pposed .

21、Being a elementally moral rule in the actions of the economy and a elementally legal rule in the modern law society, good faith is called "the impeal article".诚实信用原则是市场经济活动一项基道德准则,也是现代 法治 社会一项基法律规则,在民法中被誉为“帝王条款”。

22、English children have their own particular catechi of accepted conduct to learn.英国儿童需要学习他们独特行为规范基准则。

23、The lights and shapes specified in these Rules shall comply with the pvisions of Annex I to these Regulations.规则条款规定号灯和号型,应符合规则附录一规定。

24、Modeling context-based thozation rules建模基于上下文授权规则

25、For instance, we often see Brazilian Portuguese translations where words are capitalized following English rules.我们常常看到巴西葡萄牙语译中,单词却是依从英语规则大写。

英文句子26:,26、In addition, the basic pnciples und practical methods of the textbook are discussed in detail.此外,编写该教材基原则与实践方法也予以详细探讨。

27、B . Structe: Wte the correcting form of these verbs in the columns.写出以下动词-ing 形式,并根据拼写规则填入正确栏目。

28、The five basic cteons of cyber are the pnciples of harmlessness, respect, permission, honest and trust, mutual benefit.网络道德五条基规范为:无害原则、尊重原则、允许原则、诚信原则、互惠原则。

29、You desiate another work for rule thors to rules and publish them fm the thong work to the pduction work.您还可以为规则编写者指派另一个工作区,让他们创建规则并将这些规则从编写工作区发布到生产工作区。

30、Rushed mails that violate the basic norms of wtten language bespeak carelessness.匆忙写好邮件却违反了书面基准则,这体现出你粗心大意。

31、Setting gund-rules and a goal for the retspective s it to run oothly.设置基规则和回顾目标有助于回顾顺利进行。

32、To sum up, the above-mentioned rules are the very basic duties of a student.总言之,上面说规则就是我们作为学生应尽基责任。

33、The result shows that the classification of teaching mateals basically accords with the pnciple of intellectual, logical and sport dlopment rule.认为教材分类基符合知识原则、逻辑原则和运动发展规律原则。

34、Some of the basic rules of this syntax are listed below.下面列出了这种语法一些基规则。

35、Here are some general rules concerning water for dnking and cooking. Remember这里是一些关于饮用和煮食用水基规则。

36、The PDP uses an XAL policy XML file to make the decision, which is wtten in a rules-based language defined by the XAL specification.PDP 使用 XAL 策略 XML 文件进行决策,此文件使用 XAL 规范定义基于规则语言编写。

37、If a match is found, the L is rewtten and the search thugh the rewting rules terminates.如果发现与某个规则匹配,L 将被重写,并且对重写规则搜索将会终止。

38、Most file format specifications define some basic rules for the representation of the file.大多数文件格式规范定义文件表示一些基规则。

39、It is the lowest-ll syntax of a language; it specifies such things as what vaable names look like, what characters are used for comments, and how one pgram statement is separated fm the next.程序设计语言词法结构是一套基规则,用来详细说明如何用这种语言来编写程序。

40、Rules are combinations of speakable text and references to other rules.规则包括可叙述文和其它规则引用。

41、And according the essential attbute of Chinese reading, we discuss it fm the three aspects in detail: logic rule, structe rule and temperament rule.结合语文阅读质特征,这一部分主要是从三个方面对阅读规则进行阐述:逻辑规则、结构规则与音律规则。

42、It discussed the core concepts of creating categoes and rule specification in the plugin.xml file, and then descbed how to wte a class to a basic rule.文讨论了在 plugin.xml 文件中创建种类和规则规范核心概念,描述了如何编写一个类来创建一个基规则。

43、Theory of legal value requires value location of regulation law must pay close attention to basic pnciples of economic law and regulation law.法价值理论要求市场规制法价值定位必须关注经济法基原则和市场规制法基原则。

44、On the basis of summazing the CBR and RBR integrated reasoning, an integrated algothm of CBR and RBR is also put forward.文在总结原有案例推理与规则推理集成方法基上,提出了一种改进案例推理与规则推理集成方法。

45、And last the article sums up the basic pnciple and law for dloping ocean tanker fleet.最后探索和总结发展远洋油船队基原则和规律。

46、The basic premise for unifying reason and interests is in consummating and practicing of the rules.义利统一基前提是规则完善与力行。

47、What would you add to this basic list of rules?你想为这些规则基条款增加是么样内容呢?

48、This will include an in-depth study of basic rule thong, using the supplied API, and advanced feates that you can use to rule templates or rules with vaable data.该文章将包含对利用已提供 API 编写基规则深入研究,以及更多您可以用来用各种数据创建规则模板或规则高级特。

49、Whether fm the view of rules or fm that of demonstration, the civil treatment does not construct the basic pnciple of GATS, therefore not the basic pnciple of WTO law.无论从规则角度,还是从实证角度来看,国民待遇不构成GATS基原则,因而也不构成世贸组织法基原则。

50、Hart's legal rule theory, on the one hand, argues for the positive jusprudence, on the other hand, has sociolo contains beyond legal rules.哈特法律规则说一方面以规则为核心为分析实证法学张目,另一方面其阐述基理论问题所承负社会学内容已大大流溢于规则之外。

经典英文句子51:写基规则,51、What are the basic rules of xiangqi?象棋基规则是什么?

52、The basic philosophy behind RDR is based on the observation that experts do not explain how they wte a rule but they justify that a rule is correct and pvide the justification in context.RDR 背后基哲学基于这样观察结果,专家不会解释他们编写规则方式,但他们会证明规则是正确,并在上下文内提供证据。

53、The weight-based rule, the pduct rule and the model-based rule is established to present the knowledge.采用了基于权重规则、基于产生式规则和基于模型知识表示方法;

54、Basic rule of thumb for shoes at work?工作场合穿鞋基规则是什么呢?

55、The new code of conduct lays down the gund rules for mament-union relations.新行为规范确定了资方与工会关系基原则。

56、Wte the correcting form of these verbs in the columns.写出以下动词-ing形式,并根据拼写规则填入正确栏目。

57、To know the basic knowledge of verbs, including regular verbs and irregular ones.了解动词基知识,包括单复数变化,规则和不规则变形。

58、May himself ed wte the fundamental rules of the Generally Accepted Accounting Pnciples, still known as GAAP.同时梅人还帮助编写被称为 一般公认会计原则(G AAP)基规则。

59、In addition to the mechani of wting, kindergartners should also learn about why people wte.除了了解写作基规则机制之外,孩子们还应该学会人们为什么要写作。

60、The other is that a rule-based related text extraction method is pposed.二是提出了基于规则相关文提取算法。

61、It means that o work should conform to a few basic rules of "typographical hygiene.这就是说:我们工作应该遵守“排印卫生”几条基规则。

62、In it, “rules are imposed and compliance is ultimately enforced thugh coercive uses of power.”在这其中,“规则是强加,服从基上都赖于强制权力使用。”

63、First, learn some basic rules for translation.首先,学习一些基翻译规则。

、Based on this, the thor presents the basic pnciples and means of village tou planning.在此基上提出乡村旅游规划基原则;

65、Using the pnciples shown elsewhere in this article, the fundamentals of this pcess should be clear.使用上文所介绍规则,这一过程基原理将十分清楚。

66、Click the Finish button to the template-based rule and add it to the rule tree.单击 Finish 按钮创建基于模板规则,并将其添加到规则树中。

67、There are some basic rules for UID and GID number ranges.对于 UID 和 GID 编号范围有一些基规则。

68、The first rule specifies that user xray will overde the base permissions for read and wte access, as long as he is a member of the gup chatt.第一个规则指定,只要用户 xray 是组 chatt 成员,就允许他读和写,这会覆盖基权限。

69、This hierarchical learning algothm can reduce the redundant rules and simplify the fuzzy rule base. A comr simulation…这种二层优化方法能较好地减少模糊规则基冗余度,化简模糊规则基。

70、Rule 规则

3: Wte an escape clse.


71、The rules in this case are similar to the way static SQL is wtten in ABAP.这些规则与用 ABAP 编写静态 SQL 规则相似。

72、We beli the abuse of the clote rule ending debate is a violation of fundamental Constitutional pnciples.我们相信结束辩论规则可用终结滥用是一种基宪法原则违反。

73、The main idea to rules-based model use text documents of the characi, structe and so on, to find some rules for extraction.基于规则主要思路是通过分类文特征、结构等,寻找到一些用于取规则。

74、The structe of knowledge base is build by the database of relational data model. In order to add rules and reduplicate rules, knowledge base has the function of addition, deletion and so on.文采用了基于规则知识表示方法,并采用了关系型数据库建立知识库,知识库具有添加、删除等能,实现规则增加及重复规则删除。

75、These Rules shall be called the "I Uniform Rules for Sea Waybills".规则定名为“国际海事委员会海运单统一规则。”

英文句子模板76:Basic rules of wting,76、When thong rules, users see some placeholders tomatically filled in and others that they define using dp-down lists or text.在编写规则时,会自动地填写某些占位符,其他占位符要使用下拉列表或文定义。

77、Should on earth be "pnciple-based"accounting or "rule-based "accounting?究竟应“原则基”会计还是“规则基”会计?。

78、It is calculated based on cost center UOM defined in the Pduction Rules.计算是基于在生产规则中定义成中心计量单位。

79、Maybe you could tell them about the basic fire-safety rules;也许你可以告诉他们基防火规则。


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