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关于”教育名言名句“英子51个,句子主体:famous sayings of education。以下是关于教育名言名句小学英子。

英文句子模板1:famous sayings of education


1、fm the very beginning of his education, the child should expeence the joy of discovery.


2、Huang Yanpei, the famous educationist, was one of the advocates of vocational education.

摘要楚图南是著名文学家、 教育家、社会活动家。

3、Chu Tunan is a famous litterate, educator and social activist .


4、Zhu Ziqing is a famous educationalist in modem history of Chinese teaching, whose ch Chinese teaching thought has pfound histocal and realistic siificance to this day.


5、Mr. Ye Shengtao was famous for Chinese language education, and he was also a linguist of great achiments.


6、It has 22 elected members fm schools and educational orisations and three-members nominated by the Director of Education.


7、A centre for education and research, the English-language institutions McGill University and Concordia University are world renown.


8、The museum was named a pvincial-ll base for “defence education”.

冯教授为资深教育学者及著名作家, 拥有逾xx年英语教学及研究经验, 在英语教学及英语为第二语言学习方法上作多方面尝试。

9、With than 30 years of expeence in teaching English, Pfessor Fung has ted and ed many methods of teaching English and ESL.


10、Mary Mountstephen is an educational and neu-dlopmental delay specialist in pvate practice and an international consultant to schools and orizations.


11、Ning will be in the northwest county of Education.


12、For example, by watching TV education pgrams such as language class, you can learn forei language without a teacher.


13、education begins its work while the first breath of the child.


14、Dung the Shang and Zhou dynasties, the first siification of Xiao Xue came into being. It meant elementary school and elementary education and its content.


15、Pfessor Zhang Zhonglu is a famous, patotic and pgressive educator and expert in mining of o country.


16、According to the object of pal education, the content and the gwing special feate of children, the mateal of pal education can be separated into o sorts.


17、Tao Xingzhi is a famous people's educationist in China's modern education history.


18、As an international renowned scholar in physi, Mr. Zhao Kai-hua has set an excellent example for younger generation in physi teaching.


19、Pvincial government is named the "model unit in Shanxi Pvince", "advanced collective teaching.


20、For example, the name Allison is usually selected by mothers with

17 or years of schooling, and bypassed by mothers without a high school diploma.

21、For the education achiment yearly con, following is the crent result of clubs with most education achiment.至于在年度教育成就竞赛方面,下列为目前得到最多教育荣衔分会名单。

22、As an expert in teaching, could you give us some advice on how best to study a language?作为一名教育专家,关于怎样才是学习语言最佳方式,你能给我们一些建议吗?

23、The museum was named a pvincial-ll base for "defence education".该博物馆被命名为省级“国防教育”基地。

24、I'm now a distance educine student.我方今是一名长途教育学员。

25、Mr. HAN Depei is a famous Just, educationalist and social practitioner of China.韩德培教授是我国著名法学家、教育家和社会活动家。

英文句子26:,26、Iwim now a distance educ student.我方今是一名长途教育学员。

27、Lee In-jae is a pfessor of ethi education at Seoul National University of Education.李仁宰(Lee In-jae)是首尔教育大学一名德育学教授。

28、Rousse is the famous French Enlightenment thinkers and educators, representatives of the famous "Emile".卢梭是著名启蒙思想家和教育家,代表作是著名《爱弥儿》。

29、——jean pl a teacher affects eternity; he can nr tell where his influence stops. 教师影响力是永恒;

30、In the Hsa language, the gup's name means "western education is a sin."在豪萨语言,该集团名字意思是“西方教育是一种罪过。”

31、The other emerging is the world of online education, which is one of the great democratizing stoes of recent years.另一新兴教育市场则是近几年名声大噪网络教育。

32、As a famous educator and social activist , wu yi - fang ' s educational thinking is mainly conceptualized and theozed out of her educational practice.摘要吴贻芳是我国著名教育家和社会活动家,其教育思想是在教育实践中逐步形成并得以升华。

33、Jiang Xueqin is a well-known education reformer in China.江学勤【音】是知名教育改革者。

34、We offer pre-university and career pgrams, as well as a wide range of continuing education pgrams to over 5700 full-time and 2000 part-time students.为了给超过5700名全制学生和2000名非全制学生提供一个大范围持续教育,我们设有大学预科教育和职业教育。

35、The pedago house saint pottery Sir of leaf of Zhao say:"What is education ?"著名教育学家叶圣陶先生说:“教育是什么?

36、Zhang Baixi, a famous educator in modern and contemporary China.张百熙是近代有名教育家。

37、I want to find a foreier to impve my spoken english.我是一名英语专业学生,想要考教育学英语学科与教学论专业…

38、Viewed fm histocal language evolution, education metaphoc language has been iored in educational activities becse of o psuing scientific aptitude of educational language.从语言身历史发展来看,由于追求教育语言科学化,教育隐喻语言在教育活动中受到了冷落。

39、At present, stadium employees and 30, a total of track and field, Wushu, chess, wing in fo sports, 目前,体育场在职员工30名,共设有田径、武术散打、棋类、划船四个体育项目,专职教练19名,其中初级教练7名,中级教练8名,高级教练4名。

19 full - time coaches, junior coaches


8 mid - ll coach , senior coach


40、Of the top 在大学教育成就排名前十位州,有九州地人均收入位列全国前12名。

10 states in college educational attainment, nine are in the top

12 in per capita income.

41、The Quality of education in Singapore today has been world - renowned, which is related to its unique investment policy in education.当今新加坡教育质量世界闻名,这与其教育投资政策独特有关。

42、He was well educated, and became a military engineer.他是受过良好教育,成为一名工程兵。

43、JCU is the only Australian institution to be ranked in the top JCU是名列前20名世界热带大学中唯一澳大利亚教育机构。

20 of the world's tpical universities.

44、Family education, famous teachers'education, his own personality, western educational thoughts, and fierce social change formed Yu Ziyi's educational mament thoughts.家庭教育、名师教导、个人格、西方教育思想、社会剧烈变迁等型塑了他教育思想。

45、We want a P. E. teacher.我们需要一名体育教师。

46、The educationist Duan Lipei was a thinker, and a doer as well.老教育家段力佩先生既是一名思想家,又是一名实家。

47、WES Education Gup has an expeenced team of educational pfessionals, including expatate and local teachers, support staff and school istrators.玮仕教育集团拥有一支具有丰富国际教育经验专业团队,包括多名中外教育专家和学校行政人员。

48、Jiang Longji is one of the famous educationalists in China.江隆基是我国著名教育家。

49、Both Cai Yuanpei and Alexander von Humboldt are well-known educationalists.蔡元培和洪堡都是著名高等教育家。

50、Pfessor Chen'mingzhi is a famous composer, theost, music educator and an eminent specialist in the theory and practice of polyphonic music in o country.陈铭志教授是我国著名作曲家、理论家、音乐教育家,复调音乐理论与实践著名专家。

经典英文句子51:教育名言名句,51、Chu Tunan is a famous litterate, educator and social activist.楚图南是著名文学家、教育家、 社会活动家。

52、Some tablets also keep mottoes , aphos, candidates of impeal examinations and the content, the soce of funds and the training of personnel in school education.还有格言、箴言、学田、学山、进士题名等碑,反映了学校教育内容、经费来源和人才培养情况。

53、Okay, I'm an English teacher, but I'm in English Literate, than English as a language.我是一名英语教师,但是我教英语文学,多于英语语言教学。

54、The meeting Scho mine workers in 会议对朔里矿职工学校等15个职工教育先进单位,30位尊师重教,72名优秀教师,46名优秀教育工作者等进行了表彰。

15 schools, staff education advanced units, 30 leading respecting teachers and 72 outstanding teachers, outstanding educators, and other 46 were commended.

55、Many world-renowned pedagogues predict that Wenyu Shen will become one of the grea pianists in history.很多知名教育家都预言,沈文裕将成为汗青上最伟大钢琴家之

56、Lively Education is a famous education pposition put forward by Chen Heqin in 1940s, aiming to set up education model with Chinese characi.“活教育”是陈鹤琴先生于上世纪xx年代提出著名教育主张,旨在探索建立化新教育之路。

57、Xia Mianzun , a famous educationalist and wter in modern China , contbuted a lot in secondary school education , especially Chinese teaching .夏丏尊先生是我国现代著名教育家、文学家,他在中等教育特别是中学语文教育领域有着卓越成就。

58、Li Shutong is an illuminative music educator in modern China.李叔同是我国近代著名启蒙音乐教育家。

59、Creative education is the soul of quality education. As a chemistry teacher, I think cultivating the creative ability of students is very important so as to meet the needs of the times.素质教育灵魂是创新教育,作为一名化学教育工作者,培养学生创新能力是时代要求。

60、Pfessor Cui has a high reputation as a linguist.崔教授作为语言学家名声很高。

61、Italy famous educator Maa Montesso founded her education method that was called " the Montesso's Education Method ", on the practice basis of Casa dei Bambini.意大利著名教育家蒙台梭利在“儿童之家”实践基上创立了她教育法,史称“蒙台梭利教育法”。

62、——astotle education begins its work while the first breath of the child. 当婴儿呱呱坠地时,人生教育就开始了。

63、Mang was a famous educator in the Eastern Han Dynasty.马融是我国东汉时期著名教育家。

、Li Zhi was a well-Known thinker, educator and man of letters in the Later Qing Dynasty.李贽是明代后期 名 震朝野异端思想家、著 名文学家和教育家。

65、Tang Wen-zhi was a famous educationist in the Modern History of Chinese Higher Education.唐文治是近代高等教育史上著名教育家。

66、the ots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet.教育之树根部是苦,但其果实是甜蜜。

67、Maple Leaf Educational s is a well-known brand that is committed to international education.大连枫叶教育集团是我国知名致力于国际教育品牌企业。

68、Sixia (1910-2004), who dedicated herself to Chinese education for 68 years, be her teaching career at the early age of 内容摘要 斯霞(1910—2004),xx岁从教,xx岁退休,从事教育教学工作xx年,是我国基教育界享有广泛赞誉著名教育家。

17 and retired till 85.

69、Mr. Zhang Zhongxing is o country now a generation of renowned scholar, the wter, is also the renowned language educationalist .张中行先生是我国现当代著名学者、作家,又是著名语文教育家。

70、——e.gibbon the ots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet. 教育之树根部是苦,但其果实是甜蜜。

71、a teacher affects eternity; he can nr tell where his influence stops.教师影响力是永恒;

72、In the form of questionnaire, 134 PE teachers fm 76 special education schools of 23 pvinces, distcts and municipalities have been investigated to show the actuality.就特殊教育学校体育师资队伍现状,对我国23个省(区、市)76所特殊教育学校及其134名特殊教育体育教师分别进行了问卷调查。

73、Liu Guozheng is contemporary famous Chinese educator, has the important influence in the Chinese educational circles.刘国正是当代著名语文教育家,在语文教育界有重要影响。

74、Yan Yuan is a great educator and thinker in the early Qing dynasty.颜元是清初知名教育家、思想家。

75、Nagoya (Japan) under the guidence of renowned music educator, conductor and choral vocal Joe Saito command.师从名古屋地区著名音乐教育家、指挥家斋藤乔学习声乐与合唱指挥。

英文句子模板76:famous sayings of education,76、Sral well-known blog gups are Suzhou education blog gup, Shanghai education blog and Guangzhou Tianhe tbe.比较著名博客群有:苏州教育博客、上海教育博客、广州天河部落等。

77、Nowadays, with the reform on Chinese and teaching being cared out, the issue of an overall Chinese education has been a spotlight.在新时期语文教育教学不断进行改革今天,大语文教育成为一个引人瞩目名词。

78、Feng Guifen was an important thinker and educator in the modern history of China.冯桂芬是近代著名思想家、教育家。

标签: 女孩英文名  开头英文名 

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