
发布时间:2023-06-24 15:47:50 阅读:55 点赞:0




1、To ce sometimes, to reli often, to comfort always.


2、We may n beli that God no longer loves us.


3、This is what is known as the placebo effect.


4、There is comfort but also judent in these letters.


5、This stimulated emission is the opposite of (stimulated) absorption, where unexcited matter is stimulated into an excited state by a light wave.


6、This queen would b him of that consolation.


7、It will be all ght, ' she cooed soothingly .


8、Layla, darling won't you ease my wored mind.


9、Ann came to see me when I was in hospital. She was a real Job's comforter!


10、He is my confident , a great soother and listener.


11、The stuff of o lives is a comfort .


12、Relief flooded Massa's face as she saw me.


13、Having a full pantry can be fun and reassing.

l 49名患者采用纳曲酮(100mg/天)和安剂

14、49 patients received naltrexone (100 mg/day) plus placebo


15、The rest received a placebo ding the eight-week peod.


16、Hed make me lgh just to comfort me.


17、The rules of "comfort Station" stipulated by the depot headquarters.


18、Exhsting and at the same time, over stimulating!


19、Words of cose cannot heal a wound of this sort.

20、May God embrace you in comfort ding this difficult time. 在这艰难时刻,愿上帝安地拥抱你。

21、Hester comforted and counselled them, as best she might.海丝特则尽其所能安和指点她们。

22、"It is comfort eating – just like comfort dnking, " said Hawkey, adding that bingeing could lead to many health sks beyond excess weight.霍基说:“这属于安饮食——就像安饮酒一样。” 他补充道,暴食可能导致超重之外许多健康风险。

23、Ice cream should be a relief fm side-taking.从侧面讲,冰淇淋应该是一种安品。

24、She found the companionship of Marcia a solace.她觉得马西娅陪伴是莫大安。

25、Does Placebo Effect Mask True Efficacy of Antidepressants?安剂效应掩盖了抗抑郁剂实效吗?

英文句子26:,26、"It's life going und and und in a loop, " he says, as if he's reassing his parents as well as himself.“生命一遍又一遍地转圈圈。(译注:指上文提到‘回’)”他说,好像在安他父母,又好像是安自己。

27、Thou the spng of all my comfort, More than life to me;你是我安源头,于我比命贵;

28、"Don't worry, Jim, " I consoled him later.“不用担心,吉姆”晚些时候我安他道。

29、Big sister dont feel well want to retn to fetus, season so often ted to comfort.大妹感觉不舒服想回家安胎,季常只好尽力安。

30、I always be there with you.不知道你要安哪方面,希望对你有帮助吧

31、Both coleslam and placebo were generally well tolerated.考来维仑与安剂均耐受良好。

32、Large, randomised, placebo-contlled tals are gently needed.急需进行大样安剂对照随机试验。

33、So perhaps there's some comfort in the inevitability of death.这样面对亡必然也许还有些安。

34、朋友可以在我失败时给我安 Fends can give me comfort when I fail

35、If a kiss was secondhand, the consoler would reception his or her open mouth opposition the recipient's body, usually aboard the altitude of the pate or their back.用亲吻表示安时, louboutin,表达安黑猩猩会张开嘴近对方身体,通常是头顶或后背。

36、She was distracted with gef and refused to be solaced.她悲痛得精神恍惚,怎么安也没用。

37、God's love is a constant soce of comfort to me.神爱持续地是我安之源。

38、I’ve ted ry way to comfort the crying girl. 我试过了所有方法去安那哭泣女孩

39、How do we know the placebo did not have an effect if we don't know what the placebo was?如果我们连安剂中有什么成分都不知道,那么我们又怎么能知道安剂真没有起到任何药效呢?

40、You lay there on the bed, leaking, and I comforted you.你躺在床上,信口开河,我安你。

41、"It's life going und and und in a loop," he says, as if he's reassing his parents as well as himself.“生命一遍又一遍地转圈圈。 (译注:指上文提到‘回’)”他说,好像在安他父母,又好像是安自己。

42、The following day, howr, the doctor consoled him by telling him.不过,第二天,医生安他说。

43、Zhaotian comfort Ming Yue, personally tght her cooking.兆天安明玥,更亲手教她烹调。

44、Uncle Wang held my hand and ted to comfort me.王大爷握住我手,设法安我。

45、Hed make me lgh just to comfort me他总能让我笑起来,给我安

46、The Italians are without n that comfort.但是意大利却连这样自我安都没有。

47、They bught comfortless news to all of us.他们给我们带来没有安我们。

48、His heart aches for us when we mon. He is the "God of all comfort, who comforts us in all o tbulation" (祂是赐各样安上帝,在我们一切患难中,安我们(哥林多后书1章3-4节)。

2 Cor.


49、40 patients received sertraline (200 mg/day) plus placebol 40名患者采用舍曲林(200mg/天)和安剂

50、Now I wish what I got is just some emotional ht. At least emotion can not ht me so much and deep.我想我渴望安,但讨厌扮演被安者,所以我不能允许自己像祥林嫂一样念叨。

经典英文句子51:安,51、The little girl is a great consolation to her parents.这小女孩是他父母莫大安。

52、Don’t let the powers of rationalization take you fther, though.不要让那种自我安力量影响你。

53、I always be there with you. 不知道你要安哪方面,希望对你有帮助吧

54、She will be comforted to learn the news.听到这个她将得到安。

55、Liu secretary in the comfort, don't worry there are home.柳局长在旁安,不用担心还有柳家。

56、Yo solicitude was a great consolation to me.你对我关怀给了我莫大安。

57、He'd make me lgh just to comfort me, 他会想办法让我笑起来,安我。

58、May God embrace you in comfort ding this difficult time.在这艰难时刻,愿上帝安地拥抱你。

59、Shall I find comfort, travel-sore and weak?我能否寻得安,以解旅行酸痛和疲惫?

60、"That's not so seous, " soothed his mother.“这没什么大不了,”安地说道。

61、he'd make me lgh just to comfort me, 他会想办法让我笑起来,安我。


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