
发布时间:2024-01-02 14:39:55 阅读:23 点赞:0

关于”感谢“英子20个,句子主体:Thank you。以下是关于感谢高二英子。

英文句子模板1:Thank you

1、感谢有你一直陪在我左右 Thanks for accompanying me all the time.

2、Thank you for all you have done for us. 感谢您为我们所做一切。


3、Thank you very much for ing me with my homework.


4、Be thankful for each new challenge, dr dre headphones.

5、感谢家人 A letter to my parents Dear Mom and Dad, [1] I love you!

他感谢我们去他家,还把我圣诞卡贴在冰箱上,并且说: “谢谢你小樱桃”。

6、He thanked us for o visit and placed my Chstmas card on his refgerator. He also said, "Thanks, Little Cherry."


7、Thank you in advance for all submittals!


8、Thank you for not siing homework this holiday season.

作者要感谢 Doug Phillips 和 William Ttman,感谢他们审阅了文并提供了宝贵建议和贡献。

9、The thor would like to thank Doug Phillips and William Ttman for reviewing the article, and pviding valuable suggestions and contbutions.


10、Thank you for appeang in my life.


11、I sing these songs to thank them.


12、Fol: We thank you for yo blatant honesty.


13、Thank you for ing me to carry the bag.

I sing these songs to thank them.



15、Thanks for bounties on wolves and coyotes.

16、Thank you for always being here with me. 感谢你们一直陪在我身边。


17、Thank goodness! We were all so wored.


18、"Oh, thank God, " says Van der Merwe.


19、The thor would like to acknowledge Malvern Instruments.

20、I’m very much obliged to you for yo gracious hospitality. 感谢您热情款待。

21、Please see below & pvide to MS with thanks!请看以下说明,另附感谢信。

22、The men thanked John Henry for his .男工们感谢亨利帮助。

23、感谢上帝让我认识了你 God blessed that I have known(met) you.

24、thanks so much for yo . dinner’s on me tonight非常感谢你帮助。

25、Thank you so much. I had anice time.非常感谢,我过得很愉快。

英文句子26:,26、Thank you for inviting me. 你应该礼貌地感谢主人邀请。

27、Thank you, HIU for giving me this chance.感谢龙外给了我这次机会。

28、We are very thankful to o coach. 我们非常感谢我们教练。

29、Thanks for a nation of finks.感谢一个全是告密者国度。

30、Yo thoughtfulness is very much appreciated非常感谢你无微不至关怀。

31、Ok, thank you so much! See you next Monday!好,非常感谢!下周一见!

32、Other research shows that wting a “gratitude letter” to someone study participants had nr pperly thanked made those letter wters siificantly hr.另外一项研究也指出,写一封感谢信给一个你从未恰当地感谢过人会让写信者幸福感显著提高。

33、All the teachers are very fendly to students希望您可以采纳,十分感谢。

34、Here's a letter of thanks for you, Tom.这儿有你一封感谢信。

35、Yo thoughtfulness is very much appreciated.非常感谢你无所不至关怀。

36、Thank God, He harkened to my prayer.感谢神,祂垂听了我祷告。

37、I would like to acknowledge the contbutions of all the reviewers, and thank them for their insightful comments on early drafts of this article.我想感谢所有审核人员贡献,感谢他们对这篇文章初稿深刻见解。

38、Thanks for yo sincere cooperation with us.感谢您与我们真诚合作。

39、Liu Mei did not wait for their thanks.刘梅没有等着他们来感谢。

40、Oh, thanks. But I think she'll feel like we're ging up on her.哦,谢谢。但是我认为她会感觉到我们是合伙欺负她。

41、Thanks Tao Wang for yo comments on mine.感谢王韬回复我评论。

42、Well, thank you, Nate, for that kind intduction.纳特,感谢你热情介绍。

43、感谢篇 acknowledgement top yo kindness means so much. 你关心铭记在心。

44、Thank you for always being here with me.感谢你们一直陪在我身边。

45、NGO. thank you for the explanation in chinese.宾果。感谢你中文说明…

46、活着真好 is good to be alive.感谢生命 Thank god that we are alive.

47、身边有你 For you stayed with me. 感谢有你 Thank you for yo staying.

48、This is a all token of my appreciation.感谢人送礼物时必说话。

49、I'd like to thank you for yo hospitality. 非常感谢你们热情款待。

50、Everyone in yo family will thank you.你家里每个人会感谢你。

经典英文句子51:感谢,51、PRESIDENT OBAMA: Thank you so much. Agatou .中文欧巴马总统:十分感谢。

52、Thank you for appeang in my life. 感谢你出现在我生命里。

53、Give thanks to thors who have inspired us.感谢启发我们著作者。

54、Thank VC version of the knowledge base moderator!感谢VC知识库各版版主!!!

55、Thanks for the nice QSO.非常感谢这次良好直接联络。

56、Thank you pay attention to PHONG Business!感谢您对方氏商业关注!

57、Thank you very much for yo warm letter.感谢你热情洋溢来信。

58、What you'll notice is--Thank you very much.你们会看到,非常感谢你

59、Thank you so much, Elaine…we are so grateful for yo family's and sacfice…and we will always have yo back.非常感谢,伊莲……我们非常感谢来自你家庭服务和牺牲,我们永远支持你。

60、“Thanks, ” Mandy said, already moning the using solitude of a few minutes ago.“谢谢,”曼迪说,已经开始为前几分钟唤起孤独感了。

61、Thank you for staying in o hotel and we look forward to be at yo again soon.再次感谢您入住及点评,上海国际贵都大饭店期待您再次入住,谢谢!

62、At this time, Lee came out fm the gate, honeyle hed thanked him, Lee says it should thank the valley doctor.这时,李校长从校门内走出,忍冬急忙感谢他,李校长却说应该感谢是谷大夫。

63、Li Tian: Thank you for yo offer again.李甜:再次感谢您聘用。

、I cannot sufficiently express my thanks for yo thoughtful kindness.对于你给予我无微不至关怀,不胜感感谢

65、And I thanked the greens as I collected them in my colander: thank you for giving yo life to me.我边将绿叶菜放入笊篱边感谢它们:谢谢你们给与我你们生命。

66、I am very grateful to them. Thinking of them as confidants .我非常感激他们俩,感谢他们成为我知己。

67、And finally, I want to express my appreciation to all of my fends for their support, especially to Martin Miller, for being there when I needed him. This award means a great deal to me.我要感谢我丈夫对我理解与支持,最后,我想感谢所有支持过我朋友,特别感谢马丁·米勒,每当我需要他时,他总在我身边。

68、I want to thank Sergei Gief, Director of the New Economic School. (Applse.)(掌声) 我感谢新经济学院院长谢尔盖·古里埃夫(Sergei Gief)。

69、Many thanks for taking so much tuble with it.非常感谢你花时间看。

70、I heartily appreciate yo great kindness to me.衷心感谢您一片盛意。

71、We will appreciate any of yo .我们会非常感谢您帮助。

72、感谢篇 Acknowledgement top Yo kindness means so much. 你关心铭记在心。


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