
发布时间:2023-05-11 13:49:52 阅读:52 点赞:0

关于”常用句型“英子53个,句子主体:commonly used sentence patterns。以下是关于常用句型小升初英子。

英文句子模板1:commonly used sentence patterns


1、As E5 is often found in high-sk HPV, while seldom found in low-sk HPV, so it is assumed that E5 has sort of connection with carcinogenesis of HPV.


2、It was suggested that the SWAN model could well simulate the dlopment and ppagation of steady and unsteady wind-induced waves.

系列26A, 263A小型压力调节阀通常用于水和2号燃料油压力调节。

3、Sees 26A, 263A Small Presse Regulators are general ppose presse regulators for water and no.

2 fuel oil.


4、Researchers frequently use modern technolo, such as comr models and tissue cultes, in their research.


5、Something unusually large of its kind, especially a ship.


6、Bee great thick differences exist on wall of handle of coffee pot and the structe is quite complicated, it is very difficult to pduce with ordinary plasti injection pcess.


7、How often do I pace it three times a day, early and late, ay, and in all weathers too, and say nothing about it?


8、The sail captes constantly streaming solar particles, called photons, with giant sails built fm a ligheight mateal.


9、A: The technological fntier is a theoretical construction useful to build models of technolo adoption.


10、Using the Omni-directional M-mode echocardiography to assess the normal myocardial velocity gradient (MVG);


11、In short, there is a real need for some experts to guide dlopers thugh the spsingly complex world of creating graphically ch applications.


12、The article mainly descbes the application common ceramic water-reducing agent in home and abad, the change nate of new model agents and the dloping trend.


13、Exploitive styles must be conducted with great sulety as very few counterparts are so desperate as to welcome or tolerate outght exploitation.


14、Mease crent - Model 7169A relays remain normally open and Model 7158 relays go to normally open.


15、We have some aller coses which are very mathematic form, which will not be tght in this format.


16、Usually, we apply the function of cutter radius compensation to the ugh and finish machining in the pfile and cavity of the work piece.


17、The types, pnciples, feates, and applications of displacement sensor used in ultra-low frequency active vibration isolation contl are intduced.


18、One inlet and one outlet, and are used to permit and shut off fluid flow. The o types of operations are "Normally Closed" and "Normally Open".

随着用户群增长,发生了这样事:有几个用户是 A 类型,即非常细心型(我之所以这么说是因为我就是这样人)。

19、As the user base gws, something else happens: Sral of those users will be type-A, ultra-detail-oented types (and I can say that bee I'm one of these people).


20、Dogs can spontaneously dlop osteosarcoma, which is similar to human, and arc frequently used as spontaneous tumor models.

21、Built-in exception types cannot be d.无法删除内置异常类型。

22、Two-stage models are used when near-term cash flows gw at irregular or unsustainable rates.两阶段模型用于当近期流以一个非常规或非持续比率增长时。

23、According to show the different ways and content, commonly used in the instrumentation on the liquid crystal display modules and a T-point formation of o types.根据显示方式和内容不同,常用于仪器仪表上液晶显示模块有笔段型和点阵型两类。

24、Typically this is at a very locked-down envinment (for example, some Citx envinments, and also some non-Citx envinments where the end user’s Internet Explorer is heavily ‘locked down’).通常,这种类型用于一个非常 “锁定” 环境(例如某些 Citx 环境,还有某些非 Citx 环境,其中终端用户 Internet Explorer 被严重 “锁定”)。

25、Looking at the high-ll steps, it appears that the dynamic invocation model for JAX-RPC and JAX-WS are similar.从象步骤来看,JAX-RPC 和 JAX-WS 动态调用模型非常相似。

英文句子26:,26、The high voltage wire ice remover of the utility model can effectively remove the ice on the high voltage wire and ense the normal use of the high voltage wire.实用新型能够有效清除高压线上冰凌,确保高压线正常使用。

27、Model aircraft are flying or non-flying models of existing or imaginary aircraft, often scaled down versions of full size planes, using mateals such as balsa wood, foam and fiberglass.模型飞机样式有些是现有有些是虚构,通常是大型飞机缩减过后模型居多,大部分使用浮筒木筏木头,泡沫和玻璃纤维。

28、And that arc and arc envelope line is one of the most commonly used in desi of tate pfile.而圆弧和圆弧包络线是在转子型线设计中最常用曲线之

29、At least one of the package types given will open on all the popular platforms or with freely available tools.在所提供软件包类型中至少有一个可在所有常用平台或用免费提供工具包打开。

30、Compared with synchnous explosive AND gate, it requires no synchny and time sequencing to its o inputs, thus extends its application area and impves its reliability of normal function .这种异步与门与常用同步型与门相比,具有对两个输入信号无同步和无时序要求特点,扩展了与门应用范围,提高了正常作用可。

31、It was took a question of "Logathmic Model" in the calculation of the species density which was commonly used in the research of biodiversity at present.同时还对目前常用计算物种密度“对数模型”方法普遍适用提出质疑。

32、Conventional: Typically, synthetic fragrances are used in conventional shampoos, due to cost, performance, and vaety.常用香波:一般都是典型合成香精,成极低、能优异、而且配方多变。

33、Conclusion The results indicate that Luohanshen has a positive effect on pgation in constipated mice but has no effect in normal mice.结论罗汉参对便秘模型小鼠具有通便作用,对正常小鼠无通便作用。

34、It is shown that the tocatalytic model gives a better descption of the kinetic pcess of the GICZPS glass crystallization compared with the JMA model.结果表明,较之通常采用JMA模型,双参数自催化模型可以更好地描述玻璃析晶动力学过程。

35、This article uses the Sphinx-4 code base to pvide tomatic recoition of a very all dictionary of common letters and numbers.文将使用 Sphinx-4 代码库为小型常用字母和数字字典提供自动识别。

36、And according to Tb, installing cages and other safety meases often costs than the bot itself.根据托布说法,安装防护笼和其他安全设备费用通常比造一个类人型机器人费用还高。

37、VADOF has a potential application in the field of optical communication inter-satellite.佛克脱型反常散原子滤光器在卫星信领域有潜在极大应用前景。

38、Liver-type FD using the tune depression lung liver and stomach can be impved the clinical efficacy of treatment;加用调肺法可明显改善肝郁脾虚型FD患者伴随心理异常;

39、The XML name in the model application's inbound nts is very important. The name must match exactly what is sent by WebSphere Business Events模型应用程序入站事件 XML 名称空间非常重要。

40、The chmosome number and karyotype of Citrus limon were investigated with the conventional pressing plate method.用染体常规压片法,对柠檬进行了染体计数和核型分析。

41、Templates make this possible by parametezing key types and allowing one to work with those outside of the implementation.模板技术因为可以使用参数化类型使得其扩展可以非常好。

42、Conclusion:The clobetasol ppionate compound ointment is effective and safe for treatment of psoasis vulgas.结论:复方丙酸氯倍他索软膏外用治疗寻常型银屑病安全、有效。

43、ENUM type columns are very fast and compact.ENUM 类型是非常快和紧凑。

44、These are generally made of carbide vaety in view of the large mateal removal involved, though high speed steel is also used.这些齿通常由碳化刀组成,根据所要切削大型材料类型决定刀刃,但也用高速钢材料。

45、The 8字型身材被认为是完美体型,通常也称之为沙漏状体型。

8 frame is considered the perfect body shape. It is often called the hoglass fige.

46、Methods:The immunosuppressed model induced by cyclophosphamide (CTX) in normal and tumor beang mice were established to investigate the immune-regulatory effects of TAE.方法:用环磷酰胺(CTX)制备正常及荷瘤小鼠免疫抑制模型,观察TAE免疫调节作用。

47、Secondly, we adopt Mass-spng models as a result of study and compason of sral common models for flexible body.,通过对多种常用柔体建模方法研究与比较,采用了质量-弹簧模型建模方法。

48、For many years, comr users have been able to run pcessor-intensive speech recoition applications executing commands based on voice pcessing and requing extensive configation.多年来,计算机用户都能够运行处理器密集型语音识别应用程序来基于声音处理执行命令,但这常常需要进行大量配置。

49、In the desi of aeelastic model of long-span concrete-filled steel tube arch bdge, the method of using an equivalent mandl to simulate the stiffness of whole arch b is mainly used at present.对于超大跨度钢管混凝土拱桥,由于受模型缩尺比所限,通常在气弹模型试验中不能单独模拟出拱肋中单根钢管,目前常采用集中法用一个芯棒模拟整个钢管桁架。

50、Ce to use super a fog tn the machine in common use in breath a paxy treatment, belong to the medical treatment apparatus of the universal type.医用超声雾化器常用于呼吸道疾病治疗之中,属于普及型医疗器械。

经典英文句子51:常用句型,51、Methods Normal and alloxan diabetic mice are used. Determining their blood glucose by means of o-Toluidine method (O-T).方法采用正常小鼠和四氧嘧啶糖病模型小鼠,用邻甲苯胺法测定血糖值。

52、Costruction feates of fo conventional sets have been given and applicability and rule of selecting vaety of those equipment put forth.介绍了国为外常用四种型式树脂砂再生设备结构特点,提出了各种树脂自硬砂设备适用和选用原则。

53、The XOM document object model ptects users fm common mistakes in the use of XML, while offeng good performance and memory-efficiency.The XOM 文档对象模型可以防止用户在使用 XML 时出现常见错误,同时提供了良好能和高效内存使用。

54、The limb-girdle muscular dystphies are divided into o types according to inhetance pattern, type 目前根据遗传方式分为1型(常染体显)和2型(常染体隐) ,每一型根据不同基因缺陷又分为许多亚型。

1 is tol dominant and type

2 is tol recessive.

55、If you determine that these types are frequently mapped together, consider using a Submap which is re-usable, otherwise, a Local map is the way to go.如果确定这些类型经常一起映,请考虑使用可重用 Submap,否则就可以使用 Local map。

标签: 宠物英文名  王者英文名 

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