
发布时间:2023-01-12 03:12:04 阅读:84 点赞:0




1、He's too angry to hold on to himself not to scold.


2、I know sometimes it's frustrating to watch them underachi , but what ght have we to blame them?


3、The o Gymleaders then decide to rethink their battle strate, and call up Byn to yell at him simultaneously for underestimating their foe.


4、Afire with annihilating invective; a devastating portrait of human folly; to compliments inflated I've a witheng reply- W. S. Gilbert.


5、It was also said they knew the names of the people who made the traps, therefore they called their and their forefathers' names.


6、O says China class d didn t appear, how dont scold him.

或许。 你还可以手牵着手,打情骂俏,来增加情趣。

7、Maybe for you it’s holding hands or flirting.


8、He had been subject to a campai of innuendo in the press.


9、look at the mess you've made!


10、It is better to fight for justice than to rail at the ill. (Alfreds Tennyson, Bitish wter)


11、Nothing, of cose, was fwzy, but rything was somewhat dusty, as if belonging to a man who nr rebuked a servant.


12、Very useful for learning, the thors hope to see them since people do not cse undly, I will study hard and then we retn.


13、See nomads children not to bite, can't beat and scold.


14、Csed be he that lieth with his sister, the dghter of his father, or of his mother: and all the people shall say: Amen.


15、The boss rapped me on knuckles for failing to spot the mistake.


16、If someone is a bead, in spite of abusing you or hating you, you should select him. If he doesn't want to participate in, that's having no other way.

一个肥教师问我是什么。 我骂:一群狗奴才。

17、A fat teacher asked me who I was.


18、Regardless of who is called hate today, it was only temporary.


19、At Santoni beach, one all thing like a bottle of sun block will stop people calling you stupid.


20、So rybody must see me, you do not ask me, you can be scolded, you can give money, exert oneself not to please, why should you do this business.

21、He nr yelled at me dung times I would give up.甚至在我放弃时侯,他也不会责骂我。

22、She grew css and weasome, snapping at and teasing Cathene continually.她变得别扭而且消沉,常常叱骂和戏弄凯瑟琳。

23、Bessie, you must pmise not to scold me any till I go.贝茜,你得答应我在走之前不再骂我了。

24、Philandeng cost Lakers star Kobe Bryant and golfer Tiger Woods millions in lost endorsements.打情骂俏让湖人球星科比布莱恩特和高尔夫球星老虎伍兹在代言上丢失了数以万计钱财。

25、Howr, you be to chide you if you try to talk Louis.但假如你试图语,就会遭到她们责骂。

英文句子26:,26、Night, Li Jun came home drunk, into the house when the sweang of myself, and li glass in arms to, also dont know Li Jun has already bke up with Daniel.入夜,李君喝醉了酒回到家中,进屋之时骂骂咧咧洋相百出,黎璃闻声而至,还不知道李君已经与丹尼尔分手。

27、When Tom called a bad name, flew at his that.汤姆开口骂狄克, 狄克就扑向汤姆去打他。

28、Howr, Yan Pei recent quarter was a lot of fends notoety becse she was Edison's first female creative artists.但是季欣霈最近遭到网友很多骂名,其原因是她是陈冠希旗下首位创作女艺人。

29、Button for reporting false information. If sral people denounce the ad will be hidden tomatically and the istrator will be alerted.报告虚假按钮。如果有几个人骂广告将被自动隐藏,并会提醒员。

30、Rebuffed and reviled, I be to feel emotionally drained.在遭到粗暴拒绝和痛骂后我开始觉得情绪低落。

31、Rafael was scolded n though he hadnt been doing anything wng.尽管拉斐尔没做什么错事,但他还是挨骂了。

32、All he saw honor send home namely faces, unknown so honor.全见荣送玥回家即破口大骂,荣不明所以。

33、Yo father will bawl you out when he sees this mess.你将会大骂你当他看到这堆狼藉。

34、Job rebuked Eliphaz, Bildad, and Zophar for their insensitivity .约伯责骂以利法、比勒达、和琐法,说他们不知不觉。

35、Ordway was prepared to be hopped on for so late homing.这么晚回家,奥德韦已做好了挨骂准备。

36、We ted to calm him down, but he kept shouting and sweang.我们试图使他平静下来,但他仍不停地叫骂。

37、"I felt it was a fairly all thing, just hitting and sweang at the workers and not giving them wages," Heng said, according to The Shiyan Evening News.据《十堰晚报(The Shiyan Evening News)》报道,衡庭汉表示,“我觉得事情比较小,只是打骂工人,不给工人工资。

38、You always scolded by their parents but nr cry out in defeat.你总容易被父母骂哭却从未在外面服输。

39、In England, there is a release of it, but it's very little known becse it was so slagged at the time.这个版在英国发行了一些,但是很少有人知道,因为当时它被骂得太厉害了。

40、It was no less scolded, but we don't care.想想小时候是没少挨骂,不过我们都不在意。

41、The Book takes the form of a letter fm the apostle Pl to the people of Rome, in which he rails against all manner of godlessness.内容是使徒保罗写给罗马信,他痛骂一切不敬神行为。

42、He said, "This is such a stupid ttle!昏天暗地,忍不住骂了起来:「这只笨乌龟,等一下

43、If you lose in an argument, you can still call yo opponent manes.即使输了一场辩论,你仍可谩骂对手。

44、And whor shall say to his bther, Raca, shall be liable to the sanhedn;凡骂弟兄是拉加,难免公会审断;

45、Very often, parents' method of communication was spanking and yelling.往往,父母以处罚或责骂作为他们沟通模式。

46、The coachman took to whistling and sweang at his horses.于是车夫决计一心吹口哨,要不就骂他。

47、And in the 2000s, there was Lou Dobbs, railing against an “invasion of illegal aliens” that waged “war on the middle class.”并且在世纪初,有个Lou Dobbs,责骂一种“发动中产阶层战争”“非法外来人侵略”。

48、The rebellious singer is well-known for quarrelling and fighting with paparazzi.艾伦是位叛逆歌手,曾和狗仔对骂打架。

49、 101. don’t waste my time any. 别再浪费我时间了!

50、He greeted me with a stream of abuse, which made me feel sad.他迎面对我一顿痛骂,这使我很难过。

经典英文句子51:骂人,51、Xiangzi had been bught up in a northern village where csing was taboo.祥子生在北方乡间,最忌讳随便骂街。

52、That kind of blow to the breadbasket means people like Kong are "raising their chopsticks to eat, but laying them down to grumble," as the Chinese saying goes.菜篮子打击对孔俊英那样人们意味着“举筷吃肉,放筷骂”。

53、Any young man that'll come snivelling back after the way you've treated him, you can keep waiting forr.世了哪有这样年轻人,上次你那么骂他们现在还哭着回来找你,你等一辈子都行。

54、Out of fatigue and exhstion, I shouted him stin words.忘记了疲倦和筋疲力尽,我对他大声喊骂。

55、They do not scold them and do not make them attend classes at all.既不责骂学生也不勉强他们上课。

56、Results to us and the Blue Moon on the one hand, a cse undly!结果给我们和蓝月一方面一顿臭骂!

57、Suffer me, and I will speak, and after, if you please, lgh at my words.请让我发言,我说完后,任你们笑骂。

58、Tom: Yeah, I could nr bawl out my kid like that.汤姆: 我从来不会像那样大声责骂我小孩。

59、But a lot of svey data, often beaten clasates or vandali occred in the school, who are at home parents scolding children suffer .但很多调查资料显示,往往在学校经常发生打骂同学或损坏公物行为,都是那些在家里较多遭受父母打骂孩子。

60、You harshly scold yo dghter for knocking the cup over.你狠狠地臭骂女儿一顿,令她陷于痛苦之中。

61、I let him have his say, and then I laid into him.我让他把话说完,把他痛骂了一顿。

62、Coward cook cook, leaving their wives to accompany guests to dnk, there are many dish with salt, and his wife opened the box and cox.胆小鬼下厨做菜,让老婆陪客人喝酒,有盘菜用盐多了,他老婆又骂开了。

63、Besides, he might come and begin a stng of abuse or complainings;而且,他也许会来,又要乱骂乱抱怨一阵。

、You'd better hry home. You'll catch it fm father if you're late.你快回家吧。回去晚话,会挨“骂”。

65、She has just given him a good scolding ght to his face.她刚才劈头盖脸地给了他一通臭骂。

66、Rafael was scolded n though he hadn't been doing anything wng.尽管拉斐尔没做什么错事,但他还是挨骂了。

67、You should ease up on the boy and stop scolding him.你对这男孩子应该宽容一点,别再骂他了。

68、If she does that again I'll really give her a piece of my mind.如果她再做,我真要痛骂她一顿了。

69、But my father has been a cse undly , I have to cry.却把我臭骂了一顿,我便哭了起来。

70、" Man dog, who are you calling names?" Whiskers Wang looked up contemptuously.“癞皮狗,你骂谁?”王胡轻蔑抬起眼来说。

71、Cassio. 'Faith, I must; she'll rail in the street else.凯西奥真,我必须追上去,否则她会沿街谩骂。

72、I will not beat you, not scold you, but torte you with all my love.不打你,不骂你,专用感情折磨你!

73、Just after doing that, he crushed into a gup of pigs.才刚骂完,他便迎头撞上一群过马路猪。

74、She was waiting for me when I left the bathom. I received the longest, sharpest tongue-lashing of my young life. Grandmother yelled that I was impoliterudethat I had insulted that nice little girl.当我从洗手间出来,祖母劈头盖脸地把我骂了一通,骂我没礼貌、少教养、冲撞了那可爱小女孩。

75、In addition, she also shakes to wake Ge Leit'e, loudly scolds: "Gets up!"接著,她又把葛蕾特摇醒,大声骂道:「起来!

英文句子模板76:swear,76、A woman who was able to use this delicate, oblique method to mock those people who led a happy-go-lucky life sed great cheers, and ces of "bravo" were heard rywhere in the cwd.以一位女士,用这麽细腻手法,绕著弯骂那些醉生梦人。一时人心大快,场中到处有人叫好。

77、The employer often scolded his men on the sligh pretence.这个老板常常以一点点借口就责骂他员工。

78、A few weeks ago, when I went out with a few buddies, a gup of about 几周前,当我和几个朋友出去时,一群大约4人在骂别人跳舞、和长相以此来寻酷;

4 guys were trying to act cool by insulting the dancing of others or how they looked;

79、The boy's breaking of window glasses csed a hail of abuse.这个男孩打碎了窗户玻璃,招致了一阵恶骂。

标签: 女孩英文名 

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