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关于”描写雪景“英子31个,句子主体:Descbe the snow scene。以下是关于描写雪景小学英子。

英文句子模板1:Descbe the snow scene


1、Second, make another snowball, but this one is aller than the first.


2、Yo guidelines should descbe what goes in the main flow (the success scenao) and what goes in alternate flows (exception scenaos), as well as how to structe these flows.


3、The remains of snow fm the sre winter storm that hit last month, made the scenery extra pleasant.


4、How different had this scene looked when I viewed it laid out beneath the in sky of winter, stiffened in fst, shuded with snow!


5、Practicing and Working portrays scenes of the ladies exercising and sewing.

分类部分 — 一组描述符用于对资产进行分类,以及资产相关背景描述。

6、Classification section — a set of descptors for classifying the asset and a descption of the contexts for which the asset is relevant.


7、The New Time Magic World – it is a block of ice and snow world full of creative powers which integrates with ice scenery by taking advantage of LED lighting technique appeared on the Fair.


8、Cape seacoast for sea eclipse landscape, reef world-wide, condition strange, sge like snow;

英裔也门制片人Sarah Ishak描述了首都发生场景。

9、Btish-Yemeni film-maker, Sarah Ishak, descbed the scene in the capital.


10、SnowmobileHu family fm Huville ding snowmobile in the Rocky Mountains dung 2008 Chstmas holidays.


11、Sofare Descption: About Living Snow Globes , This screen saver includes three snow globe scenes: Eskimo igloo, ski area and a classic home.


12、You can't descbe it actually - it was fantastic, a fantastic moment.


13、Now they are in the Devil V alley, a skiing slope with a nice view.


14、The following list descbes some scenaos that result in memory leaks.


15、The entire building acts as an undulating snow covered mountain, following a natal rhythm.

这个说明将描述如何根据场景设计、这个原型模型并描述将用于评估指标,“基于场景 PoC 评估” 小节将详细介绍这个说明。

16、The descption on how the ptotype model is to be desied, dloped based on scenao and met to be evaluated are presented in the section, "Scenao based PoC evaluation".


17、The chapter "The big picte" descbes the mainline model in general terms.


18、The Mutianyu section of the Great Wall on the outskirts of Beijing gets a dusting of white after the first snowfall of the winter swept the capital yesterday morning.

胡家2008 圣诞节期间到落基山脉骑摩托雪橇场景。

19、Hu family fm Huville ding snowmobile in the Rocky Mountains dung 2008 Chstmas holidays.


20、In addition to the snow-white Buddhist shne – all pyramids and maificent views.

21、Sral days of heavy snowfall have d an arctic-like scenes. The white blanket that covers rything also occupies the places where homeless people stay.连大雪把一切化为北极景象,这蔼蔼白雪不只覆盖地面,还霸佔了街友餐风露宿家。

22、Huanglong main scenic spots consist : Danyun Gorge, Xuebaoding Peak, Xueshangliang Path, Hongxinan Rock, Munigou Valley.黄龙主景区包括:丹云峡、雪山梁、红星岩、大原、牟尼沟。

23、The multi-cell uting scenao is descbed fm a high-ll perspective.将从较为象角度对多单元路由场景进行描述。

24、Every man in Lorcha can point to the mountain his family fled to and descbe arduous joneys thugh thick snow lugging whatr they could carry.洛尔查每一个人都能指出当时他们家人逃往山区,描述当时携带家什踏着厚重积雪艰难跋涉场景。

25、Tsien noted that this response lasted as long as the nt and that context was also important.提雪注意到:反应持续时间和事件同步,背景同样重要。

英文句子26:,26、The stage scenery: Mount Qomolana covered with ice and snow toweng into the clouds.背景是直云天珠穆朗玛峰。白雪覆盖、银妆素裹。

27、"A Visit fm the Goon Squad" also imagines a fute with miles of solar panels in the desert, placed where lawns and golf coses once stood.《恶棍来袭》中也描写了一幅未来图景,在沙漠里安上太阳能电池板,把它放置在坪和高尔夫球场相接地方。

28、The report drew a picte of inefficiency and corruption.该报告描绘出一幅缺乏 效率和贪污腐化可怕 情景。

29、We look out on a gentle snowfall. Little Anna skips up to the window. She lights up at the sight of the snow and rushes down the hall.我们向外看着外面温和(地飘飞)雪。安娜跳到窗户前面。她吃惊于这雪景,跑过走廊。

30、Descption: A dark celtic s on a paler translucent backgund.描述:一个漆黑塞尔特十字一淡红,半透明背景。

31、The snow flax flowing in the sky are glisteng under the sun shining just like countless little spits dancing.最奇异景象是雪花在阳光下飞舞,空中飘着雪花,在阳光照耀下,闪烁着,像无数个小精灵在舞动。

32、If you are lucky, here you can see the wonderful scene of snowing in the hot summer.如果有幸,在这里,你还能看到盛夏落雪奇景。

33、The depth of the landscape is delineated by mysteous flairs of white, the powdery blue snow embankment.诡秘白与飘洒蓝雪粉建构了景深。

34、The scenao depicted in Fige 图

1 shows sral senders and receivers.

1 描述场景显示了几个发送者和接收者。

35、The main content includes:The first part narrates the backgund of Yao Xueyin Antholo's compilation and publication.主要内容有:第一部分叙述《姚雪垠书系》编纂出版背景。

36、I'm so wored about my parent's health that I'm in no mood to to enjoy the snowscape.我很为父母身体担心,现在没有心情欣赏雪景。

37、The main attractions of the park are Lan Xue Tang, Yuan Xiang Tang, Xiang Zhou, thirty-six mandan duck Museum, which "North Temple Tower by King", "bdges fly" has become a garden.园内主要景点有兰雪堂、远香堂、香洲、卅六鸳鸯馆等,其中“北寺塔借景”、“廊桥小飞虹”等已成为名园名景。

38、We present a view of the fute in the closing sections (pp 110-115).在结尾部分(第110-115页)我们描述了未来前景。

39、In this article we’ll take a look at 在文中,我们将看到20幅极具魅力全景照片,描绘了来自全世界景观。

20 stunning panoramic photos of landscapes fm aund the world.

40、They painted a bit of a career veneer over the last year.他们去年就向我描绘一些飘渺工作前景了。

41、A swallowtail butterfly was resting in a snow cup. The scene held us for some time.一只燕尾蝶停留在一个雪杯里,这幅景象吸引了我们。

42、The article descbed the key steps required to confige these scenaos.文还描述了配置这些场景所需关键步骤。

43、The missions do vary location - fm snowy mountains to vast deserts to forests.不同关卡有着截然不同场景——从雪山到大沙漠再到森林。

44、I also added a little snow falling just to bng home the winter scene feel.又增加了一点正在下雪效果,看上去更有冬景感觉。

45、Paint a harvest a fat fish and chances are one would come yo way.描绘捕获一尾肥鱼场景,代表好运会光顾你。

46、As for the white board equations in the backgund that have become a staple of each weekly episode, Saltzberg pvided classic diagrams and equations descbing maetic monopoles.至于背景中白写字板上那些公式,已经成为每周新一集主要部分,Saltzberg提供了描述磁单极子经典图像和方程。

47、Thee report drew a picte of inefficiency and corruption.该报告描绘出一幅缺乏效率和贪污腐化可怕情景。 。

48、The top close-up shows venues near the village of Whistler, where Nordic and alpine skiing nts will be held.上面一张特写显示是北欧两项和高山滑雪(Nordic and alpine skiing nts)两个项目举办地,惠斯勒村附近景观;

49、Wtten by mei hand in photograph reflect with the snow, far looks like a sage like type of old man in the face of ile, recently, like a fairy dressed in colorful dress to leave.写梅与雪交相辉映时情景,远看似一位仙风道骨老人面对微笑,近来也似仙女穿着七彩霓裳欲要离去。

50、Really didn't expect to see the snows in this end of November, as I thought it might be 'welcomed' dung Chstmas instead.真没意料到在这xx月尾时候就看到雪了呢,总觉得下雪,若是在圣诞节期间就真很应景了。


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