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关于”描写景物“英子58个,句子主体:Descption of Scenery。以下是关于描写景物雅思英子。

英文句子模板1:Descption of Scenery


1、The ceiling is painted with frescos, among which the fo larger-sized depict the ecumenical councils.


2、In his mode of delineating natal objects, Shakespeare is cuously opposed to Milton.



2 descbes the specific dio-recording of the opera that serves as the corpus, together with some backgund on the persos in the opera.


4、Descbe how nate makes vaous types of biominerals.


5、Descption: A dark celtic s on a paler translucent backgund.


6、His glance embraced the scene.


7、He went to all over the city on to the sketch books, sometimes using water colors to lay in themes.


8、In object recoition stage, the appach divides the matching beeen scene and model into three parts, i. e. the Scanner, the Graph matcher and the Matching Vefier.

太懒了﹐ 不在每张照片写上注明﹐ 请参考旅行点滴以便明暸相中景物!

9、I'm too lazy to wte caption for each picte, please refer to the Tp Wteup before viewing the pictes!


10、I'm off to edit this week's Moscow Out pgram now.


11、The usual museum diorama of o evolutionary ogins feates brave ters psuing a reang mammoth.

分类部分 — 一组描述符用于对资产进行分类,以及资产相关背景描述。

12、Classification section — a set of descptors for classifying the asset and a descption of the contexts for which the asset is relevant.


13、Merge objects with crent scene.


14、The chapter "The big picte" descbes the mainline model in general terms.


15、Cahill lacks the the relevant backgund knowledge to wte this book.


16、Self-descbed case Can be used in another task of sofare ing generally if it is matching with a same or similar backgund, and regenerating a new ing case tomatically.


17、The scenao starts with an example similar to the one descbed in the first article.


18、But there is no other choice but to use the present languages, therefore, the languages used will be inconsistent with the classical physi.


19、Siddharta descbed a scenao, that he finds prevalent in the offshore teams due to cultal hierarchy and traditional communication strate.


20、Ll of detail are a gup of models at different lls, which are used to descbe one scene or its object and be selected for ptracting .

21、Julien Dupré depicts mostly images of French rustic life, and prefers to place main figes in the foregund.裘利恩‧杜普荷以描绘乡间农村生活为多,喜爱将主题人物画于前景。

22、One of the main feates of this essay is its detailed descption of scenery.写景细致是这篇散文一个突出特点。

23、Backgund: There hae been conflicting descptions of brachialis muscle anatomy in the literate.背景:文献中关于肱肌解剖存在不少矛盾描述。

24、The report drew a gm picte of inefficiency and corruption.该报告描绘出一幅缺乏 效率和贪污腐化可怕 情景。

25、Paint a harvest a fat fish and chances are one would come yo way.描绘捕获一尾肥鱼场景,代表好运会光顾你。

英文句子26:,26、Dung study in Italy he sketched Renaissance gardens, and these continued to hnt his expansive outdoor scenes peopled with tiny figes.在义大利读书时期他写生了文艺复兴花园,这些景像之后就经常出现在户外延伸场景里并有渺小人物。

27、We present a view of the fute in the closing sections (pp 110-115).在结尾部分(第110-115页)我们描述了未来前景。

28、Ming Tomb Scenic Area; plant landscape; plant community; comprehensive evaluation.明孝陵景区; 植物景观; 植物群落; 综合评价。

29、The scenao depicted in Fige 图

1 shows sral senders and receivers.

1 描述场景显示了几个发送者和接收者。

30、And the book's maificence—its language, landscape, persons, conceptions—at last transcends the violence, and convert goness into terfying art, an art comparable to Melville's and to Flkner's.而且这书宏伟壮丽——其语言运用、景描绘、人物塑造、思想内涵——最终已超越了暴力层面,暴力描绘已变成了令人惊叹艺术技能,一种可与梅尔维尔和福克纳一较高低艺术技能。

31、And the book’s maificence—its language, landscape, persons, conceptions—at last transcends the violence, and convert goness into terfying art, an art comparable to Melville’s and to Flkner’s.而且这书宏伟壮丽——其语言运用、景描绘、人物塑造、思想内涵——最终已超越了暴力层面,暴力描绘已变成了令人惊叹艺术技能,一种可与梅尔维尔和福克纳一较高低艺术技能。

32、A impved template matching algothm of target recoition is pposed which combines invchable center moment descption with traditional template matching method.该文拟将计算机视觉中传统模板匹配方法与对场景物体中心矩描述方法相结合,提出了一种效率较高匹配算法。

33、Let's replay the scenao just descbed to illustrate a wait reduction appach.让我们重放刚描述用来例举等待减少方法场景。

34、Area Serai, interined vines and plant species chness.景区林郁苍茏,藤蔓交织,植物物种丰富。

35、Thugh the investigation of plant mateals of each scenic spot, plant community landscape is evaluated, and the best tree species are selected based on the ll of plant landscape.通过对沈阳五里河公园各个分区景点植物材料调查,进行植物群落景观评价,并根据植物单体景观级别择优选择树种。

36、The multi-cell uting scenao is descbed fm a high-ll perspective.将从较为象角度对多单元路由场景进行描述。

37、Whether it's about repducing the oginal appearance of life itself or sketching a portrait, it is meant to express the particular feelings the thor has to endow the work.无论是再现生活原景还是人物写生,意在表达了作者所赋予这幅作品特殊情怀。

38、But in the western world, the vision of o postindustal fute has been polazed beeen o very different scenaos: that of the "Rrsionaes" and that of the "Technophiles."但在西方世界,我们未来后工业时代愿景已经分化为两种截然不同景象:一种是由“复古主义者”描绘出,而另一幅,则是由“技术狂人”描绘出。

39、The scenaos were descbed as high-ll business activities that address specific business goals.这些场景被描述为解决特定业务目标高级业务活动。

40、I want to know you hand painted last year, the fine scenery, will again forest to meet yo eyes?我想知道,去年你素手描画纤细林中景物,还会再次迎入你眼帘吗?

41、Counsel for the psecution opened with a descption of the accused’s family.起诉方律师开始发言时对被告家庭背景做了描述。

42、Physi mateal descbes how to handle colliding objects (fction, bounciness).物理材质描述,如何处理物体碰撞(摩擦,弹)。

43、Any of numeus plants of the genus Sedum, having thick, fleshy leaves.景天,蝎子:任一种景天属植物,有厚而多肉叶子。

44、Ll of detail(LOD) are a gup of models at different lls, which are used to descbe one scene or its object and be selected for ptracting.细节层次模型是指对同一个场景或场景中物体,使用具有不同细节描述方法得到一组模型,供绘制时选择使用。

45、Liverpool mar Rafa Benitez played down claims by Sunderland counterpart St Bruce that the club have been 'disrespectful' in their attempts to si Black Cats stker Kenwyne Jones.利物浦主教练贝尼特斯已经对桑德兰主教练布鲁斯声明利物浦不尊重桑德兰全力争取签下他们前锋琼斯话语轻描淡写。

46、The vlt mals portrayed many scenes of the creation story in the Old ament, with numeus people and spectacular momentum, reappeang Michelangelo'genesis'maificence.穹顶画描绘了旧约中创世纪多个场景,场面人物众多,气势恢宏,重现了《创世纪》雄伟与壮丽。

47、Practicing and Working portrays scenes of the ladies exercising and sewing.《捣练图》则描绘妇女捣练、络线和缝制等劳动情景。

48、Item not scanned, please try again.物品未能被扫描,请再试一次。

49、A scpter is in charge of wting shooting scpts, tning the ideas into reality based on the knowledge of television and needs of pgrams.企划编剧要针对电视特点,节目型态,将人物、场景、情境做最好融合,写出一份好剧。

50、To the immediate and vivid picte of this landscape can not be non-m point techniques.要传神地描绘眼前这幅景致,非米点技法不可。

经典英文句子51:描写景物,51、Each faile scenao's solution is different as the following subsections explain.每一个失败场景解决方案,都与下述描述子部分不同。

52、There are dreds and n thousands of photographs made until o days portraying strange shapes floating in the sky above houses, landscapes and in aies' persecutions.已经有成百甚至上千幅照片来描述那种漂浮在房子上空,风景区上空以及飞机坠毁地奇形飞行物。

53、They painted a bit of a career veneer over the last year.他们去年就向我描绘一些飘渺工作前景了。

54、Wear comfortable shoes and plan to meander thugh the massive back lot, which has than 500 outdoor sets and facades depicting locations as diverse as the Old West , New York City, and Eope .你还可以穿着舒适鞋子,打算漫步走过宽阔外景场地,那儿摆着500多个露天布景和建筑物正面布景,它们描绘出过去西部、纽约市和欧洲等一些不同场所。

55、Park landscape, green plant high.园区景观,植物绿化率高。

56、The three main user-expeence factors are best illustrated by a scenao below.在以下场景中,这三个主要因素将得到最好描述。

57、Yo guidelines should descbe what goes in the main flow (the success scenao) and what goes in alternate flows (exception scenaos), as well as how to structe these flows.你指南应当描述在主流程里发生什么(成场景),在备用流程里发生什么(意外场景),也应该描述如何组织这些流程结构。

58、Thee report drew a gm picte of inefficiency and corruption.该报告描绘出一幅缺乏效率和贪污腐化可怕情景。 。

59、In the scenao descbed later in this article, you confige a WebSEAL junction and TAI.在文稍后描述场景中,您将配置一个 WebSEAL 连接和 TAI。

60、Geometc distbution is used to depict the change of scene and the fluctuation is descbed by the AR(用几何分布来描述场景变化,用AR(

2) model in the same scene.

2 )模型来反映同一场景内码流波动。

61、Btish-Yemeni film-maker, Sarah Ishak, descbed the scene in the capital.英裔也门制片人Sarah Ishak描述了首都发生场景。

62、The article discusses the characi, the formation, the division of the scenic area and the dlopment of Yin Keng Stream after giving the descption of the scenic spots.探讨了银坑溪旅游资源特征、成因,景区划分、景点描述及其等问题。

63、The descption on how the ptotype model is to be desied, dloped based on scenao and met to be evaluated are presented in the section, "Scenao based PoC evaluation".这个说明将描述如何根据场景设计、这个原型模型并描述将用于评估指标,“基于场景 PoC 评估” 小节将详细介绍这个说明。

、Format each scene with a scene heading. The scene heading tells whether the scene is inside or outside, indicted by INT. or EXT., where the scene takes place, and if it's day or night.每一个场景都需要一个标头:标头应该清楚注明该场景是内景还是外景(分别用“内”和“外”标注),还需写上场景发生地点和时间(白天还是晚上)。

65、The invention discloses a technique for extracting salidside fm Rhodiola sachalinensis belonging to Crassulaceae.发明公开了一种从景天科植物高山红景天中提取红景天苷工艺。

66、Fige 图

1 depicts the logical pcessing steps of a fairly common application scenao.

1 描绘了一个很常见应用场景逻辑处理步骤。

67、The Biofuels Market 2011-2021 report details the pspects for this dynamic ener sector with detailed forecasts fm 2011-2021.生物燃料市场2011-xx年报告细致描绘了这个极具活力能源产业2011至xx年市场前景。

68、The Madisons' backgund made the police's version of nts seem fanciful.麦迪逊背景资料使得警方对事件描述显得有些荒诞。

69、Martial arts landscape garden plants: floweng trees, shrubs, herbs combine to form three-dimensional multi-ll ch landscape, scenic spots thughout the year so that a King, King King different.技击园植物景不雅:以开花乔木、灌木、分离,构成平面多条理地丰厚景不雅,使景区xx年四时有景,景景分歧。

70、The Tailspin Scenao - int to Tailspin and their Sveys applicationTailspin场景描述——Tailspin介绍和它们要实现调查应用程序能

71、It is not intended to descbe all the scenaos aund SCA POJO usage.但文并不打算描述所有与 SCA POJO 使用有关场景。

72、Garden Plant configation, also known as plant landscaping or landscape planting.园林植物配置,又称植物造景或景观种植。

73、You can't descbe it actually - it was fantastic, a fantastic moment.你无法描述那个场景——太震撼了,一个难以置信时刻!

74、 cited solar panels and comzed tomography scans as examples of technologies that oginated fm basic research in physi.他说,太阳能聚热板和电子计算机断层扫描(即CT扫描)便是基物理研究产物。

75、That means you have to effectively the oginal scene and re-direct/scpt it into a better-serving scene.这意味着你必须努力删除原始场景并且重新将它描述成为更好适用于你场景。

英文句子模板76:Descption of Scenery,76、Evolution of minerals and living oris is governed by common ontogenetic laws.矿物 生物 工程技术发展前景。

77、Wikipedia pvides a good descption and backgund for creational desi patterns.Wikipedia 提供了对 创建型设计模式 很好描述和背景知识。

78、It’s the photoelectc effect under so extreme conditions that it’s better to descbe it in the wave picte of light than the particle picte.这是光电效应在极端条件下,用波动图景来描述光比用粒子图景更确切。

79、Fige 图

7: Use-case descption (to-be scenao): "Check In Guest" using a o-column style


80、The descptions of sofare pperties based on LTL formulas have common patterns although different applications backgund have to depict different sofare pperties.虽然,不同应用背景涉及不同方面特描述,但是线时态逻辑描述软件特方式上具有共。


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