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关于”保护环境“英子28个,句子主体:Ptecting the Envinment。以下是关于保护环境xx年级英子。

英文句子模板1:Ptecting the Envinment


1、In 2007, China imposed a tax on wooden chopsticks with the goal of ing the envinment.


2、Additionally, the company response to envinmental needs, all pducts have been committed to pmoting envinmental ptection, all pducts have gradually passed SGS .


3、If Congress does not act to pass legislation, then I will call on EPA to take all steps thosed by law to ptect o families.


4、It is, therefore, of great gency ptect the eco-envinment of the soce region of the Huanghe River by means of setting up a special ecological function reserve.

公平贸易讲求公义 ─ 无论是在薪酬、工作环境、职业保障、环境保护、别权益等层面,都讲求公义,并禁止雇主聘请童工。

5、Fair Trade guarantees justice - in wages, in the work envinment, in job secuty, for an ecologically-sound envinment, and for both women and men - and no child labo is permitted.


6、We will take stng meases to save ener, lower ener consumption, ptect the envinment and use land economically and intensively.


7、Can effectively reduce the temperate of a car to ptect the car inteor, to extended life, save fuel, reduce emissions and ptect the envinment.


8、Greenpeace is committed to peaceful non-violent action in its effort to ptect the envinment.


9、Keystones for o fute work in healthy aquaculte are as follows: (

1)Optimize the aquaculte conditions, and ptect the envinment.



10、Envinmental Ptection - the use of pollution-free pcess, no open flame, oke and carbon monoxide;

11、一滴水,留给后人一滴血 (Today, a dp of saving a blood for postety


12、Xiao Guoxing, Ener Efficiency and Legal Rationality,

12 Envinmental Ptection, (2005).

13、让经济发展浪潮进入绿河道(Let the tide of economic dlopment of the green channel into


14、Envinment ptection industry is widely regarded as a new and important industry in the recent years.


15、It is considered that it is necessary to raise people's awareness of cadmium pollution and ptection of ecological envinment.


16、Heast China and other old industal bases, ecological impvement, envinmental ptection, and ongoing bond-financed pjects.


17、Envinmental Ptection Act 1986, as the framework legislation of envinmental regulation, constitutes a legal structe of "Umbrella", with the sub-ordinate istrative regulations thereof.


18、In 2003, Dr Chan joined WHO as Director of the Department for Ptection of the Human Envinment.


19、To formulate regional plans on envinmental ptection, orize and supervise the plan on pollution contl and ecological ptection in major regions and vers;


20、To welcome the 2008 Olympi, o gup orized lots of activities on envinment ptection.

21、If they live in a long term care facility, make se it's oke-free.如果他们需要长时间呆在护理机构中,请确保是 无烟生活环境 。

22、Review: It’s the first time Roland Emmech told us the importance of envinmental ptection.点评:这是罗兰·艾默里奇第一次告诉我们保护环境重要。

23、善待地球就是善待自己 (The earth is to yoself

24、The life-force of the envinmental ptection law depends on its actual enforcement in o social life.环境保生命力在于它在社会生活中具体实施。

25、If ryone makes a contbution to envinmental ptection, the world will become much pleasant.如果每个人都为保护环境做出贡献,世界会变得更加夸姣。

英文句子26:,26、心动不如行动,去怨不如去(Echocardiography action, to blame rather dry)

27、In this case there is an overhead of maintaining o envinments and ensung that they remain in sync.在这种情况下,两个环境会有额外开销,而且要确保它们保持同步。

28、Review: It's the first time Roland Emmech told us the importance of envinmental ptection.点评:这是罗兰·艾默里奇第一次告诉我们保护环境重要。

29、Tang Dag, 57, a senior scientist, the director of Vehicle Emission Contl Center (VECC) of MEP.汤大钢,xx岁,研究员,环境保护部机动车排污监控中心主任。

30、We focus o daily business operations on ptecting the envinment and supporting sustainable dlopment.在常业务上,我们处处以保护环境为先,并支持可持续发展。

31、Maybe the question should be - is capitali _alone_ compatible with ptecting the envinment?也许这个问题应该是:资主义身能够和保护环境和谐吗?

32、The remarkable envinmental secuty: non-toxic, tasteless, no pollution, no three wastes, non-combustible, not ense that the envinmental ptection and fire safety, ense the worker's health.卓越环保安全:无毒、无味、无污染、无三废,不燃不爆,确保了环境保护和消防安全,保障了劳动者身体健康。

33、追求绿时尚,拥抱绿生活(Psuit vogue, hug green green life

34、Why do economists prefer them over regulations as a way to ptect the envinment fm pollution?为何经济学家喜欢用庇古税而不用管治方法保护环境?

35、This is not a world likely to note the advice of a seous envinment alist .这个世界不大可能会留意到一个严肃环境保护者警告。

36、Bght Blue campais for "pgressive conservati" and pushes es such as envinmentali and international dlopment.“亮蓝”派为“进步保守主义”奔走呼号,极力宣传环境保护主义及国际发展等事业。

37、In study area, there are mainly mate and over-mate forests and the eco-envinment is in good conditions.研究区以成熟林和过熟林为主,生态环境保护较好。

38、Let the birds have a blue sky.让小鸟拥有一片蓝天。

39、The land dlopment and rehabilitation should be coordinative and united with the ptection and impvement of ecological envinment.土地整理要与保护和改善生态环境协调统

40、Oil base annulus ptection fluid is not corsive, howr, its high cost and envinment pollution restcts its universal use.油基环空保护液是非腐蚀,但单位成高、环境污染严重,不能广泛应用。

41、He was also into sustainable desi and envinmental conservation long before it was in vogue.他也热衷于可持续设计和环境保护,远在那成为风尚之前。

42、And women in China have taken an important place in the fight to preserve the envinment in their own country.今天,妇女已经顶起了环境保护半边天。

43、So cycle economy and pollution treatment were advocated to realize the coexistence of dlopment and envinmental ptection.因此,应倡导发展循环经济,加大治污力度,实现地区经济发展与环境保护双赢。

44、The fute of envinmentali is in liberating humanity fm the compulsion to consume.环境保护论未来寄托在从消费冲动中解放出来人身上。

45、促绿消费,做绿选民(Pmote green consumption and green voters

46、Keep green house rules: One se fire way to ense yo kids gw up with eco-fendly habits to start with green house rules that also the envinment.要确保你孩子在生态友好习惯中成长开始于环保家庭生活规范,而它们身也是保护环境。

47、The housing contains a hinged dust cover that pvides ptection in industal envinments.该外壳包含了一个铰链式防尘罩,它可以在工业环境下提供保护。

48、If ryone makes a contbution to envinmental ptection, the world will become much betiful.假定每小我皆为保护环境做出进献,天下会变得减倍好好。

49、地球是我们从后代手中借来(The earth is o offspng fm the hands of borwed)

50、We owe o fute generations a duty to ptect the envinment and o natal hetage.我们有责任为我们后代好好保护我们环境和自然遗产。


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