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关于”包含主谓宾“英子29个,句子主体:contains subject-predicate object。以下是关于包含主谓宾小升初英子。

英文句子模板1:contains subject-predicate object


1、This chapter contains the meat of the wter's argument.


2、The first volume contains a forceful attack against psychologi.


3、This, he said, contained the essential pnciple of Animali.


4、That means SEVEN capital ships in a single fleet.


5、Cytopla - It is the jelly-like substance (mainly water and pteins) enclosed by cell membrane.


6、Flying Yacht has o main decks including a lower deck with a gallery and main salon and an upper deck with three cabins.

OpenVZ 还包括了所谓 beancounters。

7、OpenVZ also includes what are called beancounters.


8、The left column contains navigation, the center contains key messages, the ght contains feates.


9、Includes a sample WordPress Child Theme for rapid dlopment

它必须出现在文档开始(即,在第一个元素之前),并且包含几个所谓 伪属。

10、It must appear in the plogue of the document (before the first element, that is), and it contains sral so-called pseudo-attbutes.


11、An inherent conflict can be found in constructivi in the narw sense.


12、The functionality for new themes includes enhanced editing.

请求包含请求 L,将其作为主要参数。

13、The request contains the request L as key parameters.


14、Each ll contains

20 easy-to-use 2-page core units.

可选地,该制品包括主要或完全包含热变纤维纤维 层。

15、The article may alternatively contain a fibus layer which mainly or entirely contains thermochmic fibres.


16、The pit contains carbon bits, pellets of bnt-soil and some pottery shreds.


17、The so-called "code eight" including Panlong bottles, bottle shapes, Juban bottles, willow respect, respect Taibai, Apple respect, Bong gongs washing, Color Box.


18、Each volume consists of six units, with each unit containing five lessons and a review lesson.

这个团队主目录包含 DB2 二进制代码。

19、The home directory for this team contains the DB2 binaes.


20、Different rationalities include different subject-object relation hypothesis.

21、In this example, the main view contains o embedded text views.在该例子中,主视图包含了两个内含文视图。

22、The pit contains carbon bits, pellets of bnt-soil and some pottery sherds.包含物主要包括碳屑、红烧土颗粒和少量陶片。

23、Also, the name should not contain any blank s or punctuation.同时,主机名也不能包含空格或标点符号。

24、MAP mainly con-tains o basic pcesses, one is vacuum packaging and the other is flush packaging.换气包装技术主要包含真空包装和充气包装二个工艺过程。

25、PHP home page: The PHP home page contains a lot of useful mateal on the scpting language.PHP 主页:PHP 主页包含大量关于这种脚语言资料。

英文句子26:,26、The pblem is that the predicate with the fn:upper-case() function prnts the use of XML indexes in DB2.问题是如果使用包含 fn:upper-case() 函数谓词,就不会使用 DB2 中 XML 索引。

27、The main sudoers file can then contain the local entes, and the include file would barely need editing as those entes are static.主 sudoers 文件可以包含地条目,包含文件包含静态条目,所以很少需要编辑。

28、The animals, also known as sucates, live in so-called gs or clans, containing about 这种动物,也被称为貂狸,以包含约20名成员所谓帮派或宗族形式生存。

20 members.

29、It retns a sequence of document nodes including the main schema document identified by the I and all schema documents imported or included by the main schema.它返回文档节点序列,包含由 I 指定主模式文档和所有由主模式导入或包含模式文档。

30、It has sral major themes that will occ thughout the Gospel and it's just packed into this plogue.贯穿福音几个主要主题,都包含在这个序言中。

31、Messages on the BPC Bus are so called navigational messages, which hold status and pcessing information about the corresponding pcesses.BPC 总线上是所谓导航,其中包含有关对应流程状态和处理。

32、By deflt, the list includes the Messier, NGC and IC catalogs.预设清单包含梅耶西、主总表、索引表。

33、The south wing of the civic centre, containing mostly council offices.市中心南翼, 包含主要理事会办公室。

34、"The MF59 is a class of adjuvant that is called oil-in-water emulsion, which is exactly what it says, " Golding says.“含MF59佐剂是一种类,就是所谓油包水液,而这正是它说,”戈尔丁说。

35、There is no metanarrative; there is no truth or story that will encompass and make sense of all other narratives.没有所谓元叙述,也不存在能够包含或对所有其它叙述有意义真实或实情。

36、This section includes topi that show you how to custom ASP.节包含一些主题,这些主题演示如何创建自定义 ASP。

37、The pmary flight contls consist of the ailens , elevators, and rudder.主飞行控制包含副翼、升降舵及方向舵。

38、It will have a topic indicating it's an email notification.它包含一个主题,表明它是一个电子邮件。

39、By 2004, it extended to 106 occupations said to be in demand, including hairdressers, cooks and other low-skilled trades.到xx年,所谓紧缺职业扩展到了106个,包括美发,烹饪和一些其他低技术含量职业。

40、In this example, it contains both the short and long host name (the host's name is tardis).在此示例中,列表同时包含短主机名和长主机名(主机名是 tardis)。

41、A package usually contains a pgram or pgrams, but sometimes it has only documentation, window themes, or other files that are easier to distbute in an installable package.软件包通常包含一个或多个程序,但有时它却只包含文档、窗口器主题或其它易于用可安装软件包分发文件。

42、Here argv is the pointer containing arguments list and envp is the pointer containing list of envinment vaables which are basically key=value pairs.在这里,argv 是包含有参数 list 指针,envp 是包含有环境变量列表(主要是 key=value 对)指针。

43、The pubkeys directory contains the publickey for each host.pubkeys 目录包含每台主机公共密匙。

44、Codeze's scheduler includes kernel preemption for both guest threads and mickernel threads (in addition to time slices for preemption).Codeze 调度器包含针对来宾线程和微核线程内核优先(以及用于优先时间片)。

45、For example, when yo topi are included in pduct A, the apppate links for that pduct are included.比方说,如果您主题包含在产品 A 中,那么就包含适合于该产品链接。

46、Therefore, screens do not have any themes associated with them.因此,页面不能包含任何与它们相关主题。

47、The predicate can be regarded as the main element, for it includes tense, modality, etc. It may also be said to govern the arguments for it determines the number and nate of the arguments.谓词可以看作是主要部分,它包含了时态、情态等,也可以说它支配论元,因为它决定着论元数量和质。

48、All of these Matisse themes are combined in this magisteal painting.这些马蒂斯主题都是包含在这个裁判画。

49、The sample book above includes one map and one topic.上例中图书包含一个地图和一个主题。

50、Notice that the tag wraps the entire body canvas.请注意, 标记包含了整个主体画布。


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