
发布时间:2023-05-14 04:21:20 阅读:64 点赞:0




1、Obviously, Shakespeare's use of the falseness -trueness techniques is closely related to his mantic art of comedy and his ideal of comedy.


2、With Waer and Beethoven, the classicist and manticist Brahms dominated the music of the 19th centy.

西凤生,向南吹了一夜气球给西凤营建了一个浪漫气氛,西凤打动万分。 。

3、West chicken birthday, balloon blowing all night to south west chicken construction a mantic atmosphere, west chicken move extremely.


4、And on top of that, although her make up is exquisite, I do not like her hair- again too mantic.


5、In the French milieu , innovations in mantic style and form were fther dloped by Berlioz, Chopin and Liszt.


6、Unusual shapes, flamboyant colors, elaborate handcraft, and delicate desi show its rustic peness, free mance and ancient culte.


7、Women are than ice as likely as men to have regrets about their mantic life, a university report raled today.


8、It's a mantic vision: you graduate together, get mared the next month, and then start yo lives hand-in-hand.


9、Ma: No, I don't rent movies but sometimes I download movies. I like to watch comedies - mantic comedies - and a little bit of drama.


10、There are o reasons, one of the Western Regions him cultal factors, warm, lively, mantic, full swing it can Mok Yu.


11、Well, I know it's not mantic, but I love the sound of a chainsaw and the ell of a pine tree being cut.


12、The mantic note went missing for years but strangely tned up in a university mailom earlier this month.


13、I was not influenced for I had imagin- ed a past worthy of that dark, mantic face.


14、Here is a selection of images showing nate has a heart too! A coral reef in the Great Barer Reef in Australia.


15、Learned that Cheng Yun a mantic dinner with bachelor xu took off, o people to examine whether in the past.


16、He preferred counterpoint music wting that being very special in the peod of Romantic, which homophony been dominated.


17、As the New Romantici Campai dlops, this hobby has become another popular street fashion in the early of 80’s.

戒指内面都隐藏着字母,戴上戒指,一段时间后,戒指上就会印在佩戴者手指上。 (好浪漫!)

18、Ring with letters on the inside that leave a message on the finger.


19、EXAMPLE: Lighting tall tabletop candles at a formal dinner is a holdover that remains popular bee it is considered elet and mantic.


20、This is an achiment of a new technique for flood fighting with the feates such as prntion of flood overtopping, wave resistance and quick installation etc.

21、"to ppose". 他为我们预约了去威尼斯浪漫周末。我觉得他可能要准备向我求婚了!

1. He's booked us on a mantic weekend to Venice. I think he might be planning to pop the question!

22、Life is a long joney. Don't waste yo time waiting for people who are not willing to walk with you.翀生活是一场漫长旅行,不要浪费时间,去等待那些不愿与你携手同行人。

23、Compared with Western Chamber and The Dream of Red Mansion, Peony Pavilion is up to a summit in the Chinese mantici literate tradition.《牡丹亭》上承“西厢”,下启“红楼”,是浪漫主义文学传统中一座巍巍高峰。

24、Or can we not for once escape logic and read it as nothing other than a si of mantic destiny?就这一次,让我们试着脱离现实和理思考去试着解读那些关乎浪漫事?

25、We all collect bits and pieces fm each of o le models and mentors that us shape who we are and get us thugh the waves that life thws o way.我们不断从每个榜样、角及师者中汲取营养,塑造出我们自己,它们也帮助我们在生活中乘风破浪,走在漫漫人生路上。

英文句子26:,26、Even the manti of Liebig 李比希大道14号浪漫派艺术家同样参与着这项进程,在社区撒播艺术和创造力种子。

14 play their part, seeding neighbohoods with colo and creativity.

27、Municipal cow catchers were ordered to und up the stray cattle that amble down the city's thoughfares, unpertbed by the backup of traffic behind them.市政捕牛手已经接到命令围捕那些漫步在城市街道流浪牛。

28、Oginally the honeymoon of sweet mance, as the sal of the dead of that mysteous work in se building, by thoughly lacerate.原甜蜜浪漫蜜月,随着玫瑰楼里那个神秘活人觉醒,被彻底撕碎。

29、While, Weiheng weakens the stng and he changes the dramatici into mance and keeps that kinds of mystery and hollowness.而伟衡他弱化了强烈,改戏剧为浪漫化,而且保有了那种神秘及空旷。

30、They're not in any way hornswoggled by this histocal conspiracy against the 1820 indicator text, and people who aren't Romanticists don't care.他们绝不会被这针对1820版,历史阴谋所骗,而非浪漫主义者则不在乎。

31、It sounds mantically-cliche to ppose via an engagement ng hidden at the bottom of chocolate mousse.把订婚戒指藏在巧克力蛋糕里求婚,听起来似乎是很浪漫,但其实已经老掉牙了。

32、Shen Congwen applied the mantic tone in great numbers in his articles to the image of Xiangxi people and Xiangxi culte .沈从文在他文章中大量运用浪漫主义笔调塑造了湘西人和湘西文化。

33、The second movement was composed in the form of sonata, which embodied Brahms' calm, cheerful and Romantic state of mind.第二乐章也用奏鸣曲式写成,它体现了勃拉姆斯平静而开朗浪漫主义心境。

34、The inner and outer feze for towel for pieces of pink ses, quite mantic, thin blanket, early summer use just ght.内层为毛巾绒,外层为一朵朵粉玫瑰,相当浪漫,薄毯,初夏使用刚刚好。

35、The mantic movement was not, in its beginnings, connected with philosophy, though it came before long to have connections with it.浪漫主义运动起初与哲学是并无关联,但不久之后二者便彼此相系。

36、The history and mantici of “formidable and difficult to reach” places drew Seaman to the poles as a photographic subject.“可怕而难以触及”两极历史和浪漫主义吸引了希曼将其作为摄影主题。

37、Howr, the term "black humor" was oginally called "Romantic gtesque", a vaety of carnival humor in the early 19th centy.然而,黑幽默名“浪漫主义怪诞风格”,实为狂欢化诙谐于19世纪初变体形式。

38、Is the adaptation of the same earth-shaking : Baqu power of the marsh works, the oginal can be so gentle mantic.同样是翻天覆地改编:拔取电源沼泽作品,原来可以如此温柔浪漫。

39、Maybe not the noise of the subway, may not have the mantic mood, only I quietly blessing: Merry Chstmas.或许没有灯红酒绿喧嚣,或许没有轻歌曼舞浪漫,只有我轻声地祝福:圣诞快乐。

40、For you, Jupiter and Uranus will be in yo fifth house, so mance is likely to be yo number one area of gain.对你来说,木星和天王星将在你第五宫,浪漫可能是你唯一增益区。

41、But where people on the very edge of svival are concerned, mantici over the "noble savage" fades to irrelevance.但对于处于生存边缘人们而言,“高尚野蛮人”浪漫主义褪,变得毫不相。

42、It looks quiet enough -- mantic, n, this building at the end of a gaslit alley in Pas' Montmartre distct.这所房子看起来是那么——浪漫,甚至,在巴黎蒙马特区只有这所建筑物灯火通明。

43、Why do we have the Renaissance, the baque peod the classical peod, the mantic peod and so on?为什么我们会有文艺复兴时期,巴洛克时期,古典主义时期,浪漫主义时期

44、A cup of French coffee tea and enjoy the views of the city, will enable you to spend a mantic in leise time.一杯法式咖啡下午茶,欣赏城市美景,定能使您在此度过一浪漫休闲时光。

45、Delache:French portrait and mal painter whose eclectic works combined elements of the classical and mantic schools.“德拉·:肖像和壁画画家,其广泛作品兼容了古典主义和浪漫主义因素。” 收藏。

46、You may prefer work dinners with clients to eating in a mantic Cabbean restaant, all alone.你可能宁愿去与客户吃工作餐,也不愿意孤零零地在浪漫加勒比风格餐厅独自用餐。

47、I got a long, long way to go.我前路漫漫,前路漫漫。

48、There his 80s hipness stands out, and he inadvertently interferes with the fledgling mance of his parents-to-be.在那里他xx年代穿着很显眼, 并且不注意他扰这新兴浪漫他父母。

49、Delache: french portrait and mal painter whose eclectic works combined elements of the classical and mantic schools.德拉·:肖像和壁画画家,其广泛作品兼容了古典主义和浪漫主义因素。

50、Most modern scholars regard the style of ZHUANG ZI as mantic, but this is actually not all true.关于《庄子》文学类型,今人多以“浪漫”视之,其实并不尽然简欧客厅装修效果图。

经典英文句子51:浪漫,51、He loves to tell the story bee it sounds so unmantic and always gets a lgh, which is the point.他喜欢讲这个故事,因为听上去一点也不浪漫却总是开怀大笑,这才是关键。

52、Classic Hitchcock mystery with overtones of light comedy and mance, as innocent Donat is pulled into spy-ng activities.希区柯克经典与神秘彩轻喜剧和浪漫,是无辜多纳特拖进间谍环活动。

53、Shocked's song has a mantic tinge to it, but actually there is no mystique to this modest town.夏克歌给安克雷奇抹上一层浪漫调,但事实上这个简朴城市毫无神秘可言。

54、Of cose, if tired of opening Mercedes-Benz, and the money her boyfend and then sway bike seems to be mantic.当然,如果开腻了奔驰,和有钱男朋友再荡荡自行车,似乎更加浪漫。

55、It has been found out to be good for the human heart aside fm piquing mance ght into the atmosphere.除了保留激起浪漫气氛权利,它已经已经被证明是有利于人类心脏食物。

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