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关于”努力学“英子29个,句子主体:study hard。以下是关于努力学专业英子。

英文句子模板1:study hard


1、I was not prejudging anyone's commitment to academic standards.


2、I'm afraid that you are sleeping, continue working hard.


3、And now, to work on the second line.


4、But I think I'll work much harder at my studies, for my dream of university.


5、We shall study English hard. And we can talk with you freely, when you come here again. So you too, should try to study Chinese please.


6、To study real estate pfessional knowledge and related legal knowledge.


7、She studies very hard though(she is) still rather weak.


8、Only you study hard can you get good results.


9、That's why she studies German very hard.


10、Lyndsy: I'm actually learning the cello for the show.


11、Keep moving on yo English study and nr stop!


12、One of the main es of dust is janitors .


13、This college is endeavong to reach its own goal.

14、He made an effort to get along well with his clasates. 他努力和同学们友好相处。


15、And I will study harder to enter a police academy.


16、Mother dings into her dghter the importance of hard study.


17、In the fute, I will make endeavor on memosation , reading and learning.


18、Li Gang is studying hard enough to catch up with other students.


19、In contrast with Tom, Mao seldom studies harder.


20、Fm then on, I worked hard to get into university.

21、student, study and sports make up my life.作为一名高三学生,我一直在努力学习并且得到一个好成绩。

22、She studies very hard though still rather weak.她尽管体弱,但学习仍十分努力。

23、Nottingham Business Schoo's DBA demands commitment, ener and hard work.诺丁汉商学院DBA课程要求学员专注,精力旺盛并且努力工作。

24、olo , as an interdisciplinary enterpse , attempts to pvide just that.学,作为一门跨学科科学,欲努力证明恰恰就是这一点。

25、But Mr. Escalante pushed the gup to work hard.但是埃斯卡兰特先生却强制他们努力学习。

英文句子26:,26、Try to learn knowledges no matter they are useful or not when you are still young.趁现在年富力强时候,努力做一种学问。

27、I plan to study hard bae I want to go to a school overseas.我打算努力学习,因为我想去国外上学。

28、I have to study hard to recover the lost time.我一定要努力学习来补上失去时间。

29、One's life is limited, but learning is endless.(生命有限,学海无涯。)我将继续努力,与经典同行。

30、Knowing this, they’ll study harder and harder.知道了这点,他们会越来越努力学习。

31、只有努力学习,才能取得更大进步 Bigger impvement can only be achid thugh hard work.

32、Ben Sahar did his work. He has to learn, he has to impve but these moments mean a lot.。萨哈尔仍在努力,他需要不断学习,不断提高,不过这都需要付出很多努力。

33、Finally, he moved an entire village of people to dedicate themselves to teaching and learning.终于感动了一乡人都努力助学、向学;

34、We encoage students try their best to exploit creativity, self-learning and research ability.并在实验中努力促进同学们开拓思维以及自主学习能力、研究能力培养。

35、I was (and am) not prejudging anyone's commitment to academic standards.对于任何人致力于学术标准努力我从来就没有过偏见。

36、His students responded by studying harder and performing better.他学生则报之以更加努力地学习和更好学业表现。

37、They ouork n the best students.他们甚至比最好学生更努力用。

38、Beeen now and next year I need to learn mineralo…从现在到明年,我得努力学习矿物学方面知识……

39、Wang Jingwen, a student at Tsinghua University, said: "Students are under great presse to study hard so they can find a job."清华大学学生王静文说:“学生在压力下努力学习将来才能找到好工作”。

40、Liu S Hong's love of finance is paying off.廖舜康在财务学上付出努力已初见成果。

41、I’m working on-it.我正在努力。我正在学习。我正在处理。我正在改进。

42、Going to college and just trying to live his life, you know.他去上大学,也在努力地过活。

43、Medge is trying to study algebra but she's finding it very heavy going.玛奇正在努力学习代数,可是她发觉太难学了。

44、Teams of students will embark an intensive effort to execute neuphysiological expements fm start to finish.学生小组必须由始至终集中精力努力完成神经生理学实验。

45、In high school, I was a very good student effort, after three years of effort, in 2005 admitted to the Shenyang Agcultal University, this is my dream of.在高中,我是一个非常努力好学生,经过xx年努力,在xx年考入了沈阳农业大学,这是我梦寐以求。

46、People should make great efforts to acquire concrete capabilities.现在人们应该努力学习更多真事。

47、I'll try to catch up with my class this term.这一学期我将努力遇上同窗们。

48、into) His articles have been translated into six languages. 科学家们正在尽最大努力防止水污染。

49、We must study hard before we can overcome o shortcomings.只有努力学习,我们才能克服缺点。

50、Talented as he is, he doesn't work hard.尽管他才华出众,可就是不努力学习。

经典英文句子51:努力学,51、He is working bard so that he may pass the exam.为了考试及格,他正在努力学习。

52、The teacher should not deprecate his student's efforts.老师不应该贬低学生努力。

53、Are you studying hard, or are you having fun?你是在努力学习还是在尽情玩乐呢?

54、The good news is that my math teacher said I was hard-working.好是我数学老师说我学习努力。

55、He studied very hard but still failed the final exam.虽然他学习努力,但还是没通过期末考。

56、I . could have passed, but I did not st. udy hard enough.我来。能及格,但。是没有努力学习…

57、As long as the heart still beating, must study hard.只要心还在跳,就要努力学习。——张海迪。

58、I'll keep hard working on next semester.下学期我会继续努力下去。

59、So we must do o best to study.所以我们必须尽最大努力搞好学习。

60、They work so hard, they embrace, they are challenged.他们学习努力,接受一切。

61、Some study-abad pgrams are trying harder to get students to learn about the local culte.一些留学项目努力让学生们了解当地文化。

62、To scientists crently working on bioni research.帮助现在正在仿生学研究努力科学家。

63、I'll try to get on well with my schoolmates.我会努力跟同学们搞好关系。

、The Centre is a multi-disciplinary endeavo established in the School of Commerce.这个中心是商业学校建立多学科努力结果。

65、We'll work hard at o Enlgish so as to be able to talk to you in English when next time you are here. And you too, may as well learn some Chinese.我们会努力学英语,下次你再到这里来,我们就可以和你简单对话了,你也要努力学汉语喔!

66、Firsti will study hardas a reporte should have a good command of Chineseif i have to report in Englishi also need to study English very hard.首先,我会努力学习,作为一个记者,我应该有一个良好人,如果我有英文报告,我也要努力学习英语。

67、He had to work hard to remain ahead of his clasates.他必须努力学习以保持他在同学中领先地位。

68、They come well prepared. They study hard and they succeed.他们有备而来,学习努力,并且获得成。

69、This is what Chinese philosophy has stven for.这正是哲学要努力做到。

70、If you don't work you will fail past yo exam.不努力学习,考试也过不了关。

71、With ry effort, I learned a lot.经过每一次努力,我都学到了很多。

72、I know you worked very hard on the past years, sothat I am truly happy to see all yo efforts get rewards.我知道在过去几年中你学习很努力,所以我真很高兴看到你努力得到回报。

73、One has also to asse these articles complying with academic standards, impve the editing quality, and better the binding and framing qualities.同时对抓好学术质量,以及努力提高编辑工作质量和努力搞好刊物装帧设计进行了论述。

74、You should go on studying instead of resting on yo laels.你应该继续努力学习而不能吃老。

75、Work hard when (you are) young , or you'll regret.趁年轻要努力学习,要不然你会后悔。

英文句子模板76:study hard,76、He hadn't studied hard so that he failed in the exam.他平时学习不努力,以致(于)考试不及格。

77、Every one of us works hard at o lessons in Senior 高三时,我们每个人都努力学习。


78、So I studied hard in the middle school . In order to attain my goal .所以我努力学习在中学,以实现我目标。

79、I think I should work harder than before.我想我要比以前更加努力学习。

80、Eng. : Nobody studies as hard as you do.没有人有你学得那么努力。


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