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关于”鼓励短句“英子42个,句子主体:Short sentences of encoagement。以下是关于鼓励短句xx年级英子。

英文句子模板1:Short sentences of encoagement


1、You might consider this a feate: it encoages you to fix yo errs as you go along.

2、it matters not how a man dies, but how he lives.samuel johnson 一个人怎样去是没有关系,问题在于他怎样去生活。

3、have an aim in life, or yo energies will all be wasted.peters 人生应有目,否则你努力将属徒然。


4、A common custom is to encoage the slowest hiker to hike in the lead and have ryone match that speed.


5、As a resident, I was fortunate to have worked in clini and under supervisors who encoaged cost consciousness.


6、Hence, "we're encoaging ryone to use Battle.net as much as possible to get the most out of StarCraft II."


7、Why, then, DID all hellenistic rulers foster the creation and gwth of cities thughout their tertory?

8、a good name is easier lost than won.english pverb 名誉失之易,而得之难。


9、Dumbledore nodded still enthusiastically, ging Harry onward, a bad ile of encoagement on his face.


10、We encoage them to remain active and mobile, and we individualize therapy according to specific needs.


11、Mild acute stress can actually be beneficial — it can sp you into action, motivate and energize you.


12、A comprehensive framework would also encoage an evidence-based policy regime for South–South collaboration.


13、Attendees are encoaged to bng a pduct sample, and discuss their application with a Coex engineer.


14、JiFei to encoage is low due to loss of Dan, meet Dan meet benevolence to the skating nk.


15、That's why I encoage you to get clear on what it is you're working towards, and to keep clear.


16、Go set the world on fire!


17、Becse they have comparatively large s with absolutely identical hardware, they tend to reward and encoage dlopment of code that's very precisely tuned to the hardware.


18、Bouyed by my tasting of Salon I tasted my way thugh a distinguished s section of Australia wines.

19、he who sees thugh life and death will meet with most success.english pverb 看破生者始能成。

20、d. Don't sell yoself short. 不要小看自己。

21、For example, central London's Congestion Charging Zone is intended to encoage use of mass transit.例如,伦敦市中心拥挤收费区建立就在于鼓励更多地使用公共交通。

22、The success of ry researcher contbutes to the lab's funding pspects, which encoages cooperation, Ramakshnan says.每个研究者成都会对实验室资助前景有贡献 ,这鼓励了合作,Ramakshnan说道。

23、The soil where this dark miner was working had perchance shown indications that encoaged him.那是因为这个阴沉矿工所挖掘土地中刚好显露了鼓励他一些迹象。

24、A forei party is encoaged to deposit in the Bank of China any part of forei exchange which he is entitled to remit abad.鼓励外国合营者将可汇出外汇存入银行。

25、Above all, he focuses on insping and nting grassots action by the 15- to 29-year-old “Millennial” generation.最重要是他注重鼓励和培养15-xx岁千禧年一代根行动。

英文句子26:,26、Every movie we see, ry story we're told…implores us to wait for it.我们看过每一部,读过每一个故事,都是为了鼓励你等待那一天到来。

27、AWWA encoages its members to direct immediate offers of assistance to disaster relief agencies on the gund in Haiti.AWWA鼓励它成员对目前在海地救济机构提供直接及时协助。

28、As yo biggest fans, yo parents can give you the pats on the back you may need to keep going.作为你最忠实拥趸,父母会给你必要鼓励,帮助你继续前行。

29、Alongside Florence in one of the boats, her mother and her trainer offered encoagement. They told her it wasn’t much farther.在佛罗伦斯旁边一艘船里,她和她教练不断地鼓励她。

30、Once cultivated and encoaged, women have the opportunity to unapologetically claim their fair share of the place.一旦受到启发和鼓励,女就会理直气壮要求她们应得市场份额。

31、selfdistrust is the cse of most of o failes.bovee 我们绝大多数失败都是因为缺乏自信缘故。

32、According to Engle , NASA is now encoaging builders to desi quieter hardware fm the start.恩格尔又说,现在NASA鼓励厂商从开始就设计一些较为安静硬体设备。

33、Commercial redistbution is allowed and encoaged; howr, the thor would like to be notified of any such distbutions.具商业目发行是允许,也是被鼓励,但在发行前应先原作者。

34、The collaboration also aims to sp the dlopment of research-validated ccula and assesent instruments.该联合会另外一个目标是鼓励具有研究效度课程及评估手段。

35、Use clean indenting and white Put braces on a line by themselves so they stand out.清洁刻成 锯齿 形,而且白颜空间放使用鼓励 线,所以,他们显眼。

36、The mocker knocked the stock with the knots on the stocking and sock.嘲笑者用长袜和短袜上结鼓打存货。

37、“We very much want to encoage fairness and balance in o appach in the council,” Bmmer said.布里默说:“就对待理事会态度而言,我们非常希望鼓励公平和平衡。

38、the secret of success is constancy of ppose.english pverb 成之秘诀乃为目标之有恒。

39、Instead of patchwork efforts that enable a race to the bottom, we must pvide the clear incentives for good behavior that foster a race to the top.零修碎补措施只能导致道德底线崩溃,我们必须建立明确奖励机制,鼓励良好行为,倡导最高道德标准。

40、A gwing legion of workers is floishing in work cultes that encoage taking sks and speaking out.越来越多劳动者在这种鼓励冒险和直抒胸臆文化中获得了成。

41、Instead, begin to share yo specific etic desires with him and encoage him to do the same.相反,逐渐开始同她分享你要求和渴望,并鼓励同你一起这样做。

42、What I did know was that my pfessors thought highly of clerkships, and they encoaged me to apply.我只知道我教授们相当推崇法官工作,并且鼓励我申请。

43、China will continue to offer facilitation for Finnish enterpses in the areas of law and investment envinment.双方还将鼓励业已蓬勃发展双向投资,为其提供有利和公平环境。

44、I generally recommend always fully exposing the image as if it were a daytime photo, and shooting in RAW mode.我一般鼓励使用原始模式,并充分曝光以获得白天效果。

45、living without an aim is like sailing without a compass.j.ruskin 生活而无目标,犹如航海之无指南针。

46、The handle of the malleus, with the umbo at its tip, ses the drum obliquely fm the cone of light upward toward the short pcess.对于处理锤骨秘诀在于与鼓膜脐穿过鼓间接从锥光向上移动短期进程。

47、There's a new beast in town and his name is Drum.短笛大魔王又生出了一个新怪物,他名字叫作大鼓。

48、The Buddha discoaged the vain search after speculative issues which do not lead to the release of suffeng.佛陀不鼓励徒劳无益地穷究一些不能解脱苦恼推测问题。

49、He also ged companies trying to svive the recession to follow Intel’s model of investing in fute pducts.他还鼓励在萧条期挣扎企业采用投资于未来产品英特尔模式。

50、Madan belis that her research suggests sral ways that employers can encoage their employees to save.Madan 教授认为,她研究给雇主们指出了几个如何鼓励雇员储蓄方法。

经典英文句子51:鼓励短句,51、The framework encoages solution integration desi by using sofare s that enable the business to achi mobility.通过使用支持业务移动能软件服务,框架鼓励方案集成设计。

52、He particularly encoaged internal argument among his advisers, thrashing out both sides of an argument.他尤其鼓励他顾问之间进行内部辩论,并且会反复研究辩论双方观点。

53、Refuse to eat shark fin soup and don't eat at restaants that serve it;拒绝食用鱼翅汤,并且不去有鱼翅吃餐厅消费而且鼓励您朋友也这么做。


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