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关于”主要成分“英子56个,句子主体:Main ingredients。以下是关于主要成分高二英子。

英文句子模板1:Main ingredients


1、Capsaicin - the main acdity of capsicum .


2、The bases of the carbohydrate in Hespean food is starch and cane sugar, and bases of the carbohydrate in the food of o country is amylaceous.


3、Artemisia and Chenopodiaceae are the main components of pollen assemblages.


4、The technolo has got better, too. The core of a plaa torch is a pair of electdes, usually made fm a nickel-based alloy.


5、The results show that the main compositions of the infusible matters are zinc oxide and the part of copper oxide that are bught in the pcess of casting.


6、The third part for the pblem and expeences that Wanke gws up, intduced key pblem and Wanke' s main expeences of the section gwths that Wanke has met.


7、Crystallization differentiation for granite is the main diagenesis mode.

出现在大多数火成岩中,作为主要组分或次要组分,并且是 片麻岩(eiss)和 片岩(schist)主要组分。

8、Amphiboles occ in many ieous cks as minor and major constituents and form the major component in many eisses and schists.


9、The key active ingredient in Dudley's is Polyquaternium-11. A conditioning ingredient used in many mousses .


10、C is mainly of fermanese carbonate sees, and ? C mineral composition of sediments in the East Sea is dominated by sidete.


11、Its major constituent is calcium phosphate.


12、Chaton mainly consists of crystal glass.

环状结构心部可以是以钨等重金属元素为主要成分碳化物, 也可以是以钛为主要成分碳化物和碳氮化物。

13、The central part of the ng structe may be either carbide with a high W content or carbonitde with a high Ti content.


14、Chaton consists mainly of crystal glass.


15、And salt and Glber's salt mainly constitute of dissolving salts.

跳发球已成为各队发球得 分主要手段。

16、The jump - serve has become important means of serve score.


17、Capsaicin-the main acdity of capsicum.


18、The fting and paleokarst are the main factors that contlled the distbution of reservoir , the favored areas of reservoir are banding.


19、Actinides are not only the main fuels of nuclear ener but also the main ingredients of the nuclear wastes.


20、It is indicated that infrasound is major noise soce inside vehicles.

21、Roman spectrum shows that the main component is non crystalline carbon with SP2 bond.喇曼谱分析表明,薄膜主要成分为SP2 非晶碳。

22、Pncipal Components: Aluminum Tpolyphosphate and modifiers .主要成分:三聚磷酸铝及其改物质。

23、Soy is the main charactesing ingredient in So Good.大豆是在如此良好主要特征成分。

24、Based on the supplying resoces, gund water was considered as the pmary resoce to the main runoff in the freezing peod.封冻期径流成分按补给来源分主要以地下水补给为主。

25、The collagens are the most important components of extracellular matx.胶原蛋白系细胞外基质中最主要成分。

英文句子26:,26、The second is the enzyme-linked receptors and the regulation of cell division and differentiation by their specific post-receptor pathway.第二大类是酶联受体,内容包括主要成员、特征及分类,酶联受体主要信号转导通路,促进细胞增殖、分化主要机理。

27、Couman and flavonoid is the main component .香豆素类与黄酮类为其主要活成分。

28、Ingredients:Lactic Acid, Salvia Offcinalis Saga, Limonene.主要成分:酸,凤梨鼠尾,柠檬烯。

29、Until you go to low presse, where now this term dominates the denominator.直到你在低压,这里这一项成为分母主要部分。

30、Main components: a vaety of amatic ketones and amatic esters.主要成分:各种芳香酮及芳香酯类等。

31、The main effective ingredient in Fructrus Ligust Lucidi is Oleanolic acid.齐墩果酸是女贞子中主要有效成分。

32、Its main components are monosacchades, disacchades and polysacchades.其主要成分为单糖、双糖和多糖。

33、Every presentation needs o major components -- life and ener.每种演示都有2个主要成分---生命和活力。

34、The whole thesis could be divided into 全文可以分成四章:第一章主要介绍了张培基教授生平和主要翻译、学术成果以及翻译风格概览;

4 chapters. Chapter one pvides a bef intduction about Pf.

35、Main components: oxalic acid, high-arbutin, oric acids and so on.主要成分:酸、高熊果苷、有机酸等。

36、Its main ingredient is polysacchade, alkaloid, amino-acid and etc.主要药效成分为多糖、生物碱、氨基酸等。

37、Objective:To clafy the main chemical components of cnite aa ot.目:测定虎尾根中主要化学成分。

38、The main component of liquid pducts is amatic compounds with substituted functional gup. The solid pducts mainly consist of carbon and fiberglas .热解油主要成分是芳烃,含有苯取代官能团,热解固体产物主要成分是碳和玻璃纤维。

39、Phytolaccatoxin is one of the main toxic constituents in Radix Phytolaccae.商陆毒素是商陆主要毒成分之

40、Lycium barbarum polysacchades (P) is main active constituent in Lycium barbarum.枸杞多糖(P)为枸杞子中主要活成分。

41、Of them the main component is: Caryophyllene(33.27%).其中主要成分为:石竹烯量高达33.27%。

42、Main ingredients: Crystal active gold, Lubrajel oil, ginseng extract, Angelica extract etc.主要成分:水晶活金,芦芭油,人参。

43、Polysacchade is the main medicinal component of Dendbium.多糖是石斛主要药用成分。

44、The first 前4个主成分对总特征根累计贡献率为85.54%,其中第一主成分贡献率为63.68%,主要生物学为蒜头产量构成因子。

4 pncipal accounted for 85.54%of vaation among the cultivars. The first pncipal accounted for 63.68% which might be regarded as garlic bulb yield component factor.

45、The basis of Yellow River estuary sediment is silt.黄河口沉积物主要成分是粉土。

46、Ingredients:Biosacchade Gum, Salvia Officinalis Saga, Calendula Officinalis Flower Extract.主要成分:活糖胶,凤梨鼠尾,金盏花萃取。

47、Major ingredients:Salvia Officinalis, Lactic Acid, Limonene, Glyeoilic Acid.主要成分:凤梨鼠尾,酸,柠檬烯,乙醇酸。

48、Arecoline is the main function component of betelnut.槟榔碱是槟榔最主要效成分。

49、Sociali is an important component of Zhang Junmai's liberali.是张君劢自由主义思想重要组成部分。

50、Ingrdeients:Tibetan medicine essence powder, macmolecule and absorbed water resin.主要成份:藏药精华粉、高分子吸水树脂。

经典英文句子51:主要成分,51、Geniposide and ccin are o major chemical components of Gardenia jainoides Eillis.素是栀子中两种主要化学成分。

52、The main component of hair is known as keratin .头发主要成分被称为角蛋白。

53、Result: main constituents of substances fm the4spots were monosacchade. Disacchade tsacchade and tetrasacchade respectively. monosacchade was mainly composed of fructose and glucose.结果:4个斑点构成物质分别主要为单糖、糖、糖、四糖,其中单糖主要由葡萄糖和果糖组成。

54、Main components: preservatives, anti-rust agent, ptective agent.主要成分:防腐剂、防锈剂、保护剂等。

55、This can be subdivided into fo main sub-categoes这种模式可以被分成四种主要子模式

56、Active constituents: 40% ellagic acids.主要活成分: 40%鞣花酸。

57、Ingredients: keratin hydlytic ptein, hamamelis virginiana, glycolic acid.主要成分:溶角蛋白、北美金缕梅提取物、甘醇酸。

58、The bran and germ hold the bulk of the nutents.麸皮和胚芽是营养品主要组成部分。

59、The work is mostly done.这药主要成分是糖和水。

60、Their formation and distbution are mainly contlled by structes of ck-forming peod.其形成和分布主要受成岩期构造控制。

61、The major components of dark tea water are theaflavin and thearubigins.黑茶汤主要组成成分是茶黄素和茶红素。

62、Ingredients:Salvia Officinalis Saga, Couman, Geraniol.主要成分:凤梨鼠尾,香豆素,香叶醇。

63、This ified that the main composition of TN is oric N.证明全氮主要成分是有机氮。

、Compound fertilizer is converted with its major component.复合肥按其所含主要成分折算。

65、The new tool consists of the main-machine and the scanner.该设备主要由电子主机和扫描器两部分组成。

66、Chengdu economic region which the center is Chengdu is the chief distbution area of industry.工业主要分布在以成都为中心成都经济区。

67、Ingredients : Pipal tree seed, semary, horse mint, azalea and etc.主要成分: 菩提子、迷迭香、香蜂、杜鹃花等。

68、Hydgen and oxygen are the constituents of water.氢和氧是水主要成分。

69、There are fo sets of major reservoir beds, and the structes show belt-like distbution.该区烃源岩分布面积广、厚度大,主要烃源岩系生油指标好;有西套主要储集层;构造成排成带分布。

70、A distinction should be made beeen the pmary and the secondary contradictions.要区分成主要矛盾和次要矛盾。

71、Constituent of tartar sce and many chutneys.是塔塔酱与酸辣酱主要成分。

72、Major ingredients: Eopean verbena medicinal tea and natal beeswax .主要成分:马鞭药茶和天然蜜蜡。

73、Oracle packages consist of o main components: package specification and package body.Oracle 包由两个主要部分组成:包规范说明和包主体。

74、The essence oil in Kaempfea galanga L. consists of many flavor components.沙姜精油是沙姜中主要呈味成分。

75、Ingredient:Chitosan, collagen, hyalonic acid, VE and etc.主要成分:几丁聚糖,胶原蛋白,透明质酸,VE等。

英文句子模板76:Main ingredients,76、The converged application is composed of o major parts.这个聚合应用程序由两个主要部分组成。

77、Marsh gas It is composed mainly of methane which is natally decomposed fm the residue of plants under the condition of air isolation, marsh gas is used mainly as fuel.沼气,主要成分为甲烷,由植物残体在与空气隔绝条件下经自然分解而成,沼气主要作燃料。

78、This consists mainly of cells called keratinocytes, made fm the tough ptein keratin (also the mateal in hair and nails).这一层主要由粗质角蛋白(也是头发主要成分)构成角化细胞组成。

79、This spice, a key ingredient in ces, gws wild in Malaysian jungles.这种调料是咖喱主要成分,主要生长在马来西亚丛林里。


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