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关于”一般将来时“英子26个,句子主体:general fute tense。以下是关于一般将来时高三英子。

英文句子模板1:general fute tense


1、Just then, the dog jumped at a lightning speed.


2、In general, the associated specification is published (as metadata) as well.


3、Although sell mutually and generally, also concession.


4、Generally speaking, it takes than one month to finish an embidery pduct thugh over

10 pcesses.


5、As a general rule, if you are unse about a food or ingredient, dont eat it.


6、Unspeakable horrs ensue in a deathly silence, a dreadful omen for what is to come.


7、Cots do not have time to hl in the millions of ordinary users who pilfer copyght mateal online.


8、Generally, the best time to observe an outer planet like Jupiter is when the planet is retgrading.


9、I now would like to wte down, in most general form the equation for the position and the velocity as a function of time for a one-dimensional motion whereby the acceleration is constant.


10、Or better yet, unplug yo headphones completely before wrapping them like a boa constctor nd yo media player.



5 hos of bus to with complicated feelings, I finally arved in Cuenca, the legendary city and the place I am going to spend the following year.


12、These platforms mease availability in months-to-years of scheduled uptime.

一般来说,对路径控制模块进行讨论时,使用是 P 一词。

13、The term P is used when path contl modules are being discussed genecally.


14、Come and go, but as soon as the tsunami hit and then complain incessantly when.


15、Often the orgin is difficult to establish or lost completely in the mists of time.


16、In general, you should define any time-intensive or long-running tasks as installation tasks.


17、They lifted me up and threw me out like a rag doll.


18、I know how it willhappen. I can picte, quite vividly,the sequence of nts that will lead tothe discovery.

究竟是什么时候起我喜欢哭如同爱笑一般 随心捏来。

19、What I like cry fm the time as general Xpress pinch love to lgh.


20、In general, silos are bad.

21、They watch as the inmates work the cell door contls to free the rest of general population.他们看着囚犯打开了所有牢门,将一般牢房区所有犯人放了出来。

22、Generally, you set block elements apart fm other blocks with vertical white , framing boxes, or the like.一般来说,使用垂直空格、带框架框或类似东西来将块对象与其它块分开。

23、This site will be worth visiting time and again as OOTP information, feates and photos will most likely be added on a regular basis!这一个位置将会是值拜访时间,而且再一次如 OOTP 数据,特征和相片将会很有可能被以一般方式增加!

24、Finally, the solution is generalized to a pattern.最后将这一方案推广为一般化模式。

25、For He Will Come Like A Pent-Up Stream That The Wind Of The Lord Dves On.就祂将要如同一个幽闭气流般来那风是主所驾驭。

英文句子26:,26、Doctor: Generally speaking, the tonsillectomy can be finished within half an ho.医生:一般来说扁桃体切除手术在半小时之内就可以完成。

27、Generally speaking, when we think about opposites attracting or not.一般来说,当我们想到异相吸时候,我们更多地在考虑人格。

28、Generally, a correspondence school's assiments can be completed in a few hos a day, leaving time for other activities as well.一般来说,函授学校一天只需占用少量几个小时,剩余时间作其他安排。

29、As an escapee , you're usually expected to hide out in order to avoid being discovered.作为出逃者,你一般会被预料将躲藏起来,为了避免不被发现行踪。

30、Reset nodename to the normal nodename重新将节点名设置为一般节点名

31、She became deathly quiet.她一般地沉寂起来。

32、Note, NiMH battees usually take like 5-10 hos to fully recharge depending on vaous factors.镍氢电池根据不同因素有不同充电时间,一般需要 5-10小时才能将电池充满。

33、How long does it take for a typical filming day for Rise of the Tomb Raider?一般来说每天拍摄古墓丽影会花多长时间?

34、More and pjects - fm the general to csis response - integrate gender issues into the operations on the gund.越来越多项目,从一般项目到危机对策,都将别问题纳入考虑。

35、Coolom panel is generally constructed fm pre-finished steel glue bonded to steam expanded polystyrene foam.制冷舱板一般是通过将半成品钢粘合起来,以将水蒸气扩散至聚苯乙烯泡沫塑料。

36、The weaving performance of yarn is generally expressed in terms of warp breakage rate in weaving.经纱可织一般用织造时经纱断头率来表示。

37、As a transcber, you will normallyhave to commit a certain number of hos per week.作为一名转录员,你每周一般要有确定数个小时用来工作。

38、To add aesthetic, it was generally used in fnite, pipes bied wall construction, but if the leakage and bst, will bng irreparable consequences.为使居室美观,人们在装潢时水管一般都采用埋墙式施工,不过,一旦出现水管渗漏和爆裂,将带来难以弥补后果。

39、General condition, to the single user residential speaking, it is not recommended to put heating and air conditioning put together.一般条件下,对单用户住宅来讲,不建议将供暖和空调放在一起。

40、Generally speaking, the pvince’s climate is the best beeen May and October.一般来说,山西省气候最好时候是xx月至xx月之间。

41、Generally, Iâ ™ll start out by creating a new pluglet based on the Model Enumeration example.一般情况下,我将通过在 Model Enumeration 例子基上创建一个新 pluglet 来开始这项工作。

42、They will typically spill the beans to at least one other person in 47 hos and 一般来说,她们会在47小时零15分钟内向至少一人。

15 minutes.

43、Countless mechanical equipment are adumbrative, in the fute one day, we are in the mm in penetralia , will as be in housetop pclaims aloud general.无数机械设备预示着,将来有一天,我们在密室中低语,将会如同在屋顶大声宣告一般。

44、So is a raven-black wolf fm the Elevation Mountain pack.不过同时还有一只全身乌鸦般黑、来自“仰角山”狼群(Elevation Mountain pack)狼。

45、But it usually requires an explanation.但一般来说他需要一个解释。

46、A few impressions stand out vividly fm the first years of my life; but "the shadows of the pson-house are on the rest."虽然,那些鲜活而生动记忆来自我生命最初时光,但是,“牢房一般阴暗将伴随着我余生”。

47、Although sell mutually and generally, also compmise.虽然卖相一般,但也将就了。

48、As a rule, trees and plants time the opening of their blossoms to attract their preferred pollinators.一般说来,树木植物选择开花时间也是最能吸引它们所偏爱授粉者前来光顾时刻。

49、This list defines the new element, mapping it back to the general element—for instance, mapping taskbody back to the genec body.该列表定义新元素,将它映回更一般元素 — 例如,将 taskbody 映回更一般 body。

50、In general, setting a pperty on a component tomatically calls the apppate invalidation method.一般而言,在组件上设置属时将自动调用适当失效方法。

经典英文句子51:一般将来时,51、VT and VF are fatal arrhythmia for patients, but timely electshock is a good remedy for them.一般来说,VT和VF是致命心脏病,但可以通过及时电击疗法来治疗。

52、Generally speaking, people reach their lowest lls beeen the ages of about 40 and 55.一般来说,在xx岁之xx岁之间,人们幸福感将达到最低点。

53、Even then, conditions in a Martian greenhouse would be beyond what ordinary plants could stand.即使在未来,火星温室条件也将是一般植物所无法生存。

54、Ajami argues that such a csis will put the Muslim Btherhood, which has a reputation of looking out for the common man, to the ultimate .阿贾米说,这类危机发生时,将使向来以照顾一般大众为号召兄弟会,接受最严峻考验。

55、Lenna: Just so so. There are no exciting things for me.蕾娜:一般般。对于我来说,没有什么兴奋事情。

56、The solubility of a typical ptein is at its minimum at its isoelectc point .一般来说,蛋白质溶解在它等电点时是最低。

57、Now, sometimes that can be within a theme and I think that's generally best.有时候一个流程也只限于一个行业领域,我认为一般说来这样最好。

58、The fools among the people will say: "What hath tned them fm the Qibla to which they were used?"一般愚人将说:“他们为甚麽要背弃他们原来所对朝向呢?”

59、In general, it is good practice to have a single pcess that is to be versioned in one module.一般来讲,最佳实践是在一个模块中包括单个将进行版流程。


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